We are in the midst of a floozationship pandemic. If it wasn't a reality it would be unbelievable. It used to be that you heard stories about people abandoning their families for floozies/floozers. But you didn't know any of them personally. Now it is becoming so common that almost everybody knows someone personally, and is often times closely related to someone who has abandoned their families for floozies/floozers. And most people know several people personally who have abandoned their families. This became even more apparent to me during Sunday school this week. The lesson was about Alma the younger but many people shared stories about their own family members going astray, making foolish choices, and leaving their families behind. Families are disintegrating at breakneck speed. It truly is a pandemic.
It is so sad that so many people allow Satan to control their lives. Not only do they throw their entire mortal life away while destroying the families they abandoned including their innocent children. But they also jeopardize their eternal salvation if they choose not to repent.
The floozationship pandemic is far worse than any pandemic in the history of mankind. Far worse than the black death/plague, AIDS/HIV, swine flu, bird flu, Zika virus, or any other pandemic you can think of. It's because the floozationship pandemic destroys souls not just bodies. Spiritual death is far worse than physical suffering and death.
How and why people become so brainwashed by Satan is beyond me. I'm a logical thinker. Floozationships are illogical. It makes no sense to break up a nuclear family to chase some floozy (or floozer) who is always uglier than the wife (or husband) you are leaving-- Not to mention the poor children who are left as collateral damage. Despite all the lies people believe, children are never the same after divorce. Their hearts are broken. They feel abandoned. They don't understand why their dad would leave their mom for a horse faced floozy who won't be around in a few years. It destroys the child. It will affect them for the rest of their life. Not to mention the devastating financial implications for all parties involved in divorce. Which is nothing compared to the deleterious consequences many people pay, all because someone chooses a selfish, sinful lifestyle.
It makes no sense whatsoever. Completely illogical. But for some reason many people choose to believe Satan and his lies and choose to live in lala land. It's a pandemic. Floozationships are becoming so common that intact nuclear families are now a minority it seems.
Here's an example of how illogical floozationships are. True story. A man goes to work the day of a big rivalry football game. He is a fan of the out-of-state team. His coworkers ask him why he's not more hyped about the big game. He replies that his relative --who is also a fan of the out-of-state team -- abandoned his family for a former cheerleader of the hometown team, therefore he wasn't happy with him so he wasn't excited about the game. The coworker states the name of a former cheerleader of the hometown team and asks if perchance if it was the same woman? He said they went to high school together and named the high school and said that he had sex with her back in the day. The man doesn't know the floozy former cheerleader's last name but the first names match. So the man goes home after work and asks his wife what the floozy's last name was and sure enough it was the same woman! You can't make this stuff up. So the man's relative left his beautiful, faithful wife (and children) for an ugly horse faced common floozy. Makes perfect sense right?
My point in telling this story was to show how illogical floozationships are to people who are still living in reality. I've done a couple blog posts about how sin makes people stupid. This is just another example.
The good news is, there is a cure for the floozationship pandemic. It's quite simple: Repent and keep the commandments. Stop believing Satan's lies, leave lala land in the past and come back to reality, do what you need to do to repent and get your life back on track, then keep the commandments.
As with many pandemics, there are often cures and treatments available that people don't seek and end up dying as a result-- whether physical or spiritual. Unfortunately this is often the case with the floozationship pandemic. The cure is available but most people choose not to accept it.
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Monday, May 30, 2016
Never Give up
There was a quote that stuck out to me during our Gospel Doctrine lesson yesterday. So I took the time to go to the manual and find it. Here it is:
Jeffrey R. Holland said: “Perhaps no anguish of the human spirit matches the anguish of a mother or father who fears for the soul of a child. … [But] parents can never give up hoping or caring or believing. Surely they can never give up praying. At times prayer may be the only course of action remaining—but it is the most powerful of them all” (“Alma, Son of Alma,” Ensign, Mar. 1977, 80–81).
Side note for record purposes: yesterday I was released as YW Secretary and called and sustained as a Relief Society teacher. I will be teaching second Sunday Relief Society lessons.
Jeffrey R. Holland said: “Perhaps no anguish of the human spirit matches the anguish of a mother or father who fears for the soul of a child. … [But] parents can never give up hoping or caring or believing. Surely they can never give up praying. At times prayer may be the only course of action remaining—but it is the most powerful of them all” (“Alma, Son of Alma,” Ensign, Mar. 1977, 80–81).
Side note for record purposes: yesterday I was released as YW Secretary and called and sustained as a Relief Society teacher. I will be teaching second Sunday Relief Society lessons.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Obedience Is Not Weak
"Strong, proactive obedience is anything but weak or passive. It is the means by which we declare our faith in God and qualify ourselves to receive the powers of heaven."
—L. Tom Perry, "Obedience through Our Faithfulness"
Monday, May 23, 2016
Great Rush Limbaugh Quote
"Democrats never get in trouble when they lie, but they always get in trouble when they tell the truth. And now we add Ed Rendell to the roster. Any Democrat you want, Ben Rhodes, Jonathan Gruber, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, they never get in trouble when they lie. It is only when they accidentally utter the truth that people on their side get mad at them. And why is that? Because when they tell the truth, they are unmasking and stripping away the camouflage that is liberalism and the Democrat Party.
"Remember, now, Democrats can rarely be up-front honest about their policy intentions, their ideological intentions and desires, 'cause if they were, nobody would vote for them. Not a majority. A majority of people would not elect them. They have to lie. They have to cover and misdirect, cover-up what they actually believe." -- Rush Limbaugh, May 19, 2016
"Remember, now, Democrats can rarely be up-front honest about their policy intentions, their ideological intentions and desires, 'cause if they were, nobody would vote for them. Not a majority. A majority of people would not elect them. They have to lie. They have to cover and misdirect, cover-up what they actually believe." -- Rush Limbaugh, May 19, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Scripture of the Day
Mosiah 2:32-34
32 But, O my people, beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit, which was spoken of by my father Mosiah.
33 For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to obey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his sins, the same drinketh damnation to his own soul; for he receiveth for his wages an everlasting punishment, having transgressed the law of God contrary to his own knowledge.
34 I say unto you, that there are not any among you, except it be your little children that have not been taught concerning these things...
32 But, O my people, beware lest there shall arise contentions among you, and ye list to obey the evil spirit, which was spoken of by my father Mosiah.
33 For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to obey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his sins, the same drinketh damnation to his own soul; for he receiveth for his wages an everlasting punishment, having transgressed the law of God contrary to his own knowledge.
34 I say unto you, that there are not any among you, except it be your little children that have not been taught concerning these things...
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Vanity Is Ugly
They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Which is true to some degree. Everybody has their own ideas as to what is beautiful. But there are also cultural beauty norms. For instance, several hundred years ago in European culture, having porcelain white skin and being pleasantly plump was the standard of beauty. In our present culture being thin and tan is considered beautiful. Many people will go to any length to be thinner and look at all the crazy things people do to either become tan or have the appearance of being tan.
I personally think being tan looks bad. It looks unhealthy. It makes you look older and wrinkly. It makes your skin feel and look like leather. Not pretty in my eyes. I personally love the sun and love being out in the sunshine but I consider the resultant tan on my skin as a deleterious consequence of my choice to spend time in the sun. Not to mention the cancer risk.
If you think the cancer risk from suntanning is bad. Studies show that tanning beds are worse. And don't even get me started on spray tans. Not only do the chemicals in spray tans cause cancer but why would anybody want an orange face and white ears? Spray tans look terrible. And that's just not my personal opinion.
People do many crazy, strange things in the name of vanity. And most of the time, they end up looking worse. Spray tanning is one example. Plastic surgery is another. How many celebrities actually look better after plastic surgery? They usually look much worse. I could cite examples but I don't want to embarrass anybody.
My point in this that not only does vanity makes you look uglier, but it is often times detrimental to your health.
That's my two cents.
I personally think being tan looks bad. It looks unhealthy. It makes you look older and wrinkly. It makes your skin feel and look like leather. Not pretty in my eyes. I personally love the sun and love being out in the sunshine but I consider the resultant tan on my skin as a deleterious consequence of my choice to spend time in the sun. Not to mention the cancer risk.
If you think the cancer risk from suntanning is bad. Studies show that tanning beds are worse. And don't even get me started on spray tans. Not only do the chemicals in spray tans cause cancer but why would anybody want an orange face and white ears? Spray tans look terrible. And that's just not my personal opinion.
People do many crazy, strange things in the name of vanity. And most of the time, they end up looking worse. Spray tanning is one example. Plastic surgery is another. How many celebrities actually look better after plastic surgery? They usually look much worse. I could cite examples but I don't want to embarrass anybody.
My point in this that not only does vanity makes you look uglier, but it is often times detrimental to your health.
That's my two cents.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Distance Runners Don't Need Friends
I've never had many friends. Those few friends I do choose to include in my life I select very wisely. I know the importance of surrounding myself with good people who share my beliefs and morals and whose presence is uplifting. You become like those who you spend time with and associate with.
We've all heard people worry about their loved ones "hanging out with the wrong crowd". Why? It is precisely because the influence of our associates is so powerful.
I was reading the Ensign and this paragraph from one of the articles really struck me:
It's human nature to gravitate towards those who are similar to you. That's where you're comfortable. Therefore, looking at someone's social circle tells a lot about who they are. I would go so far as to say that looking at who people choose to spend their time with says more about them than what they actually say about themselves.
Choose your friends wisely. Choose to associate with those who will buoy you up, not drag you down. And always remember these wise words of my father, "Distance runners don't need friends".
Choose your friends wisely. Choose to associate with those who will buoy you up, not drag you down. And always remember these wise words of my father, "Distance runners don't need friends".
That's my two cents.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Panseric Weaklings
One thing I forgot to mention during my family home evening lesson -- which was actually going to be one of my main points -- is that people who don't keep the commandments are weak. And people who do keep the commandments are strong.
I did the whole physical weakness and physical strength analogy. I mentioned it takes work to be physically strong. And it also takes work to be spiritually strong.
It's a lot easier to take the path of least resistance and jump on the slippery slope to spiritual death. Those who do so are just weak. Pansies. They listen to Satan's lies and believe them. Weak. The more bad choices they make, the easier it is to continue on the slippery slope. Weak. It doesn't take much before they are allowing Satan to control their lives. Weak.
Keeping the commandments really isn't that hard but it does require work. But just like with any type of work, the more you do it, the easier it becomes also. Going out and running 6 miles to someone who hasn't done so in a while, or ever, might seem like an arduous task. Impossible maybe for some. For someone who runs 6 miles every day, it's a walk in the park. Automatic even. I know, I used to do it. It is still work but it is easy and it is enjoyable.
Keeping the commandments is the same way. Reading scriptures daily or going to church weekly for example might seem difficult at first. But the more you do it, the easier it gets and it even becomes automatic. Just part of your routine. That applies to any of the commandments.
My point is, those who keep the commandments are strong because they work at it. Work is an eternal principle. Those who break the commandments are weak. Panseric weaklings. Spiritual couch potatoes.
I should clarify that all of us break the commandments once in a while. But hopefully repent and get back on track and keep trying. That's not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about chronic serial commandment breakers who don't try to do what's right. Those are the panseric weaklings of which I speak.
Commandment keepers are strong. Commandment breakers are weak.
That's my two cents.
I did the whole physical weakness and physical strength analogy. I mentioned it takes work to be physically strong. And it also takes work to be spiritually strong.
It's a lot easier to take the path of least resistance and jump on the slippery slope to spiritual death. Those who do so are just weak. Pansies. They listen to Satan's lies and believe them. Weak. The more bad choices they make, the easier it is to continue on the slippery slope. Weak. It doesn't take much before they are allowing Satan to control their lives. Weak.
Keeping the commandments really isn't that hard but it does require work. But just like with any type of work, the more you do it, the easier it becomes also. Going out and running 6 miles to someone who hasn't done so in a while, or ever, might seem like an arduous task. Impossible maybe for some. For someone who runs 6 miles every day, it's a walk in the park. Automatic even. I know, I used to do it. It is still work but it is easy and it is enjoyable.
Keeping the commandments is the same way. Reading scriptures daily or going to church weekly for example might seem difficult at first. But the more you do it, the easier it gets and it even becomes automatic. Just part of your routine. That applies to any of the commandments.
My point is, those who keep the commandments are strong because they work at it. Work is an eternal principle. Those who break the commandments are weak. Panseric weaklings. Spiritual couch potatoes.
I should clarify that all of us break the commandments once in a while. But hopefully repent and get back on track and keep trying. That's not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about chronic serial commandment breakers who don't try to do what's right. Those are the panseric weaklings of which I speak.
Commandment keepers are strong. Commandment breakers are weak.
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
I've been sick this past week with what I believe is Norovirus. So I wanted to put some information up on my blog about it since I've read a little bit about it this week.
Norovirus is the most common cause of foodborne illness in the United States.
Each year in the United States approximately 19,000-21,000 people get sick from norovirus. And approximately 600 to 800 people die from it every year.
Norovirus is extremely contagious and it is easily spread. This is the bug that causes the outbreaks you hear about on cruise ships. It is also prevalent in nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, etc.
Norovirus causes gastroenteritis. It is also known as winter vomiting bug. It is more prevalent during winter months but you can get it anytime.
Norovirus is very resilient and can survive temperatures of up to 140°. Can survive flash steaming of shellfish. It can also survive on hard surfaces for days.
Best way to prevent the spread of norovirus -- and any disease for that matter -- is handwashing! Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. A good way to time that is to sing happy birthday twice as you're washing your hands. That's the advice the website gave. :-)
Hand sanitizers do not kill norovirus. You must wash your hands with soap and water.
To clean hard surfaces use a diluted bleach solution of 5 tablespoons-25 tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water. About 1 cup per gallon.
It is recommended that anyone infected with norovirus not prepare anyone else's food for at least three days after they feel better.
Just like the rhinovirus (common cold) there are many different strains which makes developing vaccines difficult. There are approximately 25 known strains of norovirus which means you can get it at least 25 different times. :-(
It takes fewer than 100 Noroviruses to make you sick. Which is an extremely small number!
Most of the information was taken from the CDC's website. I just found this summary. I should have just posted it, it would have been a lot less work. Click link:
CDC norovirus key facts link
Norovirus is the most common cause of foodborne illness in the United States.
Each year in the United States approximately 19,000-21,000 people get sick from norovirus. And approximately 600 to 800 people die from it every year.
Norovirus is extremely contagious and it is easily spread. This is the bug that causes the outbreaks you hear about on cruise ships. It is also prevalent in nursing homes, daycare centers, schools, etc.
Norovirus causes gastroenteritis. It is also known as winter vomiting bug. It is more prevalent during winter months but you can get it anytime.
Norovirus is very resilient and can survive temperatures of up to 140°. Can survive flash steaming of shellfish. It can also survive on hard surfaces for days.
Best way to prevent the spread of norovirus -- and any disease for that matter -- is handwashing! Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. A good way to time that is to sing happy birthday twice as you're washing your hands. That's the advice the website gave. :-)
Hand sanitizers do not kill norovirus. You must wash your hands with soap and water.
To clean hard surfaces use a diluted bleach solution of 5 tablespoons-25 tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water. About 1 cup per gallon.
It is recommended that anyone infected with norovirus not prepare anyone else's food for at least three days after they feel better.
Just like the rhinovirus (common cold) there are many different strains which makes developing vaccines difficult. There are approximately 25 known strains of norovirus which means you can get it at least 25 different times. :-(
It takes fewer than 100 Noroviruses to make you sick. Which is an extremely small number!
Most of the information was taken from the CDC's website. I just found this summary. I should have just posted it, it would have been a lot less work. Click link:
CDC norovirus key facts link
Monday, May 16, 2016
Lala Land
I'm just going to vent a little bit because I've been wanting to blog all week but I've been sick.
This world is becoming more and more unreal everyday. It's like everybody lives in lala land with their heads in the clouds.
I was reading Miss Manners as I usually do and there were several letters regarding entitlement. Just a few examples: a man and his wife hosted a family barbecue. Then proceeded to charge for the meal. The brother was writing in saying he and his wife with their three-year-old and 19-month-old were charged $45 for the meal by his brother and sister-in-law. And the parents were also charged for the meal. And this was a family get-together. Miss Manners pointed out that she receives letters every year from people being charged for Thanksgiving dinner at their family Thanksgiving feasts.
Another letter was from a woman whose sister was complaining to her that neither she nor their mother gave her a Mother's Day present. Apparently she was a new mother. The sister informed her that she wasn't her mother and she did buy their mother a Mother's Day gift. So I guess word got back to their mother and she sent her complaining daughter a card. So what does the daughter do? Instead of being grateful for the card her mother sent, she complains again to the sister that the mother didn't include a gift card!
Seriously? What kind of lala land do these people live in? Unfortunately this kind of behavior is becoming the norm.
Then there's the whole media obsession with transgenderism. Apparently now that the homosexual community has what they want with same-sex marriage and people being thrown in prison for not baking them a cake, They have to move on to transgenderism. They've got to find something to be angry about. This whole bathroom thing is ridiculous so I'm not even going to address it but I will say one thing. It doesn't matter how much surgery you have, what kind of clothes you wear, makeup, etc. every cell in your body contains DNA in the nucleus which codes for your gender. You can't change your DNA. Biologically you are either male or female. If you are confused about that, that is a mental issue that needs to be addressed. It's not a civil right.
Sticking with the media theme -- how about Fakebook. I stole that term from Rush Limbaugh. This is not something that should shock anyone but it came out recently that the people doing the news feeds for Facebook hand select the liberal lies that they portray as news. Conservative news is deliberately left out.
Perhaps this somewhat explains the lala land mentality of people. I have long ago stopped watching or listening to mainstream media. I know it's a bunch of garbage. Liberal propaganda. But obviously a lot of people are puppets and believe everything they hear in the media.
I could go on and on but I'm not feeling too well and this is getting long anyway.
It seems like we are becoming more and more uncivilized as a society. Which brings to mind this Scripture: Moroni 9:11-12
"11 O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—
12 (And only a few years have passed away, and they were a civil and a delightsome people)"
The same thing is happening to us. It doesn't take long. You can see why The Book of Mormon was written for our day.
If you want to live in reality and stay out of lala land, Keep the Commandments, read The Book of Mormon, and avoid contaminating your mind with Mainstream media.
That's my two cents.
This world is becoming more and more unreal everyday. It's like everybody lives in lala land with their heads in the clouds.
I was reading Miss Manners as I usually do and there were several letters regarding entitlement. Just a few examples: a man and his wife hosted a family barbecue. Then proceeded to charge for the meal. The brother was writing in saying he and his wife with their three-year-old and 19-month-old were charged $45 for the meal by his brother and sister-in-law. And the parents were also charged for the meal. And this was a family get-together. Miss Manners pointed out that she receives letters every year from people being charged for Thanksgiving dinner at their family Thanksgiving feasts.
Another letter was from a woman whose sister was complaining to her that neither she nor their mother gave her a Mother's Day present. Apparently she was a new mother. The sister informed her that she wasn't her mother and she did buy their mother a Mother's Day gift. So I guess word got back to their mother and she sent her complaining daughter a card. So what does the daughter do? Instead of being grateful for the card her mother sent, she complains again to the sister that the mother didn't include a gift card!
Seriously? What kind of lala land do these people live in? Unfortunately this kind of behavior is becoming the norm.
Then there's the whole media obsession with transgenderism. Apparently now that the homosexual community has what they want with same-sex marriage and people being thrown in prison for not baking them a cake, They have to move on to transgenderism. They've got to find something to be angry about. This whole bathroom thing is ridiculous so I'm not even going to address it but I will say one thing. It doesn't matter how much surgery you have, what kind of clothes you wear, makeup, etc. every cell in your body contains DNA in the nucleus which codes for your gender. You can't change your DNA. Biologically you are either male or female. If you are confused about that, that is a mental issue that needs to be addressed. It's not a civil right.
Sticking with the media theme -- how about Fakebook. I stole that term from Rush Limbaugh. This is not something that should shock anyone but it came out recently that the people doing the news feeds for Facebook hand select the liberal lies that they portray as news. Conservative news is deliberately left out.
Perhaps this somewhat explains the lala land mentality of people. I have long ago stopped watching or listening to mainstream media. I know it's a bunch of garbage. Liberal propaganda. But obviously a lot of people are puppets and believe everything they hear in the media.
I could go on and on but I'm not feeling too well and this is getting long anyway.
It seems like we are becoming more and more uncivilized as a society. Which brings to mind this Scripture: Moroni 9:11-12
"11 O my beloved son, how can a people like this, that are without civilization—
12 (And only a few years have passed away, and they were a civil and a delightsome people)"
The same thing is happening to us. It doesn't take long. You can see why The Book of Mormon was written for our day.
If you want to live in reality and stay out of lala land, Keep the Commandments, read The Book of Mormon, and avoid contaminating your mind with Mainstream media.
That's my two cents.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Satan Is a Liar

“Satan, our adversary, wants us to fail. He spreads lies as part of his effort to destroy our belief. He slyly suggests that the doubter, the skeptic, the cynic is sophisticated and intelligent, while those who have faith in God and His miracles are naive, blind, or brainwashed. Satan will advocate that it is cool to doubt spiritual gifts and the teachings of true prophets.”President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe,” Ensign, Nov. 2015, 78.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Monday, May 9, 2016
Mother's Day 2016
"One cannot forget mother and remember God. One cannot remember mother and forget God. Why? Because these two sacred persons, God and mother, partners in creation, in love, in sacrifice, in service, are as one."
—Thomas S. Monson, "Behold Thy Mother", Ensign, April 1998
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Family Home Evening Lesson -- Thomas S. Monson "Keep the Commandments" "Choices"
Tammy’s Family
Home Evening Lesson
May 2016
Thomas S.
Monson – Keep the Commandments, Choices
Opening Hymn: # 254, “True to the
Opening prayer: by invitation
Thomas S. Monson, October 2015, Keep
the Commandments:
“My message to you tonight is straightforward.
It is this: keep the commandments.
“God’s commandments are not given to
frustrate us or to become obstacles to our happiness. Just the opposite is
true. He who created us and who loves us perfectly knows just how we need to
live our lives in order to obtain the greatest happiness possible. He has
provided us with guidelines which, if we follow them, will see us safely
through this often treacherous mortal journey. We remember the words of the
familiar hymn: “Keep the commandments! In this there is safety; in this there
is peace.”1
“Our Heavenly Father loves us enough
to say: Thou shalt not lie; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not commit
adultery; thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; and so on.2 We know the commandments. He
understands that when we keep the commandments, our lives will be happier, more
fulfilling, and less complicated. Our challenges and problems will be easier to
bear, and we will receive His promised blessings. But while He gives us laws
and commandments, He also allows us to choose whether to accept them or to reject
them. Our decisions in this regard will determine our destiny.
“I am confident that each of us has
as his ultimate goal life everlasting in the presence of our Heavenly Father
and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is imperative, therefore, for us to make choices
throughout our lives that will lead us to this great goal. We know, however,
that the adversary is committed to our failure. He and his hosts are relentless
in their efforts to thwart our righteous desires. They represent a grave and
constant threat to our eternal salvation unless we are also relentless in our
determination and efforts to achieve our goal. The Apostle Peter warns us, “Be
vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour.”3
“Although there is no time in our
lives when we are exempt from temptation, you young men [and young women] are
at an age when you may be particularly vulnerable. Teenage years are often
years of insecurity, of feeling as though you don’t measure up, of trying to
find your place with your peers, and of trying to fit in. You may be tempted to
lower your standards and to follow the crowd in order to be accepted by those
you desire to have as friends. Please be strong, and be alert to anything that
would rob you of the blessings of eternity. The choices you make here and now
are forever important.
“Disregard for the commandments has
opened the way for what I consider to be the plagues of our day. They include
the plague of permissiveness, the plague of pornography, the plague of drugs,
the plague of immorality, and the plague of abortion, to name just a few. The
scriptures tell us that the adversary is “the founder of all these things.”7 We know that he is “the father
of all lies, to deceive and to blind men.”8
“I plead with you to avoid anything
that will deprive you of your happiness here in mortality and eternal life in
the world to come. With his deceptions and lies, the adversary will lead you
down a slippery slope to your destruction if you allow him to do so. You will
likely be on that slippery slope before you even realize that there is no way
to stop. You have heard the messages of the adversary. He cunningly
calls: Just this once won’t matter; everyone is doing it; don’t be
old-fashioned; times have changed; it can’t hurt anyone; your life is yours to
live. The adversary knows us, and he knows the temptations which will
be difficult for us to ignore. How vital it is that we exercise constant vigilance
in order to avoid giving in to such lies and temptations.
“Great courage will be required as we
remain faithful and true amid the ever-increasing pressures and insidious
influences with which we are surrounded and which distort the truth, tear down
the good and the decent, and attempt to substitute the man-made philosophies of
the world. If the commandments had been written by man, then to change them by
inclination or legislation or by any other means would be the prerogative of
man. The commandments, however, were God-given. Using our agency, we can set
them aside. We cannot, however, change them, just as we cannot
change the consequences which come from disobeying and breaking them.
“May we realize that our greatest
happiness in this life will come as we follow God’s commandments and obey His
“We cannot allow ourselves the
slightest bit of leeway in dealing with sin. We cannot allow ourselves to
believe that we can participate “just a little” in disobeying the commandments
of God, for the sin can grab us with an iron hand from which it is
excruciatingly painful to free ourselves. The addictions which can come from
drugs, alcohol, pornography, and immorality are real and are nearly impossible
to break without great struggle and much help.
“If any of you has stumbled in his
journey, I assure you that there is a way back. The process is called
repentance. Although the path is difficult, your eternal salvation depends on
it. What could be more worthy of your efforts? I plead with you to determine
right here and now to take the steps necessary to fully repent.” -- Thomas S.
Monson, October 2015, Keep the Commandments:
Thomas S. Monson, April 2016,
“I have been thinking recently about
choices. It has been said that the door of history turns on small hinges, and
so do people’s lives. The choices we make determine our destiny.
“When we left our premortal existence
and entered mortality, we brought with us the gift of agency. Our goal is to
obtain celestial glory, and the choices we make will, in large part, determine
whether or not we reach our goal.
“Most of you are familiar with Alice
in Lewis Carroll’s classic novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. You
will remember that she comes to a crossroads with two paths before her, each
stretching onward but in opposite directions. As she contemplates which way to
turn, she is confronted by the Cheshire Cat, of whom Alice asks, “Which path
shall I follow?”
“The cat answers, “That depends where
you want to go. If you do not know where you want to go, it doesn’t matter
“Unlike Alice, we know where we want
to go, and it does matter which way we go, for the path we
follow in this life leads to our destination in the next life.
“May we choose to build up within
ourselves a great and powerful faith which will be our most effective defense
against the designs of the adversary—a real faith, the kind of faith which will
sustain us and will bolster our desire to choose the right. Without such faith,
we go nowhere. With it, we can accomplish our goals.
“Although it is imperative that we
choose wisely, there are times when we will make foolish choices. The gift of
repentance, provided by our Savior, enables us to correct our course settings,
that we might return to the path which will lead us to that celestial glory we
“May we maintain the courage to defy
the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.
“As we contemplate the decisions we
make in our lives each day—whether to make this choice or that choice—if we
choose Christ, we will have made the correct choice.” – Thomas S. Monson, April
2016, Choices
Closing hymn: #303, “Keep the
Closing prayer: by invitation
I printed the following handouts on card stock and laminated them to use as bookmarks, etc.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Reality Check
A few days ago I read an article about the singer for Neon Trees. Now I don't know much about this individual except that he was/is a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints and has declared himself homosexual. Apparently he was offended when The Church policy was announced that anyone practicing homosexuality is apostate.
Really? What kind of lala land are people living in? Do people not understand that the law of chastity has been around as long as humans have been on this earth? Do people think they are somehow immune from living the commandments the Lord has established? Why would anyone think they would be in good standing in The Church when they break the second most serious commandment that the Lord has given us?
Apparently the singer for neon trees --I think it said his name was Tyler? Not sure about that. But anyway he went off the deep end after he became aware of the church policy regarding homosexuals. He made a blasphemous song/video mocking and persecuting The Church. I didn't watch the video but I saw one still photo where the prophet Joseph Smith's face was replaced with a clown face or something. And the neon trees guy is looking at it angrily.
I have never understood this whole apostate thing where people who choose to leave The Church feel the need to persecute, blaspheme and mock. Why can't they leave well enough alone? If you don't want anything to do with The Church, that's your choice. Just walk away and leave it alone. Why all of the anger and persecution?
By the way, The Church welcomes people with same-sex attraction as long as they keep the law of chastity. The law chastity applies to everybody whether heterosexual or homosexual. Anyone is welcome in The Church as long as they strive to keep all the commandments. It's not that difficult of a concept. Yes, we all sin but that's what repentance is for. As long as we keep trying to do what's right. It's when people willfully rebel against God and His commandments that they are considered apostates.
Yes, living a homosexual lifestyle is willfully rebelling against God and His law of chastity and is a sin. Therefore those living a homosexual lifestyle are apostate. What is so difficult to understand about that?
For those of you interested in the definition of apostate it is anyone who abandons or renounces a particular religious belief or principle. Fairly simple definition. And it is not specific to any religion or denomination.
I used the neon trees singer as an example because I recently read the article. But I did the blog because there are many people just like him who left The Church or at least publicly stated their disagreement regarding the Church's policy about homosexuals being apostate. I don't understand the uproar and anger over something that every member of The Church should already know. If people want The Church to change its policy regarding homosexuality and the law of chastity, I can tell you right now that will never happen. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of The Church. The law of chastity has been around forever and will not change. If you want to break the law of chastity -- you have your agency. You will answer for your choices and behaviors on judgment day. But until then, don't blame The Church or its leaders for policies that the Lord Jesus Christ himself has established.
That's my two cents.
Really? What kind of lala land are people living in? Do people not understand that the law of chastity has been around as long as humans have been on this earth? Do people think they are somehow immune from living the commandments the Lord has established? Why would anyone think they would be in good standing in The Church when they break the second most serious commandment that the Lord has given us?
Apparently the singer for neon trees --I think it said his name was Tyler? Not sure about that. But anyway he went off the deep end after he became aware of the church policy regarding homosexuals. He made a blasphemous song/video mocking and persecuting The Church. I didn't watch the video but I saw one still photo where the prophet Joseph Smith's face was replaced with a clown face or something. And the neon trees guy is looking at it angrily.
I have never understood this whole apostate thing where people who choose to leave The Church feel the need to persecute, blaspheme and mock. Why can't they leave well enough alone? If you don't want anything to do with The Church, that's your choice. Just walk away and leave it alone. Why all of the anger and persecution?
By the way, The Church welcomes people with same-sex attraction as long as they keep the law of chastity. The law chastity applies to everybody whether heterosexual or homosexual. Anyone is welcome in The Church as long as they strive to keep all the commandments. It's not that difficult of a concept. Yes, we all sin but that's what repentance is for. As long as we keep trying to do what's right. It's when people willfully rebel against God and His commandments that they are considered apostates.
Yes, living a homosexual lifestyle is willfully rebelling against God and His law of chastity and is a sin. Therefore those living a homosexual lifestyle are apostate. What is so difficult to understand about that?
For those of you interested in the definition of apostate it is anyone who abandons or renounces a particular religious belief or principle. Fairly simple definition. And it is not specific to any religion or denomination.
I used the neon trees singer as an example because I recently read the article. But I did the blog because there are many people just like him who left The Church or at least publicly stated their disagreement regarding the Church's policy about homosexuals being apostate. I don't understand the uproar and anger over something that every member of The Church should already know. If people want The Church to change its policy regarding homosexuality and the law of chastity, I can tell you right now that will never happen. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of The Church. The law of chastity has been around forever and will not change. If you want to break the law of chastity -- you have your agency. You will answer for your choices and behaviors on judgment day. But until then, don't blame The Church or its leaders for policies that the Lord Jesus Christ himself has established.
That's my two cents.
Monday, May 2, 2016
New Word
You may recall that a while ago I created a new word -- floozer. Which is the male equivalent of floozy.
Well, I have once again created a new word. The word is -- floozationship. Now I will define it for you.
floozationship --noun; /ˈflo͞oz/āSH(ə)nˌSHip/
Well, I have once again created a new word. The word is -- floozationship. Now I will define it for you.
floozationship --noun; /ˈflo͞oz/āSH(ə)nˌSHip/
- a relationship between two people (i.e.a floozer and floozy) based upon breaking the law of chastity.
- "How many times must I tell you that I am in a serious floozationship?"
Although floozationships often begin with adultery, any serial sexual relationship where two people continually break the law of chastity can be considered a floozationship.
Floozationships are non committal, counterfeit unions based on selfishness and deceit.
Because floozationships are based on selfishness and sin, as a rule, they don't usually last more than a few years at best.
Interestingly, those involved in floozationships generally deceive themselves into thinking that they are in a real committed relationship when in fact it is nothing but a counterfeit, plastic, fake usually short-lived union.
Floozationships are unfortunately increasing at a dramatic rate. Look for floozationship in your urban dictionary in the near future.
That's my two cents.
"Can you see the moral schizophrenia that comes from pretending you are one, pretending you have made solemn promises before God, sharing the physical symbols and the physical intimacy of your counterfeit union but then fleeing, retreating, severing all such other aspects of what was meant to be a total obligation?" -- Jeffrey R. Holland, October 1998Even if floozationships eventually result in marriage, the chance of the resultant marriage ending in divorce is much higher than marriages that didn't begin as floozationships.
Because floozationships are based on selfishness and sin, as a rule, they don't usually last more than a few years at best.
Interestingly, those involved in floozationships generally deceive themselves into thinking that they are in a real committed relationship when in fact it is nothing but a counterfeit, plastic, fake usually short-lived union.
Floozationships are unfortunately increasing at a dramatic rate. Look for floozationship in your urban dictionary in the near future.
That's my two cents.