Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Traditions of My Fathers

In reflecting on the recent death of my grandfather I began contemplating his life and the lives of my ancestors.  The Book of Mormon and other scriptures speak often of "the traditions of their fathers".  For righteous or for evil. 

Here are just a couple examples from the Scriptures:

Samuel the Lamanite prophesied the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at His birth.  He prophesied of the signs that would be given at His birth. Of course there were many unbelievers who persecuted the believers.

3 Nephi 1:9-11 (Emphasis added)
 9 Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who believed in those traditions should be put to death except the sign should come to pass, which had been given by Samuel the prophet. 
 10 Now it came to pass that when Nephi, the son of Nephi, saw this wickedness of his people, his heart was exceedingly sorrowful. 
 11 And it came to pass that he went out and bowed himself down upon the earth, and cried mightily to his God in behalf of his people, yea, those who were about to be destroyed because of their faith in the tradition of their fathers.
The believers were willing to die at the hands of the unbelievers "because of their faith in the tradition of their fathers."  They weren't put to death because the signs came as prophesied.

That was a Scripture showing the righteous traditions of their fathers.  Now here is a Scripture showing the evil traditions of their fathers.

This Scripture is talking about the Lamanites -- descendents of Laman and Lemuel -- who are the sons of the prophet Lehi and brothers of prophets Nephi and Jacob.

Mosiah 10:12-14; 17 (Emphasis added)
12 They were a wild, and ferocious, and a blood-thirsty people, believing in the tradition of their fathers, which is this—Believing that they were driven out of the land of Jerusalem because of the iniquities of their fathers, and that they were wronged in the wilderness by their brethren, and they were also wronged while crossing the sea;
 13 And again, that they were wronged while in the land of their first inheritance, after they had crossed the sea, and all this because that Nephi was more faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord—therefore he was favored of the Lord, for the Lord heard his prayers and answered them, and he took the lead of their journey in the wilderness.
 14 And his brethren were wroth with him because they understood not the dealings of the Lord; they were also wroth with him upon the waters because they hardened their hearts against the Lord.
17 And thus they have taught their children that they should hate them, and that they should murder them, and that they should rob and plunder them, and do all they could to destroy them; therefore they have an eternal hatred towards the children of Nephi.
So because of Laman and Lemuel and their bad choices, their children and generations to follow became wicked and unbelieving.  For the Lamanites that was the tradition of their fathers.  On the contrary Nephi and his righteous brothers taught their children to obey the Lord and His commandments.  They were taught the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  The generations to follow became the Nephites. Righteousness and believing in and following the Lord Jesus Christ became the tradition of their fathers.

It brings to mind the story my grandpa told of baptizing two of his friends during World War II.  These men saw my grandpa's example of living the Gospel.  He followed the tradition of his fathers.  Because of that the descendents of those two men -- many people and several generations -- have a legacy of living the gospel of Jesus Christ and serving in his Church. That has become the tradition of their fathers.  In fact many of those descendents attended my grandfather's funeral and thanked my family members for my grandfather's righteous example and willingness to share the gospel.

I have been mocked and persecuted because I follow the tradition of my fathers.  Much like Korihor, an Anti-Christ mocked and persecuted the righteous followers of Christ in The Book of Mormon.

Alma 30:14
14 Behold, these things which ye call prophecies, which ye say are handed down by holy prophets, behold, they are foolish traditions of your fathers.
I've had that very thing told to me, almost verbatim, by an apostate family member.

But I am proud of the traditions of my fathers.  I feel very blessed to have been taught the truthfulness of the gospel as a tradition of my fathers.  I am thankful for righteous ancestors who have passed that down to me.  I do not take it for granted and I do not follow blindly.

I am immensely blessed because of the traditions of my fathers.  I hope and pray that I can live up to the examples of my ancestors in continuing the tradition of my fathers.

That's my two cents.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Limbaugh Quotes

"Why does the left protest and the right doesn’t? The left is a hate group...  Their propulsion is hate, and they have to have an outlet for the hate. They hate so much. They hate many elements of America. They hate people that don’t think the way they do. It’s not just that they disagree, they hate, and this energy requires action. People on the right, they don’t hate anybody. We want everybody to get along, when you get right down to it. ... And the right seeks political victory at the ballot box — and that’s just the way it’s been. It’s a bit cliched to say but the right, conservatives, work. They have jobs.  They don’t have time off to go join protest marches as a career. The left has turned that into a bought-and-paid-for, rent-a-mob type activity." -- Rush Limbaugh, February 24, 2017

"No, you heard me right. Chris Cuomo says a 12-year-old girl who doesn’t want to see a guy running around naked in her locker room-- She’s the problem. Her parents are the problem.  They haven’t taught her “tolerance.”  She’s an intolerant bigot.  Is it any wonder people think that a sizable portion of our culture is genuinely sick? ...These people are nuts, and they anchor the news! They’re literally insane. What happened to these people?" -- Rush Limbaugh, February 24, 2017

Friday, February 24, 2017

A Banquet of Consequences

The following is an excerpt from a recent BYU devotional given by Elder Quentin L. Cook.  I was just going to put a few quotes but it was all so good I included a lot more than I intended.  Although it's still quite long, I did cut out quite a bit.  If you want to read the devotional in its entirety click on the link at the bottom.  Enjoy!

From a BYU devotional address given February 7, 2017 by Elder Quentin L. Cook:

"One of the most cunning aspects of the adversary’s efforts to thwart our Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness is his deceitful teaching that there is no evil influence or devil and his attempt to redefine evil as good and good as evil, darkness as light and light as darkness, bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter!

"This is sometimes called a paradigm shift—or “when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new or different way,” thus portraying things to be exactly the opposite of what they really are.

"...Lucifer’s only hope of success was to achieve a paradigm shift or values inversion—in other words, to characterize the Father's plan as resulting in grief and misery and Lucifer’s plan as resulting in joy and happiness.

"...The truth is, not only do the enemies of Father’s plan attempt to undermine the doctrine and principles of the plan, but they also attempt to mischaracterize the blessings that flow from the plan. Their basic effort is to make that which is good, righteous, and joyful seem utterly miserable.

"I will discuss some of the adversary’s efforts to mischaracterize and undermine the blessings of living according to the Father's plan.

Word of Wisdom

"My first example is the Word of Wisdom. ...over the course of a lifetime I have seen many of my friends’ lives blighted and sometimes destroyed by alcohol. An alcohol culture isn’t just about Church doctrine. It is about the health and happiness of everyone.

"In the Father’s plan, the Word of Wisdom—the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants given because of “evils and designs” of “conspiring men”—provides health principles. It is “adapted to the capacity of the weak and weakest of all saints.” It sets forth particulars, including that “wine or strong drink” (i.e., alcohol) is not good. “Tobacco and hot drinks” (i.e., tea and coffee) “are not for the body.” This revelation also advocates wholesome health practices with a promise. It promises those acting in obedience to the divine command great physical and spiritual rewards. They “shall receive health … and find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.”

"The distortion—paradigm shift—that the adversary utilizes is clearly illustrated by his advocacy for tobacco and alcohol. ...

"The revelation was received in 1833. Then in 1921 President Heber J. Grant, inspired by the Lord, called on all Saints to more fully live the Word of Wisdom. At the time, mass marketing and glamorization in the movies made cigarette smoking appear fashionable, sophisticated, and fun. ...

"The statistics today with respect to cigarette smoking are not in dispute. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. It is estimated to increase the risk of lung cancer by 25 times.

"So, what the adversary portrayed as fashionable, sophisticated, and fun has in fact resulted in misery and untimely death for millions of people.

"Alcohol is another example. ...

"Over many years I have followed a research project that commenced in the 1940s. Initially there were 268 men who were attending Harvard University and were periodically studied over their entire lives. Later others, including women, became part of the study. The goal of the original study was to find out about success and happiness. The study showed that college entrance scores and grade averages did not predict either success or happiness in later life.

"This study contains three significant insights for me. First, adult happiness had a high correlation with childhood family happiness, especially love and affection from their parents. Second is the importance of a healthy, stable marriage to lifelong happiness. Third is the negative effects of alcohol on marital and lifetime success and happiness.

"Alcohol abuse touches one-third of families and is involved in one-fourth of hospital admissions. It plays a major role in death, bad health, and diminished accomplishment.  

"In a recent front page article in the Washington Post, titled “Wine, Women and Danger,” based on U.S. federal health data, it was reported that “women in America are drinking far more, and far more frequently, than their mothers or grandmothers did, and alcohol consumption is killing them in record numbers.” The article concludes: “The current and emerging science does not support the purported benefits of moderate drinking.” And “the risk of death from cancer appears to go up with any level of alcohol consumption.”

"... The terrible impact of alcohol on many young brains is now medically established.

"...As if cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and an opiate epidemic were not harmful enough to society, we now see the forces of evil pushing legalization of recreational marijuana. ..."

Family choices

"In the Father’s plan the role of families is clearly set forth. In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” it reads, “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

"It is fairly common in today's world, in another paradigm shift, to trumpet alternative choices in a positive way that are in direct conflict with this plan and are unfavorable to marriage and family.

"To mention a few:

"The choice for both women and men to put education and careers ahead of marriage and family.

"The choice to purposefully have no or few children or to terminate pregnancy when inconvenient.

"The choice to engage in immoral conduct as a substitute for the sacred institution of marriage.

"The adversary has targeted women and painted motherhood as a dead–end road of drudgery. He has targeted men and painted fatherhood as unimportant and fidelity as “old–school.” The alienation and objectification of pornography is an example of immoral conduct being substituted for the sacred institution of marriage. It underscores the horrific turning from truth and righteousness that the adversary seeks.

"Inappropriate alternative choices are painted as appropriate in helping to achieve the worldly goals of freedom and equality.

"... Lucifer has supported abortion and convinced many people in a horrific paradigm shift that children represent lost opportunity and misery, instead of joy and happiness.

"...The family proclamation could not be more clear about the consequences of choices inconsistent with the Father's plan. It unequivocally proclaims, “We warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.”

"This clearly sets forth the ultimate banquet of consequences and the cumulative impact of choices not in accordance with the Father's plan of happiness.

"In all marriages and in raising children there are challenges and sacrifices. But the rewards both in this life and in the eternities are breathtakingly beautiful. They emanate from a loving Father in Heaven."

Prospering in the Land

"...A familiar scripture found in Alma 36:30, and many other places in the Book of Mormon, has two parts; it reads, “Inasmuch as ye will keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land.” The second part reads, “Inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God ye shall be cut off from his presence.” It is clear that having the blessing of the Holy Spirit is a principal element of prospering in the land.

"Along with having the Spirit, sacred teachings of the Church establish “having sufficient for our needs” as the best measure of temporal prosperity. Lucifer’s paradigm shift here is to elevate the seeking of great wealth and the acquisition of highly visible luxury products. Some seem absolutely driven to achieve the “lifestyle of the rich and famous.” Excess wealth is not promised to faithful members, nor does it usually bring happiness.

"As a people, the Latter-day Saints have indeed prospered. Some achieve wealth as the result of very worthwhile and appropriate pursuits and use that wealth to bless mankind and further the Lord’s purposes.

"Wise financial principles include seeking the kingdom of God first, working, planning, and spending wisely, planning for the future, and using wealth to build up the kingdom of God.

"Many years ago, President N. Eldon Tanner gave a classic talk entitled “Constancy amid Change.” The principles he taught are as applicable today as when he taught them. First, pay an honest tithing. Second, live on less than you earn. Third, learn to distinguish between needs and wants. In doing so, remember that yesterday’s luxuries have in some cases become today's necessities. Fourth, develop and live within a budget, but plan on the unexpected. And fifth, be honest in all your financial affairs.

"President Tanner’s admonition to live on less than you earn is a fundamental principle." ...

Lucifer's Objective Is to Undermine the Father's Plan

"In addition to portraying blessings as misery, Lucifer’s objective is to undermine the Father’s plan and destroy faith in Jesus Christ and His doctrine. The assault on the Bible and the divinity of Jesus Christ has never been more pronounced in my lifetime than it is today. As the scriptures predicted, Lucifer is using many devices to accomplish this objective.

"It is one thing to be misled by the adversary. It is another to be one of his mercenaries. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, as usual, said it beautifully: “How tragic it is that so many mortals are mercenaries for the adversary [and are] bought off at such low prices. A little status, a little money, a little praise, a little fleeting fame, and they are willing to do the bidding of him who can offer all sorts of transitory ‘rewards,’ but who has no celestial currency.” This echoes the famous words of Alma speaking of Korihor, who had spread the old militant atheist lies and then discovered “the devil will not support his children at the last day.”

"...bad choices result in a banquet with bitter, rancid, nasty, and miserable results.

"Compare this to the glorious banquet of consequences that are promised to you who are faithful. You will be filled with the glory of the Lord, sanctified by the Spirit and the renewing of your body, and all that the Father hath will be given to you."

-- A Banquet of Consequences-- The Cumulative Result of All Choices, Elder Quentin L. Cook, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, February 7, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

Grandpa Sabin's Funeral

Back and front


Not included in the program but also speaking after Bishop Scott Morgan was Elder M. Russell Ballard Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Gerrit W. Gong Of the Presidency of Seventy. Elder Gong read a letter from The First Presidency of the Church to the Sabin family.

Lisa and Mom both worked hard preparing their talks and both gave excellent talks.  I wasn't there but I read both of them.  :-)  

Grandpa is a wonderful man who lived an exemplary life.  It's only fitting that three general authorities were in attendance at his funeral.  Including his son, Gary, who is a General Authority Seventy.

Here are a few pictures that Lisa took:
Beautiful floral sprays from The Presiding Bishopric and the Presidency of the Seventy and Quorums of the Seventy
Uncle Gary, Uncle Ron, Uncle Don, Mom

Mom being presented the flag 
21 gun salute 

Pallbearers: Shari's husband, Michael Paul, Jimmy, Alan, Bryan, Kimberly's husband

Mom's cousins and brothers: Linda Ray, Marilyn Ray, Larry Ray, Alan Peck, Debra Peck, Joe Brockbank, Mom, Lauralei Brockbank, Uncle Don, Lisa Brockbank, Uncle Gary, Uncle Ron  
Mom, Uncle Don, Uncle Ron, Uncle Gary 
Uncle Ron, Uncle Don, Mom, Uncle Gary
That big spruce tree in the background was about as tall as me when I was little.  Here is a picture for comparison:

I received the following quote in my inbox today and thought it was apropos for this post.
"It is good to look to the past to gain appreciation for the present and perspective for the future. It is good to look upon the virtues of those who have gone before, to gain strength for whatever lies ahead."
—Gordon B. Hinckley

I am grateful for Grandpa Sabin and the righteous life that he led.  I'm thankful for his example.

RIP Grandpa Sabin -- until we meet again.  I love you!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Daily Message

"Our faith grows as we anticipate the glorious day of the Savior’s return to the earth. The thought of His coming stirs my soul. It will be breathtaking! The scope and grandeur, the vastness and magnificence, will exceed anything mortal eyes have ever seen or experienced."
—Neil L. Andersen, "Thy Kingdom Come", Ensign, May 2015

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Grandpa Sabin's Obituary

Marvin Elmer Sabin
Marvin Elmer Sabin

October 22, 1919 - February 10, 2017
Resided in OremUT


Marvin Elmer Sabin was reunited with his sweetheart, Sylvia Wall, on Friday, February 10th, 2017, at the age of 97.

Marvin loved people; his dear wife, his family, and his friends. He made a choice early in life to be happy. He loved to sing and share his happy way of life with everyone. His standard answer for, "How are you Marvin?" was, "On a scale of 1 to 10, I'm a 25!" 

Marvin was born in Salem, Utah to Henry Elmer Sabin and Lillie Devena Christensen on October 22, 1919. Four other siblings eventually followed; Evelyn (Peck), Dean, Marie (Ray), and Leora (Brockbank.)
Marvin was always a hard worker. As a boy he herded cattle, milked cows, and worked the fields raising mostly sugar beets and alfalfa. He also helped with the family's small enterprise of packing and selling eggs to the local co-op.

From 1940-42, Marvin served an LDS mission to the Northwestern States, the same area where his father had served 25 years earlier.

After his mission, Marvin enlisted in the Navy during WWII and served on the destroyer Kalk DD 611 as Chief Petty Officer, maintaining all radio equipment. He narrowly escaped death when his ship was bombed, killing 30 of his shipmates.

He always contended that the Navy helped him meet his sweetheart; how else would a Salem boy meet a New York girl? He attended the Manhattan Branch and introduced himself to someone who looked like a man from his mission. The New Yorker was the man's brother, Byron Wall. As they visited, Byron's daughter, Sylvia, joined them and the rest is history. Marvin and Sylvia were married in the Logan, Utah Temple on August 10th, 1944.

A University of Utah graduate, Marvin earned a degree in Electrical Engineering and worked at the US Steel plant in Orem, Utah, until his retirement.

Marvin loved life! He loved to sing, ski, ice skate, play tennis, swim, fish, hunt, and coach his son's baseball teams. His extensive service in Scouting was recognized with Scouting's highest award, The Silver Beaver. Marvin served as an Elder's Quorum President, a Sunday school and MIA superintendant, High Councilor and a Stake Mission President. He also served as a counselor to four different bishops!

Above all, Marvin was a wonderful son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, friend and servant of God and his fellowmen. We will be forever grateful for this marvelous man and patriarch.

He is survived by his daughter, Darleen (Stone) of Graham, WA; sons, Marvin Don of Orem, UT; Ronald Henry of Escondido, CA; Gary Byron, currently of Frankfurt, Germany; sister, Leora Sabin Brockbank of Salt Lake City, UT; 15 grandchildren; and 29 great-grandchildren. He is preceeded in death by his wife, Sylvia; his brother, Dean; sisters, Marie and Evelyn; and grandson, Justin David Sabin.

Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 18, 2017, at 10 a.m. at the Hillcrest 4th Ward Chapel, 440 East 800 South in Orem, Utah. Friends and family may call Friday evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Walker Sanderson Funeral Home, 646 East 800 North in Orem, and Saturday before the funeral service at the ward chapel 8:30 to 9:40 a.m. Interment will be in the Salem City Cemetery. 


Walker Sanderson Funeral Home
646 East 800 North
OremUT 84097

Hillcrest 4th Ward
440 East 800 South

Hillcrest 4th Ward Chapel
440 East 800 South

Salem City Cemetery
130 East 965 South

Friday, February 17, 2017

Smooth Sailing

Gotta love this classic from 1980.  Story of my life!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

RIP Grandpa Sabin

Yesterday at 3:40 PM MST my last living grandparent graduated from mortality.  Aunt Annette informed us that Grandpa Sabin passed peacefully from this life to the spirit world while they were holding his hands.  He was too weak to speak yesterday but his last words were "Sylvia" as if he were calling out to her as she came to get him.  I'm sure they had a sweet reunion as they had been apart for the last nearly 13 years.  They were sealed in the house of the Lord for time and all eternity on August 10, 1944.  I have no doubt that she helped him make the transition to the spirit world.

Grandpa was a good man and a wonderful example to all of his progeny. I am honored to be the first to call him grandpa.  I have many fond memories of Grandpa Sabin.  The first to come to mind of course is fishing.  Early morning fishing.  We arose at what seemed to me as a kid to be the middle of the night.  So that we could make it to the lake by dawn.  I remember being somewhat scared of the old fiberglass boat with patches all over it.  It was translucent so that you could see the water through it.  My favorite part of fishing was going fast in the boat out to where we were going to fish (which wasn't really that fast).  And I'll never forget my first lesson in anatomy and dissection of Grandpa teaching us how to gut and clean the fish.  Perhaps that's where my love of biology started.

Grandpa comes from good pioneer stock.  There are many stories of his ancestors joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in England and crossing "the pond" to come to America.  There are many stories of encounters with Indians and early church leaders.

I'm glad I was able to grow up living in the same city as grandpa.  He blessed me when I was a baby, he baptized me when I was eight years old, he was at my high school graduation, mission farewell and homecoming, and graduation from college.

Grandpa was always happy.  He loved life.  He was always supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and always way above a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 when asked how he was doing.  He was always telling jokes.  He was also a good athlete.  He loved to swim, play tennis, and go skiing.  All of which he did well into his twilight years.  Grandpa never wanted to leave mortality.  Even up until a couple of weeks ago -- even though his body was giving out-- he still proclaimed that he wanted to live to 150 years old. He came close.  He was 97.

RIP Grandpa Sabin.

Marvin Elmer Sabin 
October 22, 1919 -- February 10, 2017
Marvin Elmer Sabin:
Henry Elmer Sabin family
Left to right: Marie, Lillie, Marvin, Evelyn, H. Elmer, Leora 
Elmer and Lillie being my great grandparents.  Marie, Evelyn, and Leora being my great aunts.  And of course Marvin being my maternal grandfather.
Darleen (my mom), Sylvia (my maternal grandmother), Marvin with his parents Lillie and Elmer

Grandpa with his sisters -- I think this was around 1994 at the Homestead resort in Midway,Utah
Left to right: Evelyn, Marie, Marvin, Leora

This is how I remember grandpa.  :-)

Marvin and Sylvia: 
Married for time and all eternity 
Logan Utah Temple
August 10, 1944

Marvin and Sylvia Sabin family: 

Grandpa Sabin with Mom 1947?

Grandpa with Mom again
Grandpa Sabin with Mom on a horse in Salem, Utah around 1947

Marvin E. Sabin family
back row: Marvin and Sylvia front row: Gary, Darleen, Don, Ron
I'm guessing this photo was Christmas 1957 or 1958?
Back row: Ron, Darleen, Don; front row: Marvin, Sylvia, Gary
Somewhere around 1964?
Don, Darleen, Sylvia, Marvin
Gary, Ron
Back row: Darleen, Sylvia, Marvin, Gary; front row: Don, Ron

Gary, Don
Marvin, Darleen, Sylvia 
Sylvia and Marvin with grandchildren:
Tammy, Juliet, Lisa, Michael, Kimberly, Shari Ann, Steven
Christmas 1977?  
Mike, Darleen, Don, Ron, Annette, Valerie, Gary
Sylvia, Marvin

Gary, Don, Sylvia, Darleen holding Tammy, Marvin
Gary, Don, Sylvia holding Tammy, Marvin, Mike

Me with Grandpa Sabin:
Grandpas Sabin carrying me in a bucket 1971 
Grandpa Sabin, Tammy on the raft, Uncle Ron
Clearlake, California 1972 
Tammy with Grandpa Sabin after my baptism and confirmation January 1979

Me with Grandpa Sabin
picture taken at a daddy daughter date
Grandpa, Me, Grandma
My Missionary Farewell - January 12, 1992 

Grandpa and Grandma Sabin with me at my graduation from Utah State University 1996

Recent photos of Grandpa:
Grandpas 90th birthday celebration 

Grandpa with his progeny on his 90th birthday -- October 22, 2009
Grandpa's 90th birthday celebration
Valerie, Gary, Annette, Ron, Darleen, Mike
Marvin Elmer Sabin

Grandpa Sabin with gun and cowboy hat
90th birthday celebration 2009

Grandpa with his four kids
uncle Ron, uncle Gary, uncle Don, Grandpa, Mom
Grandpa riding in Model T with Dad
Grandpa waving to all of his fans 

Mom with her dad
Grandpa with his four kids:
uncle Gary, uncle Ron
Uncle Don, Mom, Grandpa
Gary and Val, Mike, Annette and Ron
Don, Darleen, Grandpa Marvin

I love this photo -- 90-year-old Grandpa Sabin with my Photoshop handiwork:

RIP Grandpa Sabin!

I love you!

Marvin Elmer Sabin
October 22, 1919 -- February 10, 2017