A few days ago I tried to enter some genealogy information into ancestry.com and apparently it wasn't Dragon friendly. It would work but I have to enter everything manually by telling Dragon to press each letter individually. For example by saying press nine press T etc. So I gave up on that idea.
Then today I was on new family search.org where I've actually done quite a bit of data entry and browsing using Dragon. It was working fine then. But today, the computer kept freezing every time I tried to enter information. Funny how it's working just fine now that I'm not on family search. It was very frustrating. So, I gave up once again. Seems like somebody is trying to thwart my efforts. Cursed Luci!
I just had to vent. Okay I feel better now.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Mister Miyagi's Farewell Show
One of the bands that my brother is in, Mister Miyagi, is disbanding. Michael is the lead singer/lead guitarist. He puts on an awesome show. So, if you like 80s music, you should go check out Mister Miyagi's farewell show at The Crocodile in Seattle. This Friday, March 2 at 8:00 PM. Here is a link with more information.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Relief Society Lesson -- The Privilege of Prayer
Here are the overheads and quotes from my Relief Society lesson today.
The Privilege of Prayer
J. Devn Cornish
Of the Seventy
October 2011 Gen. Conference
Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man.
God our Father … is a holy person who … has a face and hands and a glorious immortal body. He is real, He knows each of us individually, and He loves us, every one. He wants to bless us.
Matthew 7:9-11
Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us.
Please believe how very much your loving Heavenly Father wants to bless you. But because He will not infringe upon our agency, we must ask for His help. This is generally done through prayer.
1. It is our privilege to approach our Father directly. We do not pray to any other being.
2. Reverencing God and giving heartfelt and specific thanks is one of the keys to effective prayer.
3. We freely acknowledge our dependence on the Lord and express our desire to do His will, even if it is not the same as our will.
4. We ask for those things we want from the Lord. Honesty is essential in requesting things from God.
5. An essential and sometimes forgotten part of personal prayer is repentance.
6. The Savior made a clear connection between being forgiven of our sins and forgiving others who have wronged us.
7. Do not forget to ask the Lord to protect and be with you.
8. Jesus concluded this prayer by praising God again and expressing His reverence for and submission to the Father.
We must not only say our prayers; we must also live them.
Sometimes we seem to get no answer to our sincere and striving prayers. It takes faith to remember that the Lord answers in His time and in His way so as to best bless us.
Please do not be discouraged if this does not work for you all at once. Like learning a foreign language, it takes practice and effort.
The following are a few excerpts from a general conference talk given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks:
The Privilege of Prayer
J. Devn Cornish
Of the Seventy
October 2011 Gen. Conference
Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man.
God our Father … is a holy person who … has a face and hands and a glorious immortal body. He is real, He knows each of us individually, and He loves us, every one. He wants to bless us.
Matthew 7:9-11
Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us.
Please believe how very much your loving Heavenly Father wants to bless you. But because He will not infringe upon our agency, we must ask for His help. This is generally done through prayer.
1. It is our privilege to approach our Father directly. We do not pray to any other being.
2. Reverencing God and giving heartfelt and specific thanks is one of the keys to effective prayer.
3. We freely acknowledge our dependence on the Lord and express our desire to do His will, even if it is not the same as our will.
4. We ask for those things we want from the Lord. Honesty is essential in requesting things from God.
5. An essential and sometimes forgotten part of personal prayer is repentance.
6. The Savior made a clear connection between being forgiven of our sins and forgiving others who have wronged us.
7. Do not forget to ask the Lord to protect and be with you.
8. Jesus concluded this prayer by praising God again and expressing His reverence for and submission to the Father.
We must not only say our prayers; we must also live them.
Sometimes we seem to get no answer to our sincere and striving prayers. It takes faith to remember that the Lord answers in His time and in His way so as to best bless us.
Please do not be discouraged if this does not work for you all at once. Like learning a foreign language, it takes practice and effort.
The following are a few excerpts from a general conference talk given by Elder Dallin H. Oaks:
The Special Language of Prayer
-Elder Dallin H. Oaks April 1993 Gen. conference
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches its members to use special language in addressing prayers to our Father in Heaven.
When we go to worship in a temple or a church, we put aside our working clothes and dress ourselves in something better. This change of clothing is a mark of respect. Similarly, when we address our Heavenly Father, we should put aside our working words and clothe our prayers in special language of reverence and respect. In offering prayers, members of our Church do not address our Heavenly Father with the same words we use in speaking to a fellow worker, to an employer, or to a merchant in the marketplace. We use special words that have been sanctified by use in inspired communications, words that have been recommended to us and modeled for us by those we sustain as prophets and inspired teachers.
President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) said, “In all our prayers, it is well to use the pronouns thee, thou, thy, and thine instead of you, your, and yours inasmuch as they have come to indicate respect.”1 Numerous other Church leaders have given the same counsel.2
In our day the words thee, thou, thy, and thine are suitable for the language of prayer, not because of how they were used anciently, but because they are currently obsolete in common English discourse. Being unused in everyday communications, they are now available as a distinctive form of address in English, appropriate to symbolize respect, closeness, and reverence for the one being addressed.
I am sure that our Heavenly Father, who loves all of His children, hears and answers all prayers, however phrased. If He is offended in connection with prayers, it is likely to be by their absence, not their wording.
When one of our daughters was about three years old, she did something that always delighted her parents. When we called her name, she would usually answer by saying, “Here me is.” This childish reply was among the sweetest things her parents heard. But when she was grown, we expected her to use appropriate language when she spoke, and of course she did. As the Apostle Paul said, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor. 13:11).
Those who wish to show respect will take the time to learn the special language of prayer.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Music, Fame, Tragedy
I used to listen to music all the time. Always, in my car, I had the radio or CD playing. And quite often, I would turn my CD jukebox on to relax instead of watching TV at home. Back then I could tell you the title and artist of every song and probably even more details about the artists. My preferred genre was country music. Since my accident, I have not been interested in music. Blame it on the head injury. I don’t know. But now, I couldn’t tell you any of the new country music artists in the last nine years or so, let alone any of the songs.
I guess because of recent major changes in my life I have tried to find comfort in going back to my youth and childhood. So, the past few days I have been listening to music that brings me back to those times. Basically, 1980s country music. Mostly Alabama, Keith Whitley, Lorrie Morgan, and a little Earl Thomas Conley, Steve Wariner, etc.
Anyway, I was reading about Keith Whitley on Wikipedia. I knew he died from acute alcohol poisoning. He died right around the time I was graduating from high school. I remember sitting in my dorm room freshman year at Utah State University listening to Keith Whitley music. Wikipedia said the autopsy results showed a .477% blood-alcohol content. To give you perspective .08% is legally drunk. I think Wikipedia said that would be 20 shots of 100 proof whiskey.
I started thinking about the tragedy of his life. At the time, he was at the peak of his career, married to Lorrie Morgan, and they had an almost 2 year old son. Wikipedia said that Keith started drinking when he started playing the music scene before he was legally of age to imbibe. To his credit, he tried to quit drinking a few times but never did.
In light of Whitney Houston’s funeral today, I started thinking about why it is that famous people, who die early, almost always die from substance abuse. The toxicology reports are not back yet for Whitney Houston, but it is well documented that she had substance abuse problems. Whether it killed her or not, it must have played a role somehow in her premature death.
Two other big names that come to mind are Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. Towards the end of their lives both of them looked quite ill. It’s extremely sad. I don’t know if it was the fame that they couldn’t handle or if they would have turned to substance abuse regardless. But I tend to think that fame had a big part in it.
I find it to be quite ironic that people seek fame as a way to find happiness, or whatever the reason is, yet ofttimes it has the opposite effect. It causes nothing but misery for which they turn to substance abuse as a way to cope.
I can’t help but think of how their lives would have turned out differently if they would have had the gospel. But then again, I don’t think fame and the gospel are compatible lifestyles.
That’s my two cents.
I guess because of recent major changes in my life I have tried to find comfort in going back to my youth and childhood. So, the past few days I have been listening to music that brings me back to those times. Basically, 1980s country music. Mostly Alabama, Keith Whitley, Lorrie Morgan, and a little Earl Thomas Conley, Steve Wariner, etc.
Anyway, I was reading about Keith Whitley on Wikipedia. I knew he died from acute alcohol poisoning. He died right around the time I was graduating from high school. I remember sitting in my dorm room freshman year at Utah State University listening to Keith Whitley music. Wikipedia said the autopsy results showed a .477% blood-alcohol content. To give you perspective .08% is legally drunk. I think Wikipedia said that would be 20 shots of 100 proof whiskey.
I started thinking about the tragedy of his life. At the time, he was at the peak of his career, married to Lorrie Morgan, and they had an almost 2 year old son. Wikipedia said that Keith started drinking when he started playing the music scene before he was legally of age to imbibe. To his credit, he tried to quit drinking a few times but never did.
In light of Whitney Houston’s funeral today, I started thinking about why it is that famous people, who die early, almost always die from substance abuse. The toxicology reports are not back yet for Whitney Houston, but it is well documented that she had substance abuse problems. Whether it killed her or not, it must have played a role somehow in her premature death.
Two other big names that come to mind are Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. Towards the end of their lives both of them looked quite ill. It’s extremely sad. I don’t know if it was the fame that they couldn’t handle or if they would have turned to substance abuse regardless. But I tend to think that fame had a big part in it.
I find it to be quite ironic that people seek fame as a way to find happiness, or whatever the reason is, yet ofttimes it has the opposite effect. It causes nothing but misery for which they turn to substance abuse as a way to cope.
I can’t help but think of how their lives would have turned out differently if they would have had the gospel. But then again, I don’t think fame and the gospel are compatible lifestyles.
That’s my two cents.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Common Sense
Doesn’t anybody have common sense anymore?
I read an article in the Deseret News a week or two ago that still irks me. So I decided to blog about it. As you know from my last post, this wonderful state in which I reside recently signed into law same-sex marriage. Which goes against everything history and morals have taught us about marriage. What kind of civilized society would even fathom such a law? It goes beyond understanding.
Isn’t it common sense that marriage be between a man and woman? Yet according to the government and a few deviants, well, a lot of outspoken crybabies who feel they are being discriminated against or perhaps just want to ruffle feathers, I’m the one who is in the wrong. Because I happen to have common sense and have not been swayed by mainstream media’s brainwashing.
Getting back to the article I read. It basically said that a lesbian couple in New Mexico inquired with a certain photographer about photographing their commitment ceremony. The photographer politely refused stating it was against her policy to photograph anything to which she had a moral objection. A few months later the photographer was sued for discrimination and won! Outrageously unbelievable. The lesbian couple was awarded $6,000. As a side note, this particular photographer wasn’t a full-time professional. She had just turned a hobby into a part-time side business to make a little extra money.
First of all, it’s obvious the lesbian couple had a chip on their shoulder. “How dare someone disagree with my sinful lifestyle. Let’s sue!” It’s even more ridiculous that they won the lawsuit. If the photographer was uncomfortable taking photographs of a lesbian couple at their commitment ceremony, then I’m sure she would not have done a very good job anyway. And more importantly, why should someone have to do something they have a moral objection to? What if the same photographer was contacted by the porn industry? If she refused to take pictures for them because she has a moral objection, could they sue her for discrimination? Really, what’s the difference?
The argument is discrimination. Okay then I guess we better start issuing drivers licenses to three-year-olds or 10-year-olds for that matter. Otherwise, are we not discriminating against them because of their age? While we are at it, we better change the law that prohibits the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. That’s discrimination.
How has the homosexual community hoodwinked our society/government? They already have all the legal rights/privileges that married people have. Why do they want to desecrate the sanctity of marriage? They lie and say that it doesn’t affect anyone else. But look at the above example from the Deseret News. Same-sex marriage does affect society, in a big negative way.
My 14-year-old niece, who is a freshman in high school, had to sit through a “gay rights” assembly at public school. They had a student who is “gay” and a homosexual parent of a student speak at the assembly. Is this what education is now? Pushing sinful agendas onto young impressionable children? Yet, Christmas cannot be mentioned. They now have winter break instead of Christmas break. Prayer is forbidden in school. Religion is mocked. Whatever happened to reading, writing and arithmetic?
All I can say is, Lucifer sure is working hard. Even he is probably surprised at how well his methods work.
That’s my two cents.
I read an article in the Deseret News a week or two ago that still irks me. So I decided to blog about it. As you know from my last post, this wonderful state in which I reside recently signed into law same-sex marriage. Which goes against everything history and morals have taught us about marriage. What kind of civilized society would even fathom such a law? It goes beyond understanding.
Isn’t it common sense that marriage be between a man and woman? Yet according to the government and a few deviants, well, a lot of outspoken crybabies who feel they are being discriminated against or perhaps just want to ruffle feathers, I’m the one who is in the wrong. Because I happen to have common sense and have not been swayed by mainstream media’s brainwashing.
Getting back to the article I read. It basically said that a lesbian couple in New Mexico inquired with a certain photographer about photographing their commitment ceremony. The photographer politely refused stating it was against her policy to photograph anything to which she had a moral objection. A few months later the photographer was sued for discrimination and won! Outrageously unbelievable. The lesbian couple was awarded $6,000. As a side note, this particular photographer wasn’t a full-time professional. She had just turned a hobby into a part-time side business to make a little extra money.
First of all, it’s obvious the lesbian couple had a chip on their shoulder. “How dare someone disagree with my sinful lifestyle. Let’s sue!” It’s even more ridiculous that they won the lawsuit. If the photographer was uncomfortable taking photographs of a lesbian couple at their commitment ceremony, then I’m sure she would not have done a very good job anyway. And more importantly, why should someone have to do something they have a moral objection to? What if the same photographer was contacted by the porn industry? If she refused to take pictures for them because she has a moral objection, could they sue her for discrimination? Really, what’s the difference?
The argument is discrimination. Okay then I guess we better start issuing drivers licenses to three-year-olds or 10-year-olds for that matter. Otherwise, are we not discriminating against them because of their age? While we are at it, we better change the law that prohibits the sale of alcohol and tobacco to minors. That’s discrimination.
How has the homosexual community hoodwinked our society/government? They already have all the legal rights/privileges that married people have. Why do they want to desecrate the sanctity of marriage? They lie and say that it doesn’t affect anyone else. But look at the above example from the Deseret News. Same-sex marriage does affect society, in a big negative way.
My 14-year-old niece, who is a freshman in high school, had to sit through a “gay rights” assembly at public school. They had a student who is “gay” and a homosexual parent of a student speak at the assembly. Is this what education is now? Pushing sinful agendas onto young impressionable children? Yet, Christmas cannot be mentioned. They now have winter break instead of Christmas break. Prayer is forbidden in school. Religion is mocked. Whatever happened to reading, writing and arithmetic?
All I can say is, Lucifer sure is working hard. Even he is probably surprised at how well his methods work.
That’s my two cents.
Friday, February 3, 2012
I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I haven’t had much desire to blog lately. But today there are a couple of things that irk me. Since I have nothing better to do, I decided I would blog about it.
First of all, Susan G. Komen is a pansy. Or rather, the foundation, Susan G. Komen for the cure. I was pleased to hear yesterday that Susan G. Komen for the cure had withdrawn grants to Planned Parenthood. Apparently because they are under investigation. I had no idea that Susan G. Komen for the cure had anything to do with funding Planned Parenthood, but apparently they did. Or do.
Well, there was a big uproar from all the liberal, abortion loving, ERA freaks. Which, nowadays, is a majority. So, what does Susan G. Komen for the cure do? Instead of sticking to their guns and standing up for what is right and what is company policy, they bow to the pressure of the liberal, abortion loving, ERA freaks and rescind their withdrawal of grants to Planned Parenthood and vow to continue funding them.
Doesn’t anybody have a backbone anymore?
Secondly, Washington State is a pansy. Or rather, the government of Washington State. Apparently, the state government has, or soon will, legalized same-sex marriage. I’m not even going to waste my breath mentioning why this is wrong. Everybody with half a brain should be able to figure that out. And if you can’t, well, I’m sorry you’re so lost.
What gets me though, is how can a few elected cheese bags make such a monumental change to our society without, at least, a vote of the people? Are we not a democracy? Apparently not much of one anymore. The Washington state government certainly does not represent me, nor are they doing what is good for our society.
Even though I’ve lived on this earth for a long time, I’m still surprised at how evil, and lost, and blinded our society has become. And, unfortunately, it continues to get worse.
This is exactly what the Washington State government is doing. And everyone else who thinks that same-sex marriage should be legalized. They are calling good evil and evil good.
Doesn’t anybody have morals anymore? Doesn’t anybody stand up for what they believe in anymore? Doesn’t anybody listen to Aaron Tippin anymore? :-) Okay, that last one was a joke.
Is everybody panseric? Susan G. Komen for the cure and the Washington State government certainly are.
That’s my two cents.
First of all, Susan G. Komen is a pansy. Or rather, the foundation, Susan G. Komen for the cure. I was pleased to hear yesterday that Susan G. Komen for the cure had withdrawn grants to Planned Parenthood. Apparently because they are under investigation. I had no idea that Susan G. Komen for the cure had anything to do with funding Planned Parenthood, but apparently they did. Or do.
Well, there was a big uproar from all the liberal, abortion loving, ERA freaks. Which, nowadays, is a majority. So, what does Susan G. Komen for the cure do? Instead of sticking to their guns and standing up for what is right and what is company policy, they bow to the pressure of the liberal, abortion loving, ERA freaks and rescind their withdrawal of grants to Planned Parenthood and vow to continue funding them.
Doesn’t anybody have a backbone anymore?
Secondly, Washington State is a pansy. Or rather, the government of Washington State. Apparently, the state government has, or soon will, legalized same-sex marriage. I’m not even going to waste my breath mentioning why this is wrong. Everybody with half a brain should be able to figure that out. And if you can’t, well, I’m sorry you’re so lost.
What gets me though, is how can a few elected cheese bags make such a monumental change to our society without, at least, a vote of the people? Are we not a democracy? Apparently not much of one anymore. The Washington state government certainly does not represent me, nor are they doing what is good for our society.
Even though I’ve lived on this earth for a long time, I’m still surprised at how evil, and lost, and blinded our society has become. And, unfortunately, it continues to get worse.
Isaiah 5:20
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
This is exactly what the Washington State government is doing. And everyone else who thinks that same-sex marriage should be legalized. They are calling good evil and evil good.
Doesn’t anybody have morals anymore? Doesn’t anybody stand up for what they believe in anymore? Doesn’t anybody listen to Aaron Tippin anymore? :-) Okay, that last one was a joke.
Is everybody panseric? Susan G. Komen for the cure and the Washington State government certainly are.
That’s my two cents.