1. Michael -17 tie breaker 55
2. Tammy -19 tiebreaker 57
3. Rex -20 tiebreaker 70
4. Mercedes -20 tiebreaker 67
5. Dad -21 tiebreaker 52
6. Derrinda -21 tiebreaker 49
7. Connor -22 tiebreaker 26
8. Lisa -23 tiebreaker 64
9. Mom -26 tiebreaker 65
actual tiebreaker 104 -- that Stanford USC game was just too crazy man.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Relief Society Lesson -- The Spirit of Revelation
The Spirit of Revelation
Elder David A. Bednar
April 2011 General Conference
Revelation is communication from God to His children on the earth.
The spirit of revelation is available to every person …
Sincere desire and worthiness invite the spirit of revelation into our lives.
Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-5
Revelations are conveyed in a variety of ways, including, for example, dreams, visions, conversations with heavenly messengers, and inspiration.
2 Nephi 28:30
We as members of the Church tend to emphasize marvelous and dramatic spiritual manifestations so much that we may fail to appreciate and may even overlook the customary pattern by which the Holy Ghost accomplishes His work.
“It is not by marvelous manifestations unto us that we shall be established in the truth, but it is by humility and faithful obedience to the commandments and laws of God” - Joseph F. Smith
*These are my overheads. I didn't have room to put all of the quotes and Scriptures on the overheads and I'm too lazy to go find it and put it on my blog. So this will have to do.
Elder David A. Bednar
April 2011 General Conference
Revelation is communication from God to His children on the earth.
The spirit of revelation is available to every person …
Sincere desire and worthiness invite the spirit of revelation into our lives.
Doctrine and Covenants 8:2-5
Revelations are conveyed in a variety of ways, including, for example, dreams, visions, conversations with heavenly messengers, and inspiration.
2 Nephi 28:30
We as members of the Church tend to emphasize marvelous and dramatic spiritual manifestations so much that we may fail to appreciate and may even overlook the customary pattern by which the Holy Ghost accomplishes His work.
“It is not by marvelous manifestations unto us that we shall be established in the truth, but it is by humility and faithful obedience to the commandments and laws of God” - Joseph F. Smith
*These are my overheads. I didn't have room to put all of the quotes and Scriptures on the overheads and I'm too lazy to go find it and put it on my blog. So this will have to do.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
CFP Week Eight Results 2011
1. Derrinda -14 (52)
2. Michael -16 (55)
3. Tammy -20 tiebreaker 49
4. Rex -21 tiebreaker 49
5. Dad -21 tiebreaker 56
6. Dallas -21 (63)
7. Lisa -22 tiebreaker 57
8. Mom -22 tiebreaker 63
9. Cody -27
Actual tiebreaker 44
2. Michael -16 (55)
3. Tammy -20 tiebreaker 49
4. Rex -21 tiebreaker 49
5. Dad -21 tiebreaker 56
6. Dallas -21 (63)
7. Lisa -22 tiebreaker 57
8. Mom -22 tiebreaker 63
9. Cody -27
Actual tiebreaker 44
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My Mom
My mom is the best person in the world. I know that’s a pretty bold statement but it’s true. She is my angel. I wish I was half the person she is. She has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive bone marrow cancer, multiple myeloma. She had a port implanted yesterday, for venous access, and has been very sick. In fact, she’s in the emergency room right now because she has some excessive bleeding at one of the incision sites. She starts aggressive chemotherapy on Monday.
I am devastated by the thought of losing my mom. Everybody needs their mom no matter how old you are. I guess I am just selfish, but there is nothing like the comfort of your mother. Especially in my situation, she is my everything. My mom is the most selfless, giving, caring, loving, and yes even the most patient person I know.
I am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with her. I cherish all the times we’ve had together while she cares for me and all of the nice 2 AM chats we’ve had. It breaks my heart to see her suffer. She is the toughest person I know. She has superhuman strength. If anyone can get through this extremely tough time, I know she can. I LOVE YOU MOM! Now go kick Cancer’s can!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
They're at it Again!
As all of you know, who follow my blog, I wrote a post last year entitled, "Boycott Costco". There was a firestorm that occurred afterwards by ignorant, dare I say, stupid people who wrote ridiculous comments on that post.
Anyway, Costco is at it again. They lost last year. So they rewrote their initiative which basically allows hard liquor to be sold in retail outlets and not just state liquor stores. This of course would dramatically increase the sale of hard liquor, including sales to underage minors. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure that out. This of course, would result in more drunks and more fatalities. If you want statistics, go read my previous post from last year.
I heard on the news last night that Costco alone has donated over $22 million to fund their initiative this year. So that they may sell hard liquor in their stores and make lots of money. With no regard for people's lives.
This is why we have been boycotting Costco since last year. And will continue to do so. I would, once again, urge you to do the same.
That's my two cents.
Anyway, Costco is at it again. They lost last year. So they rewrote their initiative which basically allows hard liquor to be sold in retail outlets and not just state liquor stores. This of course would dramatically increase the sale of hard liquor, including sales to underage minors. It doesn't take an Einstein to figure that out. This of course, would result in more drunks and more fatalities. If you want statistics, go read my previous post from last year.
I heard on the news last night that Costco alone has donated over $22 million to fund their initiative this year. So that they may sell hard liquor in their stores and make lots of money. With no regard for people's lives.
This is why we have been boycotting Costco since last year. And will continue to do so. I would, once again, urge you to do the same.
That's my two cents.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
CFP Results Week Seven 2011
1. Michael -16 tiebreaker 79
2. Lisa -17 tiebreaker 56
3. Tammy -17 tiebreaker 59
4. Dad -17 tiebreaker 62
5. Derrinda -19 tiebreaker 61
6. Rex -21 and tiebreaker 45
7. Mercedes -21 and tiebreaker 37
8. Richie -22 tiebreaker 56
9. Mom -25 tiebreaker 52
actual tiebreaker 52
2. Lisa -17 tiebreaker 56
3. Tammy -17 tiebreaker 59
4. Dad -17 tiebreaker 62
5. Derrinda -19 tiebreaker 61
6. Rex -21 and tiebreaker 45
7. Mercedes -21 and tiebreaker 37
8. Richie -22 tiebreaker 56
9. Mom -25 tiebreaker 52
actual tiebreaker 52
Worried Sick
In light of recent events, I have literally worried myself sick. Yesterday I started having a sore throat which progressively got worse and then came fever, chills, generalized malaise, and lots of dysreflexia. I don’t get sick very often but when I do, it’s really bad. Mom and I did not sleep a wink last night. I’m still feeling pretty sick. But I’m not writing this to complain. But to share with you a tender mercy that I received.
As I was trying to fall asleep last night I was having difficulty breathing. Elephants were sitting on my stomach and my head was congested so I had to breathe through my mouth. My breathing was quite labored and my throat was hurting pretty bad breathing through my mouth. Amongst all the other constitutional symptoms I had making me pretty miserable.
So, I asked Heavenly Father for a tender mercy. Incredibly, my throat pain decreased dramatically. Of course, I still had all of the other problems but, I was extremely grateful for the small tender mercy I received.
I have had strep throat many times in my life and the sore throat never goes away that quickly. It usually lasts for several days not just three or four hours. So I know Heavenly Father answered my prayer and is watching over us. Thanks to everyone who offered up a prayer in my behalf. I really appreciate it.
As I was trying to fall asleep last night I was having difficulty breathing. Elephants were sitting on my stomach and my head was congested so I had to breathe through my mouth. My breathing was quite labored and my throat was hurting pretty bad breathing through my mouth. Amongst all the other constitutional symptoms I had making me pretty miserable.
So, I asked Heavenly Father for a tender mercy. Incredibly, my throat pain decreased dramatically. Of course, I still had all of the other problems but, I was extremely grateful for the small tender mercy I received.
I have had strep throat many times in my life and the sore throat never goes away that quickly. It usually lasts for several days not just three or four hours. So I know Heavenly Father answered my prayer and is watching over us. Thanks to everyone who offered up a prayer in my behalf. I really appreciate it.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
CFP Results Week Six 2011
Here are this weeks college football picks results. But who cares?
1. Derrinda -8 (tiebreaker 73)
2. Dad -9 tie breaker 54
3. Mercedes -11 tie breaker 52
4. Tammy -12 tie breaker 57
5. Rex -17 tie breaker 45
6. Michael -18 (tiebreaker 55)
7. Lisa -19 tie breaker 48
8. Richie -26 tie breaker 41
9. Mom -27 tie breaker 48
10. Dallas -28 (tiebreaker 39)
Actual tie breaker 64.
1. Derrinda -8 (tiebreaker 73)
2. Dad -9 tie breaker 54
3. Mercedes -11 tie breaker 52
4. Tammy -12 tie breaker 57
5. Rex -17 tie breaker 45
6. Michael -18 (tiebreaker 55)
7. Lisa -19 tie breaker 48
8. Richie -26 tie breaker 41
9. Mom -27 tie breaker 48
10. Dallas -28 (tiebreaker 39)
Actual tie breaker 64.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
CFP Results Week Five 2011
1. Rex -20 tie breaker 48
2. Tammy -21 tie breaker 43 (8)
3. Dad -21 tie breaker 62 (11)
4. Parker -21 tie breaker 66 (15)
5. Mom -22 tie breaker 44
6. Lisa -24 tie breaker 57
7. Klancy -25 tie breaker 59
8. Michael -26 (57)
9. Derrinda -26 (43)
10. Sterling -30 tie breaker 60
11. Dallas -31 (43)
12. Richie -34 tie breaker 57
actual tiebreaker 51
Everybody did horrible this week, including my Aggies :-(. We actually played much better than BYU. We always seem to find a way to lose. We should be 4-0 instead of 1-3. But I'm not bitter.
2. Tammy -21 tie breaker 43 (8)
3. Dad -21 tie breaker 62 (11)
4. Parker -21 tie breaker 66 (15)
5. Mom -22 tie breaker 44
6. Lisa -24 tie breaker 57
7. Klancy -25 tie breaker 59
8. Michael -26 (57)
9. Derrinda -26 (43)
10. Sterling -30 tie breaker 60
11. Dallas -31 (43)
12. Richie -34 tie breaker 57
actual tiebreaker 51
Everybody did horrible this week, including my Aggies :-(. We actually played much better than BYU. We always seem to find a way to lose. We should be 4-0 instead of 1-3. But I'm not bitter.