"A prophet of God once offered me counsel that gives me peace. I was worried that the choices of others might make it impossible for our family to be together forever. He said, “You are worrying about the wrong problem. You just live worthy of the celestial kingdom, and the family arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine.”
"To all of those whose personal experience or whose marriage and children—or absence thereof—cast a shadow over their hopes, I offer my witness: Heavenly Father knows and loves you as His spirit child. While you were with Him and His Beloved Son before this life, They placed in your heart the hope you have of eternal life. With the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ working and with the Holy Spirit guiding, you can feel now and will feel in the world to come the family love your Father and His Beloved Son want so much for you to receive."
"I testify that as you live worthy of the celestial kingdom, the prophetic promise that “family arrangements will be more wonderful than you can imagine” will be yours." -- President Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, First Presidency Message: The Hope of Eternal Family Love, August 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Daily Messages
"You have a choice. You can wring your hands and be consumed with concern for the future or choose to use the counsel the Lord has given to live with peace and happiness in a world awash with evil. If you choose to concentrate on the dark side, this is what you will see."—Richard G. Scott, "How to Live Well amid Increasing Evil" |
"Brothers and sisters, we live to die and we die to live—in another realm. If we are well prepared, death brings no terror. From an eternal perspective, death is premature only for those who are not prepared to meet God. Now is the time to prepare."—Russell M. Nelson, "Now Is the Time to Prepare" |
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Don't Be Confused: Alcohol Causes Cancer
I was reading Medscape today and came across a headline that caught my eye. A few days ago I read a newspaper article with a similar headline. Upon reading the comments I realized how ignorant people are -- especially when it's something they don't want to hear or don't agree with.
The articles of which I speak cite scientific evidence and research that alcohol causes cancer. This is something that has been well known for years. Of course the alcohol industry doesn't want this information to be public knowledge. So they hire their own scientists to cover up the truth.
Heaven forbid people's health comes before padding your pocketbook.
I know I have done blog posts on this topic before but after reading people's ludicrous comments and then seeing this article in Medscape -- it pushed me o'er the brink to do another blog post. As you know, I'm a big fan of truth. People can disagree all they want but the truth is that alcohol in any amount causes cancer.
Here are some excerpts from the article:
From www.medscape.com, Don't Be Confused: Alcohol Causes Seven Cancers, Nick Mulcahy, July 27, 2016
And of course the alcohol industry wants to help people put their heads in the sand because they don't want their cash flow to slow down. They make a lot of money off of people's bad choices. And they're more than willing to help people continue to make bad choices.
So, you can be an ignorant ostrich with your head in the sand but the fact remains that alcohol consumption causes cancer.
That's my two cents.
"There is "strong evidence" that alcohol causes seven cancers, and other evidence indicates that it "probably" causes more, according to a new literature review published online July 21 in Addiction."
"Epidemiologic evidence supports a causal association of alcohol consumption and cancers of the oropharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and female breast, says Jennie Connor, MB, ChB, MPH, from the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago, in Dunegin, New Zealand."
"In short, alcohol causes cancer."
"This is not news, says Dr Connor. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and other agencies have long identified alcohol consumption as being causally associated with these seven cancers."
"So why did Dr Connor, who is an epidemiologist and physician, write a new review? Because she wants to "clarify the strength of the evidence" in an "accessible way.""
"There is "confusion" about the statement, "Alcohol causes cancer," explains Dr Connor.
Public and scientific discussion about alcohol and cancer has muted the truth about causality, she suggests."
"In the public and the media, statements made by the world's experts are often given the same weight as messages from alcohol companies and their scientists. Overall messages become unclear."
"Currently, alcohol's causal role is perceived to be more complex than tobacco's, and the solution suggested by the smoking analogy — that we should all reduce and eventually give up drinking alcohol — is widely unacceptable," writes Dr Connor."
"The newly published review "reinforces the need for the public to be made aware of the causal link between alcohol and cancer," said Colin Shevills, from the Alcohol Health Alliance UK, in a press statement."
"In a statement about the new review, Prof Dorothy Bennett, director of the Molecular and Clinical Sciences Research Institute at St. George's, University of London, said: "Alcohol enters cells very easily, and is then converted into acetaldehyde, which can damage DNA and is a known carcinogen.""
"Current estimates suggest that alcohol-attributable cancers at the seven cancer sites make up 5.8% of all cancer deaths worldwide, she states."
"The alcohol industry has a lot at stake, she says, which in turn leads to "misinformation" that "undermines research findings and contradicts evidence-based public health messages.""
"There is no safe level of drinking with respect to cancer, says Dr Connor, citing research about low to moderate levels of alcohol, which has been covered by Medscape Medical News."
"This was also the conclusion of the 2014 World Cancer Report, issued by the World Health Organization's IARC."
"The promotion of health benefits from drinking at moderate levels is "seen increasingly as disingenuous or irrelevant in comparison to the increase in risk of a range of cancers," writes Dr Connor."
"Public health campaigns "with clear messages" are needed to spread the word about alcohol's carcinogenicity, she told Medscape Medical News."
"The New Zealand Medical Association, the Cancer Society of New Zealand, and the National Heart Foundation have all adopted evidence-based position statements that "debunk" cardiovascular benefits as a motivation to drink and that highlight cancer risks, Dr Connor said."-- Medscape.com, July 27, 2016As the article states, people don't want to hear that alcohol causes cancer because they don't want to stop drinking. It's like the ostrich putting his head in the sand. It doesn't change the fact that the ostrich is still there and visible.
And of course the alcohol industry wants to help people put their heads in the sand because they don't want their cash flow to slow down. They make a lot of money off of people's bad choices. And they're more than willing to help people continue to make bad choices.
So, you can be an ignorant ostrich with your head in the sand but the fact remains that alcohol consumption causes cancer.
That's my two cents.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Democrat Psychosis on Display
I have to give credit where credit is due. I stole the title from Rush Limbaugh.
Anyway, in reading Rush Limbaugh.com today he made some really good points that I thought were blog worthy. So I copied and pasted some quotes from his website to put on my blog.
The following are all quotes taken directly from Rush Limbaugh:
"RUSH: My idea for a Trump speech would be simply to list ... is just list who the Democrats are. Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, Occupy Wall Street, stripping God from their party platform, transgender bathroom advocates, pro-death panels, baby butchers!"
"A candidate who violated the Espionage Act thousands of times, sexual predators, pedophiles, illegals, Sharia Muslims, Marxists. That's the Democrat Party today. That's who votes for them; that's who the Democrats defend. ...listing the various constituencies of the Democrat Party -- 'cause that's who they are now."
"I watched the Democrat convention, I watch all of these kind of things that we saw last night, like this year's convention. I watch them now with a different perspective than I used to. ...What we hear from the modern Democrat Party is ridiculous."
"But, as I say, I now watch with a different perspective. I watch with a lot of sadness. I watch this lunacy that we saw last night,... It was sheer lunacy. A lot of it was delusional and deranged. A lot of it was unhinged. The reason that I watch it with sadness is the realization now that close to 50% of the people in this country who vote eat it up. They love it. They applaud it. They think that it is great. There's no critical thinking. If there were critical thinking, the Democrats wouldn't get out of that city with 10%, 20% of the vote, 'cause everything is so contradictory. So it's with a different lens that I watch these things now, and it's with a different style, shall you say, that I tell you about what I saw. I used to confidently laugh. I used to believe that nowhere near a majority of people are gonna fall for the garbage that makes up a Democrat convention and what you hear from the podium. It isn't the case anymore."
"I now watch this stuff and cringe. I watch this stuff and I try to imagine believing it, I try to imagine falling for it, and in order to do that I have to somehow try to understand psychology because that's what the Democrat Party is anymore. It's a psychological pitch. The Democrat Party has done many destructive things on its way to acquiring power. But among the most destructive things the Democrat Party has done is destroy the concepts of self-reliance, optimism, and goodness."
"The Democrat convention, it was exactly as I predicted last night. We got speaker after speaker, picture after picture ultimately of doom and gloom of misery and suffering. We had people praising the sitting president for being remarkable in his successes while at the same time detailing everything wrong and horrible in this country, and they happen to be the same things the current president detailed as horribly wrong at both of his conventions, in 2008 and 2012."
"I had to sit through the specter of speaker after speaker after speaker tell everybody what's wrong and how they have no hope and no chance unless some of the people in that room happen to be elected to office. What a message. You're lost, you're hopeless, you're aimless, you got nothing unless we win elections. And these people are applauding it and eating it up, and here we are seven-and-a-half years into the very destructive Barack Obama administration, and that's acknowledged. Speaker after speaker unwittingly acknowledges the decline that has happened to this country, although they don't of course attach that to Obama."
"The Democrats have succeeded in beating people down. The Democrats have succeeded in taking initiative and hope. "Hope" is just a word now. They have succeeded in taking drive and ambition out of people. They have convinced the people that vote for them that there isn't an escape from the horrors of this country unless the Democrat Party wins elections. That's the only recipe for people being able to succeed. Of course it's absurd, it's insane, it's lunacy."
"People that vote Democrat are some of the most depressed people you'll run into. They're some of the angriest people you'll run into, despite -- in these last 7-1/2 years -- getting everything they want, everything they thought would lead them to their utopia. But by their own admission at their own convention last night, they're no closer to utopia than they've ever been. And they're never gonna get there because it isn't possible."
"So, no, folks, we're still gonna have our fun with it and we're still gonna point it all out, and we're still going to laugh at it. But at the same time, I no longer am going to sit here and blindly assume that the vast majority of Americans are gonna also find it ridiculous because the vast majority don't. I don't know where we are, but I'm telling you: At least 40% of the people of this country if they were to have watched this last night would have thought it was greatness, would have thought it was right on, would have thought it was all the answer."
"But, as I say, I now watch with a different perspective. I watch with a lot of sadness. I watch this lunacy that we saw last night,... It was sheer lunacy. A lot of it was delusional and deranged. A lot of it was unhinged. The reason that I watch it with sadness is the realization now that close to 50% of the people in this country who vote eat it up. They love it. They applaud it. They think that it is great. There's no critical thinking. If there were critical thinking, the Democrats wouldn't get out of that city with 10%, 20% of the vote, 'cause everything is so contradictory. So it's with a different lens that I watch these things now, and it's with a different style, shall you say, that I tell you about what I saw. I used to confidently laugh. I used to believe that nowhere near a majority of people are gonna fall for the garbage that makes up a Democrat convention and what you hear from the podium. It isn't the case anymore."
"I now watch this stuff and cringe. I watch this stuff and I try to imagine believing it, I try to imagine falling for it, and in order to do that I have to somehow try to understand psychology because that's what the Democrat Party is anymore. It's a psychological pitch. The Democrat Party has done many destructive things on its way to acquiring power. But among the most destructive things the Democrat Party has done is destroy the concepts of self-reliance, optimism, and goodness."
"The Democrat convention, it was exactly as I predicted last night. We got speaker after speaker, picture after picture ultimately of doom and gloom of misery and suffering. We had people praising the sitting president for being remarkable in his successes while at the same time detailing everything wrong and horrible in this country, and they happen to be the same things the current president detailed as horribly wrong at both of his conventions, in 2008 and 2012."
"I had to sit through the specter of speaker after speaker after speaker tell everybody what's wrong and how they have no hope and no chance unless some of the people in that room happen to be elected to office. What a message. You're lost, you're hopeless, you're aimless, you got nothing unless we win elections. And these people are applauding it and eating it up, and here we are seven-and-a-half years into the very destructive Barack Obama administration, and that's acknowledged. Speaker after speaker unwittingly acknowledges the decline that has happened to this country, although they don't of course attach that to Obama."
"The Democrats have succeeded in beating people down. The Democrats have succeeded in taking initiative and hope. "Hope" is just a word now. They have succeeded in taking drive and ambition out of people. They have convinced the people that vote for them that there isn't an escape from the horrors of this country unless the Democrat Party wins elections. That's the only recipe for people being able to succeed. Of course it's absurd, it's insane, it's lunacy."
"People that vote Democrat are some of the most depressed people you'll run into. They're some of the angriest people you'll run into, despite -- in these last 7-1/2 years -- getting everything they want, everything they thought would lead them to their utopia. But by their own admission at their own convention last night, they're no closer to utopia than they've ever been. And they're never gonna get there because it isn't possible."
"So, no, folks, we're still gonna have our fun with it and we're still gonna point it all out, and we're still going to laugh at it. But at the same time, I no longer am going to sit here and blindly assume that the vast majority of Americans are gonna also find it ridiculous because the vast majority don't. I don't know where we are, but I'm telling you: At least 40% of the people of this country if they were to have watched this last night would have thought it was greatness, would have thought it was right on, would have thought it was all the answer."
"The American flag was not on display last night. You could not see it. ...but the Palestinian flag was raised in the audience at the Democrat National Convention; the American flag wasn't. Palestinian flag."
"...They claim, well, we got a different theme every night. Tonight our theme is adultery. Bill Clinton doing the keynote." -- Rush Limbaugh, July 26, 2016
You might think it was a joke, if it weren't true. Brings to mind the Scripture:
"...They claim, well, we got a different theme every night. Tonight our theme is adultery. Bill Clinton doing the keynote." -- Rush Limbaugh, July 26, 2016
You might think it was a joke, if it weren't true. Brings to mind the Scripture:
"2 For as their laws and their governments were established by the voice of the people, and they who chose evil were more numerous than they who chose good, therefore they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted."
"3 Yea, and this was not all; they were a stiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law nor justice, save it were to their destruction." -- Helaman 5:2-3
What Rush Limbaugh was describing is basically evil versus good. The Democratic Party has become the face of evil. They are all a bunch of deranged lunatics. If you don't believe me just look at their faces. Look in their eyes.
Like Rush, I find it baffling that around 50% of the people in this country believe a word of their deranged lies, let alone embrace it.
These really are the last days. Prophecy is being fulfilled. Evil is portrayed as good and good is portrayed as evil. That's what the Democratic Party does. That is their modus operandi.
All I have to say is, "A have hope."
That's my two cents.
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Pioneer Day
On this day, July 24, in 1847 the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley where Brigham Young declared, "This Is the Right Place".
The early Mormon pioneers made great sacrifices to cross the plains to escape persecution and be able to worship as they wished, in peace. Some of them are my ancestors.
I will paraphrase from my great great great grandmother, Mary Powell Sabin's autobiography. She is great grandpa Elmer Sabin's paternal grandmother.

She was born in Wales in 1844. When she was a child her father Joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her mother joined later. They left Wales for the United States on the ship "The Enoch Train" sailing out of Liverpool. The ship carried 537 Saints to America.
From Mary Powell's autobiography:
The early Mormon pioneers made great sacrifices to cross the plains to escape persecution and be able to worship as they wished, in peace. Some of them are my ancestors.
I will paraphrase from my great great great grandmother, Mary Powell Sabin's autobiography. She is great grandpa Elmer Sabin's paternal grandmother.

She was born in Wales in 1844. When she was a child her father Joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her mother joined later. They left Wales for the United States on the ship "The Enoch Train" sailing out of Liverpool. The ship carried 537 Saints to America.
From Mary Powell's autobiography:
"When we had been on the ocean almost three weeks Old Lady Deveraux died. They sewed her up in a sheet and buried her in the sea. In starting on our voyage she had remarked to mother, "I will go on board the ship and start my husband to Utah. If I should die he will journey on, but if we do not begin this journey together perhaps my husband and children will never reach Zion and I want them to go to Utah more than I can tell you." "They landed at Boston Harbor where they met the apostle John Taylor.
"Then Apostle Taylor spoke to the saints and asked God to bless us in our journey to Utah. Again we started on our way. This time by rail to Rock Island, Illinois. Our train was to cross the Mississippi River at eight o´clock, but we were fifteen minutes late. The bridge had broken with the train just ahead of us, and a terrible wreck had occurred. So we had to stay at Rock Island from Saturday morning until Monday morning. On Monday morning we crossed the Mississippi in a boat. It was a mile wide. On the other side of the river from Tock Island, we boarded a train of box cars. We reached Iowa City late at night. Then, we walked four miles from Iowa City out to the camping place of the Saints."
"We remained in Iowa six weeks as all the men were busy making hand carts."
"It became necessary for mother to dispose of some of our things. She sold a little flat iron that I had carried with me as one of my prize possessions. Oh how I cried when it was sold! I think this was the only time I cried on our whole long journey. I was so worried about how we would iron our clothes when we got to Salt Lake City."
"At last the hand carts were all made. Our family had two hand carts. My brother pulled one of them all the way from Iowa City to Salt Lake City. Father and I took turns pulling the other one. When I was not pulling father´s cart I was helping to pull someone else´s. I walked every step of the way. I was lighthearted and glad and had no self pity. Being almost thirteen years old I felt quite responsible for my younger sisters."
"Some days we traveled more than thirty miles to reach water."
"Sometimes when father or mother weren´t well, I worried. I did not want them to die by the way side. We hadn´t been long on the march when Bro. Kettle died. We took the last lumber in the company to make him a coffin. We buried him beside a mulberry grove."
"That afternoon we arrived in Salt Lake Valley. We camped on the square in the sixteenth ward and stayed there from Friday night until Monday morning. President Young came and spoke to us. He told us we had fulfilled prophecy. He also said that although we had endured privations and hunger on the plains we should never again feel the pangs of starvation if we would do right and live right."
"Father took his tools and put in a day´s work on the Temple. Thus the promise made to him by the Elder in Wales that he should go to Utah and work on the temple was fulfilled. Exactly two weeks after our arrival in Salt Lake City, Father died. I had been home to see him only once during those two weeks. He died Friday afternoon and was buried at noon Saturday. "
There are many more stories I could share from her autobiography but I didn't want to make this too long. I just wanted to give a glimpse of some of the things my own ancestor went through on her journey to the Salt Lake Valley.
Fittingly, the youth in our stake, including my niece, were able to experience a three-day pioneer trek that ended on the eve of Pioneer Day. The youth in my ward who attended trek bore their testimonies this morning about what a wonderful experience it was and how it strengthened their own testimony and gave them a better appreciation of their forebears. Many of them said it was the best experience of their lives and one girl even said she would have sacrificed anything to have that experience. Needless to say, many lives were changed for the better. I wish my two nephews who were eligible would have gone. Trek is only every four years and most youth only get one opportunity to attend. I'm so happy my niece, Chanelle, took the opportunity.
I'd like to share a quote I stole from Lisa's blog.
"How can we pay our debt of gratitude for the heritage of faith demonstrated by pioneers in many lands across the earth who struggled and sacrificed so that the gospel might take root? How is thankfulness expressed for the intrepid handcart pioneers who, by their own brute strength, pulled their meager belongings in handcarts across the scorching plains and through the snows of the high mountain passes to escape persecution and find peaceful worship in these valleys? . . .The descendants of these pioneers can partially settle the account by being true to the cause for which their ancestors suffered so much to be part of." -James E. Faust
I'm grateful for my Pioneer heritage and my ancestors and others who sacrificed much to escape persecution and build Zion. May we all honor them by being true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's my two cents.
"How can we pay our debt of gratitude for the heritage of faith demonstrated by pioneers in many lands across the earth who struggled and sacrificed so that the gospel might take root? How is thankfulness expressed for the intrepid handcart pioneers who, by their own brute strength, pulled their meager belongings in handcarts across the scorching plains and through the snows of the high mountain passes to escape persecution and find peaceful worship in these valleys? . . .The descendants of these pioneers can partially settle the account by being true to the cause for which their ancestors suffered so much to be part of." -James E. Faust
I'm grateful for my Pioneer heritage and my ancestors and others who sacrificed much to escape persecution and build Zion. May we all honor them by being true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
That's my two cents.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
23 Years
On July 23, 1993 "I stepped off of Pan Am's flight 22" -- wait, wrong airline. :-)
23 years ago today I stepped off the plane in Salt Lake City after serving 18 months as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Hands down my greatest accomplishment and as the old cliché goes "the best 18 months of my life".
It really was the best 18 months of my life. Nothing can compare to serving the Lord full time. Granted, it wasn't the easiest 18 months of my life. Missionary work is hard work. But, anything fulfilling or worthwhile is hard work.
It is a rare privilege to qualify for full-time missionary service and to be called of God to serve him full-time for 18 or 24 months. The rewards are beyond any sacrifice that must be made to be able to serve.
I have now been home from my mission for more years than I was alive when I completed my mission. I was about 22 1/2 when I came home. Kind of weird to think about that. These last 23 years have certainly flown by a lot faster than the first 22 1/2 years.
I'm so happy and grateful that I was able to serve an honorable full-time mission for 18 months. Best decision I ever made. Best 18 months of my life. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."
23 years ago today I stepped off the plane in Salt Lake City after serving 18 months as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Hands down my greatest accomplishment and as the old cliché goes "the best 18 months of my life".
It really was the best 18 months of my life. Nothing can compare to serving the Lord full time. Granted, it wasn't the easiest 18 months of my life. Missionary work is hard work. But, anything fulfilling or worthwhile is hard work.
It is a rare privilege to qualify for full-time missionary service and to be called of God to serve him full-time for 18 or 24 months. The rewards are beyond any sacrifice that must be made to be able to serve.
I have now been home from my mission for more years than I was alive when I completed my mission. I was about 22 1/2 when I came home. Kind of weird to think about that. These last 23 years have certainly flown by a lot faster than the first 22 1/2 years.
I'm so happy and grateful that I was able to serve an honorable full-time mission for 18 months. Best decision I ever made. Best 18 months of my life. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."
This picture was actually taken on my way to Tampa. But it's the only picture I have of myself on an airplane as a missionary. I don't have any pictures scanned of the day I came home. :-(
Friday, July 22, 2016
Cleaning out Your Closet
I am bold and straightforward. Always have been. If you read my blog with any consistency, you already know that.
I prefer other people to be the same way. I don't take kindly to pansies who are not forthcoming and especially those who lie. I'm especially disgusted with lying pansies who share a portion of DNA with me. As uncle Ron would say, "Stop embarrassing me!"
To make mistakes in life is expected. We are all human and all make mistakes. But to try to cover it up and continually lie about it for decades upon decades is ridiculous. Especially when you have been outed by DNA and still deny the truth. That's just pure idiocy.
Yet, I've come to expect that from certain family members. I've had a gut full of people hiding behind their lies. That's why I decided to post my e-mails to my first cousin once removed, Nicky.
The fact that he is denying paternity is irritating but what is most upsetting is that he won't give my second cousin, Howie, information that could help him find his birth mother. Or at least tell him more about her. That's the least he could do after all these years.
It's bad enough to bring an illegitimate child into the world. And it's worse to shirk responsibility by completely ignoring several letters written by the birth mother informing you of your impending fatherhood. But his birth mother did the right thing by allowing Howie to be adopted. But now, over 47 years later, to continue to deny paternity and shirk responsibility is beyond disgusting and absurd.
That's why I decided to post my blog series, "Dead Giveaway!" I was patient and gave Nicky and his sister Nelda ample opportunity and time to rebut my claims that Nicky is the biological father of Howie. I got nothing but silence from either of them. Dead giveaway!
To paraphrase a song:
I'm sorry Nicky,
I never meant to hurt you,
I never meant to make you cry,
but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet.
That's the beauty of DNA. It is always truthful. I'm a big fan of the truth. DNA will bring skeletons out of your closet whether you want it to or not. DNA brought out that dusty old skeleton that Nicky had hidden for nearly 5 decades. The skeleton is now dusted off and in plain view for all the world to see.
I'm sorry Nicky... but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet. Whether you like it or not.
That's my two cents.
I prefer other people to be the same way. I don't take kindly to pansies who are not forthcoming and especially those who lie. I'm especially disgusted with lying pansies who share a portion of DNA with me. As uncle Ron would say, "Stop embarrassing me!"
To make mistakes in life is expected. We are all human and all make mistakes. But to try to cover it up and continually lie about it for decades upon decades is ridiculous. Especially when you have been outed by DNA and still deny the truth. That's just pure idiocy.
Yet, I've come to expect that from certain family members. I've had a gut full of people hiding behind their lies. That's why I decided to post my e-mails to my first cousin once removed, Nicky.
The fact that he is denying paternity is irritating but what is most upsetting is that he won't give my second cousin, Howie, information that could help him find his birth mother. Or at least tell him more about her. That's the least he could do after all these years.
It's bad enough to bring an illegitimate child into the world. And it's worse to shirk responsibility by completely ignoring several letters written by the birth mother informing you of your impending fatherhood. But his birth mother did the right thing by allowing Howie to be adopted. But now, over 47 years later, to continue to deny paternity and shirk responsibility is beyond disgusting and absurd.
That's why I decided to post my blog series, "Dead Giveaway!" I was patient and gave Nicky and his sister Nelda ample opportunity and time to rebut my claims that Nicky is the biological father of Howie. I got nothing but silence from either of them. Dead giveaway!
To paraphrase a song:
I'm sorry Nicky,
I never meant to hurt you,
I never meant to make you cry,
but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet.
That's the beauty of DNA. It is always truthful. I'm a big fan of the truth. DNA will bring skeletons out of your closet whether you want it to or not. DNA brought out that dusty old skeleton that Nicky had hidden for nearly 5 decades. The skeleton is now dusted off and in plain view for all the world to see.
I'm sorry Nicky... but tonight, I'm cleaning out your closet. Whether you like it or not.
That's my two cents.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Dead Giveaway! Part Three
True to my word, here is the follow up letter I e-mailed to Nicky on July 14, 2016:
Dear Nicky (Bart),
It's been nearly 3 weeks since I e-mailed you and haven't heard back so I thought I would follow up.
I know that Howie contacted you by telephone at which time you denied being his biological father. I'm sure between the telephone call and my e-mail that it was a lot for you to digest. I'm wondering if now that you have had a few weeks to think about it, perhaps you want to reconsider your denial.
I think I explained the DNA evidence very thoroughly. If not, I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
In my last e-mail I pointed out that the DNA evidence and information from Howie's birth mother overwhelmingly point to you as Howie's birth father. I would think that after being presented with that information that you -- or anyone who adamantly denies paternity-- would reply with a denial stating that regardless of the overwhelming evidence you could not possibly be Howie's father because of... (whatever reason). And offer to take a DNA test to prove it. The fact that I never received a reply is a dead giveaway that you are indeed Howie's biological father. Not to mention the fact that I also e-mailed your sister Nelda the same information and got no reply from her either. Dead giveaway!
Another smoking gun is your own words. When Howie called you and spoke with you on the telephone, you were adamant that you could not be his biological father. You said there were other talented skiers in the Tahoe/Oakland area that could have been with his mother at the time of his conception. That statement certainly is true but it also proves that you don't know much about DNA. I do know about DNA, I trained in medicine. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a DPM (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) degree. DNA doesn't lie. Yes, there were other talented skiers who could have fathered Howard Greene but none of them are my dad's and uncle Ron's first cousin. You are the only one who fits that description. The DNA evidence is not a fluke. There are seven people in my family who share DNA with Howie in percentages consistent with Howie's father being my dad's and uncle Ron's first cousin. Your denial would've been far more plausible if you had tried to pin it on your cousin Bob, or any of your paternal line male first cousins. Or even your brother Danny. But you didn't. You gave the impossible scenario that it was another talented skier in that area. That is not only absurd but genetically impossible. Dead giveaway!
Nicky (Bart), I'm not trying to embarrass you or cause you strife or drag your name through the mud or whatever you're trying to protect-- I just want the truth to come out. If you don't want anything to do with Howie, that's your prerogative. But he deserves to know the truth. You are the only person who can give him information about his birth mother, whom he has been trying to find for years. If you have any shred of human decency you will man up and admit to being Howard Greene's biological father and give him any information you can about his biological mother.
If you are still completely adamant that you could not possibly be Howie's biological father, then take a DNA test to exonerate yourself. That will definitively prove whether or not you are Howie's biological father. At this point, that's the only thing that will convince me that you are not his father.
Nicky (Bart), It's never too late to do the right thing now. We all make mistakes. Those who are wise will remedy those mistakes when given the opportunity. Others look much more highly on those who try to do what's right rather than hide behind past mistakes. Howie deserves to know the truth. You can easily provide that by readily admitting your paternity or taking a DNA test. By providing the truth you will not only make yourself look better but you will feel better also. As the sayings go, "honesty is the best policy" and "the truth shall set you free".
Nicky (Bart), I really hope you do the right thing.
I do hope to hear from you now that you've had time to gather your thoughts and digest all the information. I wish you and your family the best.
Lovingly your first cousin once removed,
Dr. Tammy Stone
Dear Nicky (Bart),
It's been nearly 3 weeks since I e-mailed you and haven't heard back so I thought I would follow up.
I know that Howie contacted you by telephone at which time you denied being his biological father. I'm sure between the telephone call and my e-mail that it was a lot for you to digest. I'm wondering if now that you have had a few weeks to think about it, perhaps you want to reconsider your denial.
I think I explained the DNA evidence very thoroughly. If not, I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
In my last e-mail I pointed out that the DNA evidence and information from Howie's birth mother overwhelmingly point to you as Howie's birth father. I would think that after being presented with that information that you -- or anyone who adamantly denies paternity-- would reply with a denial stating that regardless of the overwhelming evidence you could not possibly be Howie's father because of... (whatever reason). And offer to take a DNA test to prove it. The fact that I never received a reply is a dead giveaway that you are indeed Howie's biological father. Not to mention the fact that I also e-mailed your sister Nelda the same information and got no reply from her either. Dead giveaway!
Another smoking gun is your own words. When Howie called you and spoke with you on the telephone, you were adamant that you could not be his biological father. You said there were other talented skiers in the Tahoe/Oakland area that could have been with his mother at the time of his conception. That statement certainly is true but it also proves that you don't know much about DNA. I do know about DNA, I trained in medicine. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and a DPM (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine) degree. DNA doesn't lie. Yes, there were other talented skiers who could have fathered Howard Greene but none of them are my dad's and uncle Ron's first cousin. You are the only one who fits that description. The DNA evidence is not a fluke. There are seven people in my family who share DNA with Howie in percentages consistent with Howie's father being my dad's and uncle Ron's first cousin. Your denial would've been far more plausible if you had tried to pin it on your cousin Bob, or any of your paternal line male first cousins. Or even your brother Danny. But you didn't. You gave the impossible scenario that it was another talented skier in that area. That is not only absurd but genetically impossible. Dead giveaway!
Nicky (Bart), I'm not trying to embarrass you or cause you strife or drag your name through the mud or whatever you're trying to protect-- I just want the truth to come out. If you don't want anything to do with Howie, that's your prerogative. But he deserves to know the truth. You are the only person who can give him information about his birth mother, whom he has been trying to find for years. If you have any shred of human decency you will man up and admit to being Howard Greene's biological father and give him any information you can about his biological mother.
If you are still completely adamant that you could not possibly be Howie's biological father, then take a DNA test to exonerate yourself. That will definitively prove whether or not you are Howie's biological father. At this point, that's the only thing that will convince me that you are not his father.
Nicky (Bart), It's never too late to do the right thing now. We all make mistakes. Those who are wise will remedy those mistakes when given the opportunity. Others look much more highly on those who try to do what's right rather than hide behind past mistakes. Howie deserves to know the truth. You can easily provide that by readily admitting your paternity or taking a DNA test. By providing the truth you will not only make yourself look better but you will feel better also. As the sayings go, "honesty is the best policy" and "the truth shall set you free".
Nicky (Bart), I really hope you do the right thing.
I do hope to hear from you now that you've had time to gather your thoughts and digest all the information. I wish you and your family the best.
Lovingly your first cousin once removed,
Dr. Tammy Stone
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Dead Giveaway! Part Two
Nearly 4 weeks ago, on June 24, 2016 I sent a letter to my first cousin once removed, Barton Nicholas Stone (Nicky). In this e-mail I spelled out, very thoroughly and understandably I believe, the DNA evidence and circumstantial evidence that points to Nicky being the biological father of a DNA relative I recently discovered.
After having ample opportunity to respond and exonerate himself, I haven't received a reply.
Incidentally, the next day on June 25, 2016 I e-mailed Nicky's sister, Nelda -- who just a few days earlier, on June 21, 2016, had responded to my request for family history information. In my e-mail on June 25, 2016 to Nelda, in addition to my request for more family history information, I asked her if she knew anything about her brother Nicky having an illegitimate child who was adopted. Then I forwarded her the same e-mail that I sent to Nicky the previous day, explaining the DNA and circumstantial evidence.
I never heard from either of them.
So, I decided to follow up. On July 12, 2016 I sent another e-mail to Nelda. Once again I asked her if she had any information regarding her brother fathering a child that was put up for adoption. No response whatsoever. Which I find a little odd because when she accidentally deleted an e-mail I sent a few weeks ago she immediately e-mailed me requesting that I resend it. So it's not like she's not receiving them in a timely manner.
Then, on July 14, 2016 after no response from Nelda, I decided to follow up with Nicky, and sent him another e-mail.
After receiving no response from four different e-mails to two different people sent over the past month, it's obvious they have something to hide. Dead giveaway!
I don't take too kindly to people lying and not being forthcoming. Especially when they have information that could help someone else but are selfishly trying to protect their own reputation.
Since it's been almost a month with no response, I've decided to no longer protect the guilty and I'm going to post the e-mails I sent to Nicky. I will post the follow-up e-mail tomorrow.
I don't know what they're trying to hide. Perhaps it's been a deep dark family secret for so long that they're trying to keep it that way. But, DNA doesn't lie. The secret is out. Fess up and tell the truth.
Dead giveaway!
Here is my letter to Nicky from June 24, 2016:
Dear Nicky (Bart),
You probably don't know who I am. I am your first cousin once removed, Tammy Stone. My dad Mike (Myron H. Stone) is your first cousin. His dad Newell and your dad are brothers. I'm not quite sure how to address you because my dad has always called you Nicky but my uncle said you go by Bart now. I have always known you as Nicky though.
I don't know that we have ever met but I remember meeting your dad-- My great uncle Nelson. One time in particular I remember I was probably a teenager. We went to visit your dad in Truckee. I remember sitting around the living room and your dad had a bulldog and he kept playing catch with the dog. Anyway the bulldog missed catching the ball and it bounced off the bulldog's mouth and hit your dad in the head. I remember thinking that was so hilarious at the time.
I understand that you are into aviation and are a bush pilot or something like that up in Alaska. That's pretty cool. You seem to be quite adventurous. How do you like Alaska? I've never been but from what I've seen it's beautiful up there.
The reason I'm writing is because there is a family mystery and you can help solve it. This might get a little long because I want to include all the details I can, that I know.
I found a DNA relative on 23 and me.com that I noticed shares a lot of DNA with the Stone side of my family. So I wanted to see how we were related. Come to find out he was adopted as a baby. Born in May 1969 in Oakland California. And thus the mystery begins.
So just analyzing the DNA information available here's what we know. By the way the mystery DNA relative's name is Howie. Howie shares 6.58% of his DNA with my dad and 4.83% with my uncle Ron. These percentages of shared DNA are consistent with being a first cousin once removed which is expected to be 6.25% +/-. The average range being 3.3%-8.51%. Howie also shares DNA with myself, my three siblings, and my cousin. Here are the percentages of shared DNA: 3.73% with me, 2.53% with my sister Lisa, 4.26% with my sister Juliet, 2.45% with my brother Michael, and 2.22% with my cousin Clint. All these percentages are consistent with being second cousins. You would expect 3.13% with an average range of 2.85%-5.04%.
Therefore it's fairly easy to conclude that Howie is the biological son of my dad's and uncle Ron's 1st cousin. So that narrows it down quite a bit.
Furthermore, Howie also shares 1.45% of his DNA with P. Osborn who is the granddaughter of Marguerite Simmons (Millie V Simmons' sister). This would make P. Osborne my Dad's and your second cousin. The percentage of DNA that P. Osborn shares with Howie is consistent with being a second cousin once removed. You would expect 1.5%. Average range of 0.57%-2.54%. So this piece of DNA information indicates that Howie is a descendent of Ma (Millie V. Simmons)-- your paternal grandmother.
Another interesting piece of DNA information is that Howie shares the same paternal haplogroup as my dad, my uncle Ron, my brother, and my cousin. This would indicate that Howie is a descendent of Bert N. Stone and Millie V. Simmons on the paternal line. Meaning the son of the son of a son.
So DNA has narrowed down the possible biological father of Howie to seven people. But two of my dad's male first cousins (Floyd and Roy) can be eliminated for now because they are the sons of daughters of Bert and Millie. They would still be a slight possibility as it would be a very rare coincidence that aunt Marjorie or aunt Varien married men with the same paternal haplogroup as their brothers and father. That's why Floyd and Roy can't be completely ruled out, but they are very unlikely.
That leaves five potential DNA candidates as the biological father of Howie. Since Bert and Millie had four sons -- we have to look at the sons of all four boys. My grandpa Newell's boys can all be eliminated because the percentage of shared DNA with Howie is not high enough for any of them to be the biological father or uncle. So that leaves the sons of Ellwood, Nelson, and Ted as possibilities.
This is where the circumstantial evidence comes in. Based upon what Howie's biological mother told the social worker at the hospital when she gave birth we have this information about Howie's birth father: he was 24 years old at the time of Howie's birth. He was born in California of northern European descent. He was of the Methodist faith. He was 6'1" tall and weighed about 180 pounds. He had brown eyes and brown hair and a medium complexion. He completed college where he received "B" grades, and was in the military. The birth mother also indicated that the birth father was in good health and enjoyed skiing. She described him as being an expert skier. The birth mother stated that she met the birth father while on vacation and they dated for approximately three months. When she returned home from vacation she discovered her pregnancy and sent the birth father several letters informing him of the pregnancy to which she received no response. She subsequently decided that placing Howie for adoption was the best thing to do.
Based upon this additional information given by the birth mother lets look at each of the five candidates.
Ellwood's two boys: Carroll Elwood Stone (Rocky) And James Stanley Stone (Jim). They were born in 1932 and 1934. They would have both been in their mid-30s at the time of Howie's birth. So their age alone would rule them out as likely candidates. I don't think they fit the other characteristics the birth mother gave either. Except maybe being born in California and being of northern European descent. Certainly neither of them were expert skiers.
Nelson's two boys: Nicky (you) and Danny. We'll come back to you later but let's quickly look at Danny. According to my records Danny was born 20 August 1955. He would have been 12 or maybe barely 13 when Howie was conceived around August 1968. So again, age would rule Danny out as the biological father of Howie.
That leaves two.
Ted's boy: Robert Carlton Stone (Bob). Bob was born 23 May 1945 according to my records. Bob was also in the military at the time. So that would include him in the shortlist of possible candidates to be the biological father of Howie.
And then there's you --Barton Nicholas Stone born 26 January 1943.
So age wise, you and Bob are the only two of my dad's paternal line male first cousins who fit the description. So it comes down to either you or Bob as being the likely biological father of Howie. Let's look a little closer.
Bob -- around 6'4" or 6'5" tall. Blue eyes, sandy hair. My dad says he was born in New Mexico not California. And my dad also says that he was not athletic at all. He certainly was not an expert skier. I'm not certain but I think my dad told me he was not college-educated either. So Bob doesn't match the physical description at all. And none of the other things match up except military service and being of northern European descent.
You (Nicky/Bart) -- brown hair, brown eyes, around 6'1" . College-educated. Born in California and of northern European descent. And the smoking gun -- an expert skier! My dad says you were in the US Olympic trials for cross-country skiing. That would certainly qualify you as an expert skier. I'm not sure of your religious affiliation at the time but the birth mother's description of Howie's biological father fits you to a tee.
Therefore it's fairly easy to conclude that of the five possible DNA candidates of being Howie's biological father, you are the obvious choice. Besides all the DNA and circumstantial evidence, Howie's physical resemblance to you is uncanny.
Unless you can shed some light on another male paternal line first cousin, or additional information about the above listed first cousins -- there really is no other DNA possibility for being Howie's biological father except you.
Now I want to give you some information on Howie's biological mother in hopes that it will spark a memory. I'm hoping you will be able to give Howie some information on his biological mother. He would really like to find her or at least find out more about her. I think everybody deserves to know their biological roots. And I want to help him if I can.
Howie's biological mother was almost 18 at the time of Howie's birth in May of 1969. She is of Italian and German descent and was born in California. She was of the Catholic faith. She was 5'4" tall and around 125 pounds. She had light brown hair, hazel eyes and olive complexion. She listed her health as good but had measles and mumps as a child. She completed 12th grade. B grades. She listed her hobbies as tennis, knitting, and swimming.
I really hope you can help Howie find his birth mother. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Nicky (Bart)!
Your first cousin once removed,
After having ample opportunity to respond and exonerate himself, I haven't received a reply.
Incidentally, the next day on June 25, 2016 I e-mailed Nicky's sister, Nelda -- who just a few days earlier, on June 21, 2016, had responded to my request for family history information. In my e-mail on June 25, 2016 to Nelda, in addition to my request for more family history information, I asked her if she knew anything about her brother Nicky having an illegitimate child who was adopted. Then I forwarded her the same e-mail that I sent to Nicky the previous day, explaining the DNA and circumstantial evidence.
I never heard from either of them.
So, I decided to follow up. On July 12, 2016 I sent another e-mail to Nelda. Once again I asked her if she had any information regarding her brother fathering a child that was put up for adoption. No response whatsoever. Which I find a little odd because when she accidentally deleted an e-mail I sent a few weeks ago she immediately e-mailed me requesting that I resend it. So it's not like she's not receiving them in a timely manner.
Then, on July 14, 2016 after no response from Nelda, I decided to follow up with Nicky, and sent him another e-mail.
After receiving no response from four different e-mails to two different people sent over the past month, it's obvious they have something to hide. Dead giveaway!
I don't take too kindly to people lying and not being forthcoming. Especially when they have information that could help someone else but are selfishly trying to protect their own reputation.
Since it's been almost a month with no response, I've decided to no longer protect the guilty and I'm going to post the e-mails I sent to Nicky. I will post the follow-up e-mail tomorrow.
I don't know what they're trying to hide. Perhaps it's been a deep dark family secret for so long that they're trying to keep it that way. But, DNA doesn't lie. The secret is out. Fess up and tell the truth.
Dead giveaway!
Here is my letter to Nicky from June 24, 2016:
Dear Nicky (Bart),
You probably don't know who I am. I am your first cousin once removed, Tammy Stone. My dad Mike (Myron H. Stone) is your first cousin. His dad Newell and your dad are brothers. I'm not quite sure how to address you because my dad has always called you Nicky but my uncle said you go by Bart now. I have always known you as Nicky though.
I don't know that we have ever met but I remember meeting your dad-- My great uncle Nelson. One time in particular I remember I was probably a teenager. We went to visit your dad in Truckee. I remember sitting around the living room and your dad had a bulldog and he kept playing catch with the dog. Anyway the bulldog missed catching the ball and it bounced off the bulldog's mouth and hit your dad in the head. I remember thinking that was so hilarious at the time.
I understand that you are into aviation and are a bush pilot or something like that up in Alaska. That's pretty cool. You seem to be quite adventurous. How do you like Alaska? I've never been but from what I've seen it's beautiful up there.
The reason I'm writing is because there is a family mystery and you can help solve it. This might get a little long because I want to include all the details I can, that I know.
I found a DNA relative on 23 and me.com that I noticed shares a lot of DNA with the Stone side of my family. So I wanted to see how we were related. Come to find out he was adopted as a baby. Born in May 1969 in Oakland California. And thus the mystery begins.
So just analyzing the DNA information available here's what we know. By the way the mystery DNA relative's name is Howie. Howie shares 6.58% of his DNA with my dad and 4.83% with my uncle Ron. These percentages of shared DNA are consistent with being a first cousin once removed which is expected to be 6.25% +/-. The average range being 3.3%-8.51%. Howie also shares DNA with myself, my three siblings, and my cousin. Here are the percentages of shared DNA: 3.73% with me, 2.53% with my sister Lisa, 4.26% with my sister Juliet, 2.45% with my brother Michael, and 2.22% with my cousin Clint. All these percentages are consistent with being second cousins. You would expect 3.13% with an average range of 2.85%-5.04%.
Therefore it's fairly easy to conclude that Howie is the biological son of my dad's and uncle Ron's 1st cousin. So that narrows it down quite a bit.
Furthermore, Howie also shares 1.45% of his DNA with P. Osborn who is the granddaughter of Marguerite Simmons (Millie V Simmons' sister). This would make P. Osborne my Dad's and your second cousin. The percentage of DNA that P. Osborn shares with Howie is consistent with being a second cousin once removed. You would expect 1.5%. Average range of 0.57%-2.54%. So this piece of DNA information indicates that Howie is a descendent of Ma (Millie V. Simmons)-- your paternal grandmother.
Another interesting piece of DNA information is that Howie shares the same paternal haplogroup as my dad, my uncle Ron, my brother, and my cousin. This would indicate that Howie is a descendent of Bert N. Stone and Millie V. Simmons on the paternal line. Meaning the son of the son of a son.
So DNA has narrowed down the possible biological father of Howie to seven people. But two of my dad's male first cousins (Floyd and Roy) can be eliminated for now because they are the sons of daughters of Bert and Millie. They would still be a slight possibility as it would be a very rare coincidence that aunt Marjorie or aunt Varien married men with the same paternal haplogroup as their brothers and father. That's why Floyd and Roy can't be completely ruled out, but they are very unlikely.
That leaves five potential DNA candidates as the biological father of Howie. Since Bert and Millie had four sons -- we have to look at the sons of all four boys. My grandpa Newell's boys can all be eliminated because the percentage of shared DNA with Howie is not high enough for any of them to be the biological father or uncle. So that leaves the sons of Ellwood, Nelson, and Ted as possibilities.
This is where the circumstantial evidence comes in. Based upon what Howie's biological mother told the social worker at the hospital when she gave birth we have this information about Howie's birth father: he was 24 years old at the time of Howie's birth. He was born in California of northern European descent. He was of the Methodist faith. He was 6'1" tall and weighed about 180 pounds. He had brown eyes and brown hair and a medium complexion. He completed college where he received "B" grades, and was in the military. The birth mother also indicated that the birth father was in good health and enjoyed skiing. She described him as being an expert skier. The birth mother stated that she met the birth father while on vacation and they dated for approximately three months. When she returned home from vacation she discovered her pregnancy and sent the birth father several letters informing him of the pregnancy to which she received no response. She subsequently decided that placing Howie for adoption was the best thing to do.
Based upon this additional information given by the birth mother lets look at each of the five candidates.
Ellwood's two boys: Carroll Elwood Stone (Rocky) And James Stanley Stone (Jim). They were born in 1932 and 1934. They would have both been in their mid-30s at the time of Howie's birth. So their age alone would rule them out as likely candidates. I don't think they fit the other characteristics the birth mother gave either. Except maybe being born in California and being of northern European descent. Certainly neither of them were expert skiers.
Nelson's two boys: Nicky (you) and Danny. We'll come back to you later but let's quickly look at Danny. According to my records Danny was born 20 August 1955. He would have been 12 or maybe barely 13 when Howie was conceived around August 1968. So again, age would rule Danny out as the biological father of Howie.
That leaves two.
Ted's boy: Robert Carlton Stone (Bob). Bob was born 23 May 1945 according to my records. Bob was also in the military at the time. So that would include him in the shortlist of possible candidates to be the biological father of Howie.
And then there's you --Barton Nicholas Stone born 26 January 1943.
So age wise, you and Bob are the only two of my dad's paternal line male first cousins who fit the description. So it comes down to either you or Bob as being the likely biological father of Howie. Let's look a little closer.
Bob -- around 6'4" or 6'5" tall. Blue eyes, sandy hair. My dad says he was born in New Mexico not California. And my dad also says that he was not athletic at all. He certainly was not an expert skier. I'm not certain but I think my dad told me he was not college-educated either. So Bob doesn't match the physical description at all. And none of the other things match up except military service and being of northern European descent.
You (Nicky/Bart) -- brown hair, brown eyes, around 6'1" . College-educated. Born in California and of northern European descent. And the smoking gun -- an expert skier! My dad says you were in the US Olympic trials for cross-country skiing. That would certainly qualify you as an expert skier. I'm not sure of your religious affiliation at the time but the birth mother's description of Howie's biological father fits you to a tee.
Therefore it's fairly easy to conclude that of the five possible DNA candidates of being Howie's biological father, you are the obvious choice. Besides all the DNA and circumstantial evidence, Howie's physical resemblance to you is uncanny.
Unless you can shed some light on another male paternal line first cousin, or additional information about the above listed first cousins -- there really is no other DNA possibility for being Howie's biological father except you.
Now I want to give you some information on Howie's biological mother in hopes that it will spark a memory. I'm hoping you will be able to give Howie some information on his biological mother. He would really like to find her or at least find out more about her. I think everybody deserves to know their biological roots. And I want to help him if I can.
Howie's biological mother was almost 18 at the time of Howie's birth in May of 1969. She is of Italian and German descent and was born in California. She was of the Catholic faith. She was 5'4" tall and around 125 pounds. She had light brown hair, hazel eyes and olive complexion. She listed her health as good but had measles and mumps as a child. She completed 12th grade. B grades. She listed her hobbies as tennis, knitting, and swimming.
I really hope you can help Howie find his birth mother. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Nicky (Bart)!
Your first cousin once removed,
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Another New Word
I have created another variation of the word floozy. If you're a regular on my blog you know I created the word floozer as the male version of floozy. Then I created the word floozationship to better define relationships between floozers and floozies.
Then I was thinking about what kids would call someone who their parent is living with, but is not married to. Because they are living in a floozationship and not married, they can't be considered a stepparent. I suppose the child could refer to the floozer/floozy that their parent is living with as their dad's floozy or their mom's floozer. Which would be accurate.
But then I combined the two to create stepfloozer and stepfloozy.
Using it in a sentence: Since my brother moved in with his horse faced floozy, my nephews must now contend with an evil stepfloozy.
Because it's a counterfeit family relationship I think stepfloozer and stepfloozy are appropriate and accurate.
Then I was thinking about what kids would call someone who their parent is living with, but is not married to. Because they are living in a floozationship and not married, they can't be considered a stepparent. I suppose the child could refer to the floozer/floozy that their parent is living with as their dad's floozy or their mom's floozer. Which would be accurate.
But then I combined the two to create stepfloozer and stepfloozy.
Using it in a sentence: Since my brother moved in with his horse faced floozy, my nephews must now contend with an evil stepfloozy.
Because it's a counterfeit family relationship I think stepfloozer and stepfloozy are appropriate and accurate.
That's my two cents.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Daily Message
"The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. They feel worthwhile as individuals if the numbers beneath them in achievement, talent, beauty, or intellect are large enough. Pride is ugly. It says, “If you succeed, I am a failure.”"
—Ezra Taft Benson, "Beware of Pride"
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
All Lives Matter
Liberals always have to be crying about something. If they're not, they're not happy. Now the flavor of the day seems to be "black lives matter". Don't all lives matter? Black lives matter is a ridiculous ploy to increase division in our country. That's what they like to do. They have no intention of actually seeking solutions to problems. They like to create problems and make things worse. That's the goal of liberals.
Good thunder, when the President of the United States gets on TV and lies and manipulates, people in this country actually believe him. The Liberals jump for joy and the low information crowd follows like blind sheep. It's pathetic.
Barack Hussein O. has created more racial tension and division in this country in the past seven and half years than before his presidency. Completely intentional. He creates problems then acts mad about it. All along he doesn't want anything solved, quite the contrary.
Just the name alone "black lives matter" is extremely racist. That's what these liberals do. They are the ones being completely racist and try to turn it around and make everyone else seem like the racist ones. By singling out one specific race -- that is the definition of racism. But that's the whole point. The liberals want racism, they embrace it. They are constantly creating things to be angry about. And if you give them what they want they get even angrier and create something else to be angry about.
Case in point -- homosexual marriage. The Liberals bawled their necks off for years about same-sex marriage. Then when they get what they want they get even angrier and find something else to cry about. In this case, transgenderism. Mark my word, when they've exhausted that, there will be another "injustice" to be angry about.
Liberals are just angry, unhappy people who must always be creating victims and finding "injustices" to cry about. And heaven forbid you give them what they want because if you do they just become angrier and more unhappy.
And just for the record, all lives matter.
That's my two cents.
Good thunder, when the President of the United States gets on TV and lies and manipulates, people in this country actually believe him. The Liberals jump for joy and the low information crowd follows like blind sheep. It's pathetic.
Barack Hussein O. has created more racial tension and division in this country in the past seven and half years than before his presidency. Completely intentional. He creates problems then acts mad about it. All along he doesn't want anything solved, quite the contrary.
Just the name alone "black lives matter" is extremely racist. That's what these liberals do. They are the ones being completely racist and try to turn it around and make everyone else seem like the racist ones. By singling out one specific race -- that is the definition of racism. But that's the whole point. The liberals want racism, they embrace it. They are constantly creating things to be angry about. And if you give them what they want they get even angrier and create something else to be angry about.
Case in point -- homosexual marriage. The Liberals bawled their necks off for years about same-sex marriage. Then when they get what they want they get even angrier and find something else to cry about. In this case, transgenderism. Mark my word, when they've exhausted that, there will be another "injustice" to be angry about.
Liberals are just angry, unhappy people who must always be creating victims and finding "injustices" to cry about. And heaven forbid you give them what they want because if you do they just become angrier and more unhappy.
And just for the record, all lives matter.
That's my two cents.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Relief Society Lesson-- The Temple
My handouts: Temple sugar cookies. Special thanks to Lisa for making them and Derrinda for bagging them. They were certainly a hit! Also thanks to Juliet for the photos. :-)
Saturday, July 9, 2016
One Excuse Deserves Another
I'm really sick and tired of idiots. By idiots I mean people who do stupid things who should know better.
I'm sick of people not taking responsibility for their choices then blaming others for the consequences.
Look, if you are a fairly intelligent person and you make a choice to do something that harms yourself or others as a consequence of that choice, then don't be a panseric wimp and blame someone else. You made the choice, take responsibility for your actions.
Everybody knows that football is a dangerous sport. If you don't know that, then you are more idiotic than imagined. People choose to play football for whatever reason -- knowing there are risks involved. They might not fully know all the risks but nonetheless choose to play.
So years later when they are suffering consequences of their glory days they become panseric wimps and look for a scapegoat. They blame the school, the football league, the conference -- whoever they can pin it on. They sue. They claim the aforementioned scapegoats knew football was dangerous and still let them play. Duh! Who doesn't know football is dangerous? It's absolutely ridiculous. The sad thing is, they probably win the lawsuit. That's how messed up our society is. As if schools, football leagues, football conferences, etc. deliberately harm athletes. No one forces them to play football. It is a choice. Choices always come with consequences, whether good or bad.
That's just one example of idiots trying to blame others for the consequences of their choices. As my wise grandma used to say, "One excuse deserves another."
I could cite a myriad of other examples but I will leave it at that for now. There are far too many idiots doing stupid things in this world. Far too many people trying to excuse their behavior. One excuse certainly does deserve another.
That's my two cents.
I'm sick of people not taking responsibility for their choices then blaming others for the consequences.
Look, if you are a fairly intelligent person and you make a choice to do something that harms yourself or others as a consequence of that choice, then don't be a panseric wimp and blame someone else. You made the choice, take responsibility for your actions.
Everybody knows that football is a dangerous sport. If you don't know that, then you are more idiotic than imagined. People choose to play football for whatever reason -- knowing there are risks involved. They might not fully know all the risks but nonetheless choose to play.
So years later when they are suffering consequences of their glory days they become panseric wimps and look for a scapegoat. They blame the school, the football league, the conference -- whoever they can pin it on. They sue. They claim the aforementioned scapegoats knew football was dangerous and still let them play. Duh! Who doesn't know football is dangerous? It's absolutely ridiculous. The sad thing is, they probably win the lawsuit. That's how messed up our society is. As if schools, football leagues, football conferences, etc. deliberately harm athletes. No one forces them to play football. It is a choice. Choices always come with consequences, whether good or bad.
That's just one example of idiots trying to blame others for the consequences of their choices. As my wise grandma used to say, "One excuse deserves another."
I could cite a myriad of other examples but I will leave it at that for now. There are far too many idiots doing stupid things in this world. Far too many people trying to excuse their behavior. One excuse certainly does deserve another.
That's my two cents.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Words of the Prophet
"We live in a troubled world, a world of many challenges. We are here on this earth to deal with our individual challenges to the best of our ability, to learn from them, and to overcome them. Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven. He loves us and wants nothing more than for us to succeed in this goal."
—Thomas S. Monson, "Till We Meet Again"
Sunday, July 3, 2016
God Bless America!
"Liberty regards religion as its companion in all its battles and its triumphs, as the cradle of its infancy and the divine source of its claims. It considers religion as the safeguard of morality, and morality as the best security of law and the surest pledge of the duration of freedom.”– Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
"Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith." -- Alexis de Tocqueville
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” -- George Washington
"Alexis de Tocqueville, the brilliant French writer who toured America in the 1830s in preparation for his magnum opus, Democracy in America, was struck by the difference between American and French notions of freedom. The American Patriots viewed religion as essential to freedom, while French radicals saw religion as freedom's enemy. Yet the French Revolution descended into massive bloodletting, and concluded with military rule under Napoleon, while the Americans successfully created and sustained a republic without horrific violence (until the Civil War, of course). Tocqueville believed that Americans' friendliness to religion made all the difference, for faith kept the worst excesses of liberty in check. In America, Tocqueville wrote, "freedom sees religion as its companion."" --Thomas S. Kidd, USA Today, What the Founders knew: Faith enhances freedom, October 15, 2010
Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of religion and freedom. This country was founded on religious principles.
As we watch the decline of religious observance and morals in this great nation of ours, sadly, we also see the decline of liberty and freedom. As the wise Frenchman pointed out nearly 200 years ago, liberty and religion go hand in hand.
Thankfully, we still have religious freedom in this country and there are still men and women of faith who will practice and defend religion and morality. Thereby preserving liberty in this wonderful nation of ours.
God bless America!
That's my two cents.