- Chanelle -14 tie breaker 53
- Rex -14 tie breaker 43
- Tammy -15 tie breaker 51
- Lisa -17 tie breaker 74
- Juliet -20 tie breaker 67
- Dad -20 tie breaker 48
- Brandon -24 tie breaker 44
- Derrinda -25 tie breaker 45
- Elijah -25 tie breaker 44
- Mom -28 tiebreaker 63
- Cody -34 tie breaker 58
Sunday, November 29, 2015
College Football Pick Results 2015 Week 13
Monday, November 23, 2015
College Football Picks 2015 Results Week 12
- Tammy -12 tiebreaker 43
- Rex -14 tie breaker 71
- Dad -15 tie breaker 67
- Chanelle -15 tiebreaker 73
- Lisa -18 tiebreaker 62
- Derrinda -20 tie breaker 51
- Elijah -24 tiebreaker 34
- Brandon -24 tiebreaker 39
- Mom -26 tiebreaker 42
- Cody -30 tiebreaker 81
Congrats to Elijah for coming closest on the tiebreaker! :-) Way to go Elijah! Also congrats to Brandon for coming second closest in the tiebreaker and Mom for coming in third on the tiebreaker. :-)
Sunday, November 22, 2015
One Year
One year ago today my left femur was snapped in two. November 22, 2014. Why I remember dates like this I don't know, but I do. I wasn't diagnosed until my birthday December 9, 2014. I had surgery to repair it on June 16, 2015 and on November 9, 2015 I finally got good news that it was healing.
It was almost an entire year's journey from the original break until the miraculous news of healing was received. I truly do believe it was a miracle. Bones don't take that long to heal. Especially after it had already been three months after the surgery and there was still no sign of healing. Then two months after that it's healing. That's a miracle. There is no other explanation for it.
Here is the radiographic journey:
This is my most recent x-ray taken on November 9, 2015 -- callus formation and healing visible! :-)
It was almost an entire year's journey from the original break until the miraculous news of healing was received. I truly do believe it was a miracle. Bones don't take that long to heal. Especially after it had already been three months after the surgery and there was still no sign of healing. Then two months after that it's healing. That's a miracle. There is no other explanation for it.
Here is the radiographic journey:
December 9, 2014
AP above, lateral below
AP and lateral January 13, 2015
February 13, 2015 AP
March 13, 2015 AP
May 8, 2015 AP
June 26, 2015. X-ray 10 days S/P fixation
I don't know what happened to my July or September 2015 x-rays. I can find them on my hard drive. :-( Suffice it to say that there was no healing visible according to my surgeon.
This past year has been quite a journey.
I remember last Thanksgiving sitting at the table to eat our feast and not feeling the greatest with an undiagnosed broken femur. It was on this day that I announced to my family that I didn't think it was a blown out knee-- despite what everyone was telling me -- I went back to my original thought when it first happened -- broken femur.
I remember a certain family member telling me that there is no way my femur was broken -- because if it was I would be dead. I said, "get ready to eat crow because it is broken". And I was right, naturally. :-)
Oh how quick to forget -- people need to remember how tough I am. :-) Any lesser human would not have survived what I have been through. I'm pretty much the toughest person on the planet. :-) Thanks to superior genetics and unparalleled tenacity. :-)
Who would have thought that a year later on Thanksgiving -- my femur would still be healing.
But at least it's healing! Finally!
Hopefully by next Thanksgiving my broken femur will be a distant memory. :-)
That's my two cents.
Friday, November 20, 2015
This is a classic song by George Jones. There are many reasons why I love this song. First of all, The Possum delivers this song with emotion and genuineness. He gives the song authenticity -- he makes you feel like he's lived the song (and he probably has). :-)
The song delivers a good message -- in a nutshell: Since the day I was born I was given choices. I was taught right from wrong. Now I'm paying the consequences of my poor choices. If I would have made better choices my life would be a lot better.
It teaches basic doctrine in country music form. :-) Funny story: I quoted part of this song in one of my Relief Society lessons when I was in the young single adult ward in Long Beach, California. After my lesson one of the old man priesthood leaders who had overheard part of my lesson as he was walking by the Relief Society room waited until after the lesson to come talk to me. He wanted to meet the remarkable young woman who quoted George Jones in a Relief Society lesson. He was a George Jones fan and he could hardly believe what he was hearing. :-) It's not often that George Jones is quoted in church. :-) Especially by a young 20 something in Long Beach, California.
And last but not least I have to mention that "the Possum" reminds me of one of my uncles. :-)
Enjoy this wonderful performance of "Choices" by George Jones.
Written by Billy Yates and Mike Curtis
I've had choices
Since the day that I was born
There were voices
That told me right from wrong
If I had listened
No I wouldn't be here today
Living and dying
With the choices I made
Since the day that I was born
There were voices
That told me right from wrong
If I had listened
No I wouldn't be here today
Living and dying
With the choices I made
I was tempted
By an early age I found
I liked drinkin'
Oh, and I never turned it down
There were loved ones
But I turned them all away
Now I'm living and dying
With the choices I made
I guess I'm payin'
For the things that I have done
If I could go back
Oh, Lord knows I'd run
But I'm still losin'
This game of life I play
Living and dying
With the choices I made
I've had choices
Since the day that I was born
There were voices
That told me right from wrong
If I had listened
No I wouldn't be here today
Living and dying
With the choices I made
Living and dying
With the choices I made
The moral of the story is: make good choices and you'll be a lot better off.
That's my two cents.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Quote of the Day
"Happiness in this life and happiness in the life to come are interconnected by righteousness."
—Quentin L. Cook, October 2015 General Conference
—Quentin L. Cook, October 2015 General Conference
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Facebook Makes You Unhappy
Anybody who reads my blog knows how I feel about Facebook. Facebook is addictive. Facebook ruins individual lives. Facebook destroys families. At the very least, Facebook is a big waste of time.
I've done several blog posts about the ills of Facebook. So imagine my delight when a scientific study came out that validated my long stated opinion and feelings about Facebook. The study concluded that people who use Facebook are much less happy than those who don't.
I just did a quick search and found that there have been several studies that have reached the same conclusion about Facebook and its users being unhappy, lonely, and sad. There was a study done by the University of Michigan in 2013 and the one recently that was released a couple days ago -- at least that's when I read it -- I think it was in Finland or something. Can't remember. But anyway, the point is that if you use Facebook, you are generally not as happy as those who don't.
Case in point: Coincidentally someone I know recently inactivated her Facebook account for a short time. She reported that she felt much more free and happier than when she was on Facebook. Almost as if a burden had been lifted. Unfortunately she admitted that she was addicted and went back to it. :-(
I could go on and on about why Facebook is detrimental. I've personally seen it destroy lives and families. Because of peoples addictions and poor choices. Yes, Facebook makes you unhappy. Studies prove it.
Suffice it to say, true happiness is found in doing what's right and following Jesus Christ and His teachings. It's as simple as that.
That's my two cents.
I've done several blog posts about the ills of Facebook. So imagine my delight when a scientific study came out that validated my long stated opinion and feelings about Facebook. The study concluded that people who use Facebook are much less happy than those who don't.
I just did a quick search and found that there have been several studies that have reached the same conclusion about Facebook and its users being unhappy, lonely, and sad. There was a study done by the University of Michigan in 2013 and the one recently that was released a couple days ago -- at least that's when I read it -- I think it was in Finland or something. Can't remember. But anyway, the point is that if you use Facebook, you are generally not as happy as those who don't.
Case in point: Coincidentally someone I know recently inactivated her Facebook account for a short time. She reported that she felt much more free and happier than when she was on Facebook. Almost as if a burden had been lifted. Unfortunately she admitted that she was addicted and went back to it. :-(
I could go on and on about why Facebook is detrimental. I've personally seen it destroy lives and families. Because of peoples addictions and poor choices. Yes, Facebook makes you unhappy. Studies prove it.
Suffice it to say, true happiness is found in doing what's right and following Jesus Christ and His teachings. It's as simple as that.
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Tammy's Test Taking Tips
As many of you know, I have always enjoyed formal education -- and have a lot of it. :-) Therefore, I have taken many tests in my day. I consider myself to be a good test taker -- I actually consider it one of my many talents. :-) Some people can sing, some people can dance, some people can paint... I can take tests. :-)
Anyway not to hide my candle under a bush, so to speak, I decided I would post some test taking strategies on my blog to perhaps help those of you who are test taking challenged. :-) Or could just use a few tips. :-)
1 -- When there are time constraints it's always best to go through it quickly and answer everything you know first. Then go back and answer the questions you were uncertain about. Whatever kind of answer sheet you use just make a mark on the side of your answer sheet so you can go back to it later.
3 -- When you first read a question and read through the answers -- always go with your gut instinct. Usually one or two answers will stand out. Never go back and second-guess yourself unless you are certain the answer you're changing it to is correct. Sometimes you will remember the right answer when you go back but more often than not your gut instinct is right.
4 -- Sometimes the other answers will give you a clue to the correct answer. So if you're not sure, you can make an educated guess by looking for patterns in the available answers. Usually you can eliminate one or two right off the bat. Then make an educated guess. Your percentages of guessing correctly will go up dramatically when you eliminate one or two answers you know are not right and make an educated guess. You might be surprised at how well this strategy works. :-)
6 -- If the test is timed, don't spend too much time on one question. If it's taking too long to try to figure it out just guess and go back later, if there is time. Sometimes you can get caught up on one question and then not have enough time for other questions that you actually know. Or know better. Missing one question is better than missing two or three that you actually know because you ran out of time.
7 -- It's okay to be a little nervous before the test but once it starts lose the nerves. I have generally found that concentrating on the test takes care of that. Just remember that once the test starts, the time for preparation is over and you either know it or you don't so there's no sense in stressing over it at that point. Just do the best you can.
8 -- Eat something before you take the test. If nothing else, eat a Snickers bar or something :-). Your brain will be using a lot of glucose and it helps to have it readily available in the bloodstream :-). Never take a test on an empty stomach. Studies have shown that you will always fare better if you eat something before taking a test. Thinking is hard work and your brain needs energy to work. :-)
9 -- Pray. Ask the Lord to help you remember the things you have studied and learned. And to calm your nerves if you're nervous. Asking for divine assistance is never a bad idea. He will not bring things to your mind that you have not learned or studied but if you have put forth the effort and studied the material, He will help you bring it to your remembrance if you ask.
To toot my own horn a little bit, if I studied with someone and we basically knew the same material -- I would always do better on the test. :-) It really is a talent.
Anyway not to hide my candle under a bush, so to speak, I decided I would post some test taking strategies on my blog to perhaps help those of you who are test taking challenged. :-) Or could just use a few tips. :-)
1 -- When there are time constraints it's always best to go through it quickly and answer everything you know first. Then go back and answer the questions you were uncertain about. Whatever kind of answer sheet you use just make a mark on the side of your answer sheet so you can go back to it later.
2 -- If it's multiple choice and/or true/false never leave anything blank. If you still have several questions and there are only five minutes left -- just go fill-in bubbles randomly. At least you have a 20 to 33% chance of getting it right. Depending on how many questions there are. Actually for true/false it's a 50% chance :-) whereas leaving it blank, you have a 0% chance of getting it right.
3 -- When you first read a question and read through the answers -- always go with your gut instinct. Usually one or two answers will stand out. Never go back and second-guess yourself unless you are certain the answer you're changing it to is correct. Sometimes you will remember the right answer when you go back but more often than not your gut instinct is right.
4 -- Sometimes the other answers will give you a clue to the correct answer. So if you're not sure, you can make an educated guess by looking for patterns in the available answers. Usually you can eliminate one or two right off the bat. Then make an educated guess. Your percentages of guessing correctly will go up dramatically when you eliminate one or two answers you know are not right and make an educated guess. You might be surprised at how well this strategy works. :-)
5 -- The second time through always put an answer down. You will at least have an educated guess down. It's better than randomly filling in bubbles. If you're still unsure make another mark on the answer sheet and if there's still time, you can go back later and revisit that question.
6 -- If the test is timed, don't spend too much time on one question. If it's taking too long to try to figure it out just guess and go back later, if there is time. Sometimes you can get caught up on one question and then not have enough time for other questions that you actually know. Or know better. Missing one question is better than missing two or three that you actually know because you ran out of time.
7 -- It's okay to be a little nervous before the test but once it starts lose the nerves. I have generally found that concentrating on the test takes care of that. Just remember that once the test starts, the time for preparation is over and you either know it or you don't so there's no sense in stressing over it at that point. Just do the best you can.
8 -- Eat something before you take the test. If nothing else, eat a Snickers bar or something :-). Your brain will be using a lot of glucose and it helps to have it readily available in the bloodstream :-). Never take a test on an empty stomach. Studies have shown that you will always fare better if you eat something before taking a test. Thinking is hard work and your brain needs energy to work. :-)
9 -- Pray. Ask the Lord to help you remember the things you have studied and learned. And to calm your nerves if you're nervous. Asking for divine assistance is never a bad idea. He will not bring things to your mind that you have not learned or studied but if you have put forth the effort and studied the material, He will help you bring it to your remembrance if you ask.
10 -- Get a good nights sleep the night before the test. Do not stay up and cram. If you need a little extra study before the test, wake up an hour or two early. The information will be much fresher in your mind. After a good nights rest, your brain will be much more efficient. Studies show that those who go to bed and wake up early do much better academically.
11 -- Last of all, Good Luck! Although with these marvelous test taking strategies I have just given you, you won't need it. :-)
11 -- Last of all, Good Luck! Although with these marvelous test taking strategies I have just given you, you won't need it. :-)
That's my two cents.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Scripture of the Day
I really like the prophet Jacob in The Book of Mormon. He is bold and doesn't mince words. I like his style. :-) Anyway, this scripture jumped out at me the other day as I was listening to my scriptures. So I thought I would share with all of you on my blog. :-)
Just a little background -- Jacob is talking to his fellow Nephites who have turned away from the Lord and become more wicked than the Lamanites. How or why this happens I don't know, but apostasy is, sadly, becoming more prevalent in our day. So Jacob's counsel is as relevant today as it was back in his day-- approximately 500 BC -- and much needed.
Anyway here's the Scripture:
"10 Wherefore, ye shall remember your children, how that ye have grieved their hearts because of the example that ye have set before them; and also, remember that ye may, because of your filthiness, bring your children unto destruction, and their sins be heaped upon your heads at the last day.
"11 O my brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls; shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.
"12 And now I, Jacob, spake many more things unto the people of Nephi, warning them against fornication and lasciviousness, and every kind of sin, telling them the awful consequences of them."
Sunday, November 15, 2015
College Football Picks Week 11 Results
- Chanelle -14 tie breaker 78
- Lisa -16 tie breaker 61
- Tammy -17 tie breaker 57
- Dad -19 tiebreaker 47
- Derrinda -21 tiebreaker 54
- Rex -22 tiebreaker 81
- Cody -24 tiebreaker 58
- Dallas -24 tiebreaker 45
- Mom -26 tiebreaker 49
- Elijah -29 tiebreaker 42
- Brandon -30 tiebreaker 28
Rough week with lots of upsets. Congrats to Lisa and Derrinda for breaking into the top five! :-)
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Daily Message
"Life is not easy, nor was it meant to be…. living temple-worthy lives will hold together all that really matters."
—Quentin L. Cook
"We come to this earth to nurture and discover the seeds of divine nature that are within us."
—Rosemary M. Wixom
"We come to this earth to nurture and discover the seeds of divine nature that are within us."
—Rosemary M. Wixom
Friday, November 13, 2015
Christ Is Not a Pansy
The ignorance of the world continues to baffle me. I just don't understand how people can be so stupid and confused when things are so clear and obvious.
Why do people think Christ is a pansy? Our Savior is most certainly not a pansy -- in fact he is the complete opposite. None of us could have gone through what He went through for us. Christ did/does not love, embrace, or tolerate sin. He certainly loved and embraced the sinner -- but there is a big distinction that people need to realize.
The example that comes to mind is the woman taken in adultery. Our Savior did not forgive her nor did he tell her that what she did was okay. He told her to go and sin no more. He loved her, yes, and I'm sure he hoped that she would repent and follow His teachings and commandments. Because therein lies true happiness. But our Savior knew that she had her agency. As a matter of fact, agency is exactly what the war in heaven was about. It was precisely because our agency was so vital to our earthly experience and to God's plan of happiness that Christ's atonement was necessary.
I understand that there is a lot of persecution and even dissension within supposedly faithful, active members of the church because of a policy change to the Church handbook that was necessitated by the laws changing regarding same sex marriage.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Guess what people, doctrine doesn't change -- it never has and never will. If you don't agree with Christ's doctrine, then you certainly don't have to live it. So why must you whine about and get angry over a simple policy change in the handbook? That you have obviously misinterpreted. There is nothing in that policy change that is inconsistent with church doctrine or with Christ's teachings. There is nothing hateful or unloving or uncaring about it. In fact, once again it's the complete opposite. The policy protects innocent children. If you don't understand it, Elder Christofferson explains it well here.
There was a statement made by the Church Public Affairs Department that succinctly reiterates my point.
"Church doctrine is consistent with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. There is a strong tendency today for many to talk of Jesus Christ as if His teachings on love were somehow inconsistent with his teachings on divine commandments. Of course the Savior’s love was never withheld from anyone and His words on the cross exemplify that. But, He also expressed love by teaching clear doctrine and standing firmly against sin with sometimes-tough lessons for which people rejected Him. That is where Church leaders stand today – holding firm to the doctrinal position of right and wrong, while extending love to all people." -- 13 November 2015, Understanding the Handbook, By Michael Otterson, Managing Director, Church Public Affairs
Christ is not a pansy. He loves all people. He taught clear doctrine. He stood firm against sin. Why is this hard to understand?
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Quote of the Day
"We need to tighten our grip on the rod that leads us back to Him. Now is the “day of choosing” for all of us."
—Robert D. Hales, "Meeting the Challenges of Today's World"
—Robert D. Hales, "Meeting the Challenges of Today's World"
Monday, November 9, 2015
Good News Good News!
Well, I know this is going to be a shock to everybody but I actually have good news about my leg. It appears to be healing! Miracles never cease. Answer to many prayers.
I went in today fully expecting the doctor to tell me I need another surgery -- bone graft. But to my surprise he told me it looked like it was healing. Happy day!
I could certainly use some good news for once.
I go back in two months to get more x-rays to see if it is continuing to heal. Pray for me scooter. :-)
I went in today fully expecting the doctor to tell me I need another surgery -- bone graft. But to my surprise he told me it looked like it was healing. Happy day!
I could certainly use some good news for once.
Lateral view November 9, 2015
AP view November 9, 2015
I zoomed in on this view to show more detail. I had it centered better but apparently when I exported it to my pictures it used the center point of the whole x-ray. But you can still see the entire fracture.
I go back in two months to get more x-rays to see if it is continuing to heal. Pray for me scooter. :-)
O Ye Fair Ones
I try to listen to my scriptures every morning. No matter how many times I've heard it, something always seems to jump out at me or I hear something that I don't remember hearing before.
The Book of Mormon is an amazing book. I marvel at how relevant it is for us in our day. Even more so as the world becomes increasingly wicked. If you listen to the arguments of apostates, they basically quote verbatim what the apostates in The Book of Mormon said. Some things never change I suppose. Satan's arguments and deceptions worked back then and work now. Don't fix what ain't broke right? I guess that's Satan's philosophy. Human behavior is very predictable. But that's another blog post. :-)
Anyway I'll post my two cents another day, my intention today was just to post a scripture that jumped out at me the other day. Here it is:
Mormon 6:17-22
17 O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!
18 Behold, if ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen. But behold, ye are fallen, and I mourn your loss.
19 O ye fair sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands and wives, ye fair ones, how is it that ye could have fallen!
20 But behold, ye are gone, and my sorrows cannot bring your return.
21 And the day soon cometh that your mortal must put on immortality, and these bodies which are now moldering in corruption must soon become incorruptible bodies; and then ye must stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, to be judged according to your works; and if it so be that ye are righteous, then are ye blessed with your fathers who have gone before you.
22 O that ye had repented before this great destruction had come upon you. But behold, ye are gone, and the Father, yea, the Eternal Father of heaven, knoweth your state; and he doeth with you according to his justice and mercy.
The Book of Mormon is an amazing book. I marvel at how relevant it is for us in our day. Even more so as the world becomes increasingly wicked. If you listen to the arguments of apostates, they basically quote verbatim what the apostates in The Book of Mormon said. Some things never change I suppose. Satan's arguments and deceptions worked back then and work now. Don't fix what ain't broke right? I guess that's Satan's philosophy. Human behavior is very predictable. But that's another blog post. :-)
Anyway I'll post my two cents another day, my intention today was just to post a scripture that jumped out at me the other day. Here it is:
Mormon 6:17-22
17 O ye fair ones, how could ye have departed from the ways of the Lord! O ye fair ones, how could ye have rejected that Jesus, who stood with open arms to receive you!
18 Behold, if ye had not done this, ye would not have fallen. But behold, ye are fallen, and I mourn your loss.
19 O ye fair sons and daughters, ye fathers and mothers, ye husbands and wives, ye fair ones, how is it that ye could have fallen!
20 But behold, ye are gone, and my sorrows cannot bring your return.
21 And the day soon cometh that your mortal must put on immortality, and these bodies which are now moldering in corruption must soon become incorruptible bodies; and then ye must stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, to be judged according to your works; and if it so be that ye are righteous, then are ye blessed with your fathers who have gone before you.
22 O that ye had repented before this great destruction had come upon you. But behold, ye are gone, and the Father, yea, the Eternal Father of heaven, knoweth your state; and he doeth with you according to his justice and mercy.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
College Football Picks 2015 Results Week 10
- Tammy -11 tiebreaker 67
- Chanelle -13 tie breaker 52
- Dad -15 tiebreaker 56
- Rex -18 tiebreaker 63
- Lisa -21 tiebreaker 57
- Derrinda -21 tiebreaker 54
- Juliet -21 tiebreaker 66
- Mom -24 tiebreaker 56
- Cody -24 tiebreaker 48
- Brandon -29 tiebreaker 25
- Elijah -31 tiebreaker 69
Friday, November 6, 2015
Elk Herd 2015
We are so blessed to live where elk frequent our property. Here are a few pictures that were taken yesterday on our property. It's awesome to be able to go outside and see wildlife in my own backyard. :-) Who needs Northwest Trek?
Elk herd in our backyard this year. :-)
A closer view.
Check out the rack on this bull -- pretty impressive. :-)
Some of the elk bedded down -- bull on far right.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
I have noticed a trend in the e-mails I've been receiving lately. A lot of them are written as if they were a text message with no salutations. Usually just one or two lines with not so much as my name and a comma, then not signed either.
I find this trend rather disturbing. I don't mind getting a one line or two line e-mail -- Any mail is better than nothing :-) -- but I do find the impersonal text message like quality without any salutation of any kind to be cold and detached and yes, disturbing.
To me it's an indication of another step in the downfall of society. Yes, it's a minor small thing and it probably shouldn't bother me as much as it does. But, to me it's another step in the snowball effect that increasing technology has on undermining interpersonal relationships of any kind whether they be business or intimate familial relationships.
I do understand people being in a hurry to send a quick message. But really, is it that much more difficult to type two more words -- my name and their name? When an e-mail is addressed to me personally, I am much more likely to read it and reply. Now obviously, if it's in my inbox I know it was sent to me by someone I know and it tells me who it's from before I even click on it. But that's not the issue.
To me it's more about etiquette and interpersonal relationships. When you see your friend or family member, do you not greet them properly with a hello so and so and maybe even a hug? You at least call them by name and say hello. At least that's what etiquette would dictate. So why is it different when greeting via electronic devices?
All of my e-mails used to begin and end with a proper salutation. Now because of the increased usage of cellular phones and text messaging those habits are trickling down into all other areas of communication and interpersonal relationships. More and more of my e-mails in my inbox are not specifically addressed to me and to not signed other than an electronic signature automatically added. Even if they are specifically to me. To me it's just really sad.
Pretty soon no one is going to know how to properly address and greet people. I guess it's part of the dumbing down of society. Much like nobody under the age of 20 or so knows how to read or write cursive. Everything is electronic and robotic. It seems to me like with increasing technology society is becoming more apathetic, more robotic, less personal, and more reliant upon technology, Good thunder, people in the same room don't even talk to each other anymore. They just text message each other back and forth. It's very sad!
I have never owned a cell phone and don't text message people yet I'm being affected by the changes in society due to the increasing technology. And not in a good way.
So, if you do happen to send me an e-mail sometime in the future, please take 5 seconds to write Tammy, and sign it -- your name, at the very least. :-) It would be much appreciated.
That's my two cents.
I find this trend rather disturbing. I don't mind getting a one line or two line e-mail -- Any mail is better than nothing :-) -- but I do find the impersonal text message like quality without any salutation of any kind to be cold and detached and yes, disturbing.
To me it's an indication of another step in the downfall of society. Yes, it's a minor small thing and it probably shouldn't bother me as much as it does. But, to me it's another step in the snowball effect that increasing technology has on undermining interpersonal relationships of any kind whether they be business or intimate familial relationships.
I do understand people being in a hurry to send a quick message. But really, is it that much more difficult to type two more words -- my name and their name? When an e-mail is addressed to me personally, I am much more likely to read it and reply. Now obviously, if it's in my inbox I know it was sent to me by someone I know and it tells me who it's from before I even click on it. But that's not the issue.
To me it's more about etiquette and interpersonal relationships. When you see your friend or family member, do you not greet them properly with a hello so and so and maybe even a hug? You at least call them by name and say hello. At least that's what etiquette would dictate. So why is it different when greeting via electronic devices?
All of my e-mails used to begin and end with a proper salutation. Now because of the increased usage of cellular phones and text messaging those habits are trickling down into all other areas of communication and interpersonal relationships. More and more of my e-mails in my inbox are not specifically addressed to me and to not signed other than an electronic signature automatically added. Even if they are specifically to me. To me it's just really sad.
Pretty soon no one is going to know how to properly address and greet people. I guess it's part of the dumbing down of society. Much like nobody under the age of 20 or so knows how to read or write cursive. Everything is electronic and robotic. It seems to me like with increasing technology society is becoming more apathetic, more robotic, less personal, and more reliant upon technology, Good thunder, people in the same room don't even talk to each other anymore. They just text message each other back and forth. It's very sad!
I have never owned a cell phone and don't text message people yet I'm being affected by the changes in society due to the increasing technology. And not in a good way.
So, if you do happen to send me an e-mail sometime in the future, please take 5 seconds to write Tammy, and sign it -- your name, at the very least. :-) It would be much appreciated.
That's my two cents.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice
I loved Elder Anderson's talk on faith in the priesthood session. Here are some of my favorite quotes from that talk:
"Faith in Jesus Christ is a gift from heaven that comes as we choose to believe and as we seek it and hold on to it. Your faith is either growing stronger or becoming weaker. Faith is a principle of power, important not only in this life but also in our progression beyond the veil. By the grace of Christ, we will one day be saved through faith on His name. The future of your faith is not by chance, but by choice."
"There are many Christian men and women with deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we honor and respect them. But... we have been given something more: the priesthood of God, the power of God restored to earth by holy angels. This makes you different. You no longer stand on neutral ground. Your faith will grow not by chance, but by choice."
"How we live our lives increases or diminishes our faith."
"There is an adversary who delights in destroying our faith! Be relentless in protecting your faith."
"Although your beginning fire of faith may be small, righteous choices bring greater confidence in God, and your faith grows. The difficulties of mortality blow against you, and evil forces lurk in the darkness, hoping to extinguish your faith. But as you continue to make good choices, trust in God, and follow His Son, the Lord sends increased light and knowledge, and your faith becomes settled and unwavering. President Thomas S. Monson said: “Fear not. … The future is as bright as your faith.”"
"My dear friends, your faith did not begin at birth, and it will not end at death. Faith is a choice. Strengthen your faith, and live to be deserving of the Savior’s approving words: “Great is thy faith.”"
-- Elder Neil L. Andersen, Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice, October 2015
Sunday, November 1, 2015
College Football Picks 2015 Results Week Nine
1 --Tammy -8 tiebreaker 49
2 --Rex -10 tie breaker 48
3 --Dad -13 tie breaker 47
4 --Juliet -14 tie breaker 68
5 --Chanelle -14 tie breaker 53
6 --Lisa -14 tie breaker 48
7 --Mom -21 tiebreaker 48
8 --Derrinda -21 tiebreaker 36
9 --Cody -24 tiebreaker 39
10 --Brandon -28 tiebreaker 37
11 --Elijah -30 tiebreaker 70
Actual tiebreaker 85
2 --Rex -10 tie breaker 48
3 --Dad -13 tie breaker 47
4 --Juliet -14 tie breaker 68
5 --Chanelle -14 tie breaker 53
6 --Lisa -14 tie breaker 48
7 --Mom -21 tiebreaker 48
8 --Derrinda -21 tiebreaker 36
9 --Cody -24 tiebreaker 39
10 --Brandon -28 tiebreaker 37
11 --Elijah -30 tiebreaker 70
Actual tiebreaker 85
Be an Example and a Light -- Part Nine
"My brothers and sisters, our opportunities to shine surround us each day, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. As we follow the example of the Savior, ours will be the opportunity to be a light in the lives of others, whether they be our own family members and friends, our co-workers, mere acquaintances, or total strangers.
"To each of you, I say that you are a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. You have come from His presence to live on this earth for a season, to reflect the Savior’s love and teachings, and to bravely let your light shine for all to see. When that season on earth has ended, if you have done your part, yours will be the glorious blessing of returning to live with Him forever."
"To each of you, I say that you are a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. You have come from His presence to live on this earth for a season, to reflect the Savior’s love and teachings, and to bravely let your light shine for all to see. When that season on earth has ended, if you have done your part, yours will be the glorious blessing of returning to live with Him forever."
-- President Thomas S. Monson, Be an Example and a Light, October 2015 General Conference
Unfortunately this is the end of the series on my blog. Hopefully some of the quotes touched your heart as much as they did mine. I have enjoyed rereading this beautifully written talk by our beloved prophet and selecting my favorite quotes to share with you. And sometimes adding my personal insight. :-)
What wonderful counsel and beautiful blessings from our living prophet. I love President Monson. He has truly worn out his life in the service of the Lord. I hope we will all strive to follow his stalwart example and heed his counsel to be an example and a light.
That's my two cents.