Monday, June 22, 2009

Relief Society Lesson Reverence

Reverence and Respect
Margaret S. Lifferth
First Counselor Primary General Presidency
April 2009 General Conference

Respect for Others and Reverence for God Are Close Cousins

“Reverence Is Profound Respect Mingled with Love” -- David O. McKay

Learning Reverence Teaches Self-Discipline

Teaching Reverence
1. Love
2. Explain
3. Be Prepared
4. Determine a Reasonable Expectation
5.Work with Ward Leaders

"While we may not see an immediate, miraculous transformation, as surely as the Lord lives, a quiet one will take place. The spiritual power in the lives of each member and in the Church will increase. The Lord will pour out his Spirit upon us more abundantly. We will be less troubled, less confused. We will find revealed answers to personal and family problems."
-- Boyd K. Packer

“In all our prayers, it is well to use the pronouns thee, thou, thy, and thine instead of you, your, and yours inasmuch as they have come to indicate respect.”
-- Spencer W. Kimball

Korihor Again

Apparently Korihor is at it again. I just learned that he is extending benefits to "partners" of homosexual federal employees. This is disgusting. Why should people be rewarded for sinful behavior? It angers me that my tax dollars will be paying for benefits to people whose actions I find morally reprehensible. This is sick and wrong. Especially when there are so many other people who could benefit from those tax dollars. I could say much more but for now that's my two cents.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Exact Age

Two days ago, on June 13, I was the exact age of Joseph Smith when he was killed. (If I did my math right) 38 years six months four days. Joseph Smith was born on December 23, 1805 and murdered on June 27, 1844. I was going to post this on Saturday but I forgot. Anyway I just thought that was interesting.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Three Strikes

You may have noticed that my blog has gone progressively downhill. Let me tell you why. I started this blog with the grandiose notion of helping people. Perhaps helping people to become better, to choose the right, to improve their lives, maybe learn something they didn't know, or in the very least, remind them of things they already know they should be doing.

Much to my chagrin, my efforts have been in vain. The people I originally thought I could help or at least influence, never read my blog. Strike one. The people who do read my blog, and even agree with everything I say, haven't changed. They still drink caffeinated beverages, watch scumbag movies and television, use profanity, etc. Strike two. I have put much time and effort into my compositions, to no avail. It is obvious that I am woefully inadequate in my writing skills. Everything I have written seems to go in one eye and out the other (yes, I know I changed the well-known saying). Strike three.

So, as I gradually became aware that my blog has no effect on people, I put less and less effort into my compositions. And it shows. So I guess my blog is becoming the fluffy, daily travelogue that most other blogs are. So be it. I will still put my two cents in on occasion. But those compositions are a lot of work. And when you don't see any fruits of your labor, you quit laboring. Might I suggest reading some of my earlier compositions. If you've already read them, go reread them. In my opinion, the earlier compositions are my best work.

Three strikes and I'm out.

That's my two cents.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Bad Day

Warning: this blog is mostly going to be complaining so if you don't want to hear it, don't read anymore.

Today has been a bad day. It started out with dry heaving from the stench of cleaning out the septic downstairs. And it's not like I can just go outside and get some fresh air. So I had a horrible morning getting ready. And to top it off, the $1100 estimate for pumping the septic and fixing the grinder pump in the basement that never worked from the day we moved in, turned into over $2000. And this is to fix something that we've already paid for twice. We had two contractors, the first of which basically ruined our house and stole all of our money. I don't know what happened the second time around. But it never worked. So on top of the house smelling like a sewer all day, we had to pay twice what we expected to fix the problem. And as soon as I could, I went outside because I couldn't take the stench. I had to stay outside for several hours even though I was cold because the smell was so horrendous.

And then, my sister's mutant bulldog attacked my dog for no reason. They were both inside the house so they wouldn't bite the septic people. So they were both looking out the door wanting to come out. So dad went to let them out and the stupid bulldog attacked Samson. I have never liked Bulldogs, but now I really cannot stand them. They are either the most stupid animals ever created, ugliest animals ever created, or biggest jerk animals ever created. My guess is all three are correct. Samson doesn't like to fight. He is a very lovable dog. Who likes all dogs. And wants to be their friend. I mean really, how would you like it if some stranger moved into your house and kept attacking you for no apparent reason. This is what is happening to Samson. This mutant bulldog thinks he owns the joint. He urinates on all of my bushes and is killing some of them. He sheds 10 times more than Samson ever dreamed of, and leaves little short bulldog hairs all over the place. Not to mention, the gases emitted from his mutant body. Even after the fight was over and dad was petting Samson because Samson was acting timid and hiding behind trees and avoiding us because the bulldog was around, the stinking bulldog comes up and look Samson in the face again as if to start another fight. This is after he already got another gash in his neck. I mean really, how stupid is the animal? Samson could kill him quite easily if he wanted to. But Samson's a lover not a fighter. I resent the fact that this stupid mutant bulldog tries to intimidate my dog, and apparently successful at it, who knows why. This is Samson's house, and Samson's territory. Not a mutant bulldog's. And I thought Coco had problems. Kekoa is much more of a mutant. I am fed up with him. I should have let him drown in the pool when I had the chance.

Well this is just the start of my bad day I will leave it at that. I feel much better now.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Interesting Corn Fact

I was doing research online yesterday about how to grow corn. I came across some interesting information I didn't know, so I thought I would share. Every strand of silk on a corn ear corresponds with one kernel of corn. Every strand of silk must be pollinated for one kernel of corn to develop. Have you ever had corn with missing kernels? This is because the silk that corresponded with the kernel of corn did not get pollinated. Anyway I thought this was really interesting so I thought I would share.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Vegetable Garden Day 10


Entire garden


Corn popping up in rows

Einstein Quote of the Day

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. -Albert Einstein

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vegetable Garden Day Five

Dad helped me plant a garden last week. I have always wanted to grow corn, and this is our first attempt. We also planted zucchini and cucumbers and radishes. The garden was planted on Saturday, so today is day five. The radishes already started coming up yesterday! I'm hoping the rest will sprout by the weekend. I hope the fence dad worked hard on keeps the varmints out. A big thanks to dad for working so hard on my garden.

Interesting Tidbit

I was watching a series on the History Channel yesterday entitled, "How the Earth Was Made". I have seen it before, it's pretty interesting. There was one bit of information that I thought was interesting that I still remember, so I thought I would post it. I'm sure most of you are aware that the continents are drifting. The rate at which they are drifting is 2.5 cm (1 inch) per year. This is also the rate that your fingernails grow. So, every time you cut your fingernails think about the continents moving that far. I thought that was pretty cool. In my lifetime so far the continents drifted about a yard. Cool, huh?

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Television Delays Infant Speech

This is an article I came across today from MSN. I know I have touched on the subject before but I thought this was a good study so I thought I would post it.

Even background TV may delay infants' speech
Study: Kids heard 770 fewer words from adults for each hour TV was on

Even infants zone out in front of the television, and it turns out this translates into less time interacting with parents and possible lags in language development, a new study finds.

"We've known that television exposure during infancy is associated with language delays and attentional problems, but so far it has remained unclear why," said lead researcher Dimitri Christakis, director of the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development at Seattle Children's Research Institute and professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics discourages television watching before the age of 2, a time when critical development, such as language acquisition, occurs. (Christakis said a baby's brain triples in size during the first two years of life, so there's a lot going on in that little noggin.)

To figure out the TV-language link, Christakis and his colleagues rounded up 329 2-month to 4-year-old children and their parents. The kids wore digital devices on random days each month for up to two years that recorded everything they heard or said for 12 to 16 hours. The researchers didn't determine whether the adults and kids were actively watching the television or if it was just on in the background.

The study measured adult word counts, vocalizations of the child and the interactions when a child vocalizes and an adult responds verbally within five seconds.

Analyses of the recordings revealed that each hour of television exposure was linked with a decrease of 770 words (7 percent) the child heard from an adult during the recording session. Hours of television were also associated with a decrease in the number and length of child vocalizations and the back and forth between the child and an adult.

Distracted parents
"Some of these reductions are likely due to children being left alone in front of the television screen," the researchers write in the June issue of the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, "but others likely reflect situations in which adults, though present, are distracted by the screen and not interacting with their infant in a discernible manner."

And interaction is key for baby's brain.

"The reason it's concerning is because we know that hearing adults speak and being spoken to are critical exposures that play a role in infants development in language," Christakis told LiveScience.

With 30 percent of households having televisions on all the time, the researchers wondered how many fewer opportunities there were for children and parents to communicate and socialize.

"My recommendation first is that children under the age of 2 be discouraged from watching television," Christakis said. He added that even if the TV show is intended for the adults, the effect is the same for their children.

(Four of the authors on the paper were employed by the LENA Foundation, which paid for the data collection and develops technology for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of language delays and disorders in children and adults.)

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Turn your television off and talk to/play with your baby/child. There is no substitute for parents interaction with their children. Especially when it comes to childhood development.

That's my two cents.