Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Keep Your Family Strong and Close

I love President Benson.  He was the prophet of my youth and is the prophet who signed my mission call.  So I have a special place in my heart for him.  In April 1986 President Benson gave a talk directed at the young men.  I was 15 at the time, so his talk was directed to my generation.  It was a talk entitled, To the “Youth of the Noble Birthright”, By President Ezra Taft Benson, President of the Church, April 1986 General Conference Priesthood Session.

I'm only going to post an excerpt from the first part of the talk.  But if you want to read the entire talk, click on the link.  It's well worth your time to read the entire talk.

I wish the leadership of the Church would be more direct now, like they were decades ago.  President Benson did not mince words.  The part of the talk I'm posting talks about families, but the rest of the talk goes on to emphasize the importance of young men serving missions and keeping the law of chastity.  The importance of daily prayer, scripture study, and weekly family home evenings were also touched upon.  Obviously President Benson's counsel applies to young women as well as young men and all members of the Church.

Here is the excerpt I chose to post:

"Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you have been born at this time for a sacred and glorious purpose. It is not by chance that you have been reserved to come to earth in this last dispensation of the fulness of times. Your birth at this particular time was foreordained in the eternities.

You are to be the royal army of the Lord in the last days. You are “youth of the noble birthright.” (Hymns, 1985, no. 255.)

In the spiritual battles you are waging, I see you as today’s sons of Helaman. Remember well the Book of Mormon account of Helaman’s two thousand stripling warriors and how the teachings of their mothers gave them strength and faith. These marvelous mothers taught them to put on the whole armor of God, to place their trust in the Lord, and to doubt not. By so doing, not one of these young men was lost. (See Alma 53:10–23; Alma 56:41–56.)

My young brethren, I counsel each of you to draw close to your own mother. Respect her. Honor her. Receive your mother’s counsel as she loves and instructs you in righteousness. And honor and obey your father as he stands as the head of the home, emulating his manly qualities.

Young men, the family unit is forever, and you should do everything in your power to strengthen that unit. In your own family, encourage family home evenings and be an active participant. Encourage family prayer and be on your knees with your family in that sacred circle. Do your part to develop real family unity and solidarity. In such homes, there is no generation gap. 

Your most important friendships should be with your own brothers and sisters and with your father and mother. Love your family. Be loyal to them. Have a genuine concern for your brothers and sisters. Help carry their load so you can say, like the lyrics of that song, “He ain’t heavy; he’s my brother.”

Remember, the family is one of God’s greatest fortresses against the evils of our day. Help keep your family strong and close and worthy of our Father in Heaven’s blessings. As you do, you will receive faith and strength which will bless your lives forever." – President Ezra Taft Benson, April 1986

As it is Satan's goal to destroy the family, it is not uncommon nowadays for people to dismiss their families as unimportant.  Or just blatantly leave their families behind to embark on a new adventure.  Many people see families as disposable.  Countless spouses and children have been selfishly tossed away for a new fun relationship.  

But I love how President Benson reminds us how important it is to love and strengthen our families.  And not just spouses and children.  But also our mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters.  He reminds us that our most important friendships should be with our siblings and parents.  

I love President Benson using the story of the Stripling Warriors to remind us of the importance of honoring and obeying our mothers in righteousness.  And reminding us that because the Stripling Warriors obeyed their mothers that none of them were lost.  And he also reminded the young men to honor and obey their fathers in righteousness and to emulate their father's manly qualities. Certainly timeless advice, especially nowadays!

President Benson promised us that if we love, cherish and have genuine concern for, care for and help carry their load, help develop unity and solidarity, and strengthen our families that it will be a fortress against the evils of our day.  What a beautiful promise!

Even more so now, than 37 years ago when this talk was given, is this message relevant and important to us.  Satan's attacks on the family have increased logarithmically, therefore so does our need to resist his attacks. 

May we all strengthen our relationships with our families by showing love and genuine concern for them.  By helping to lighten their burdens and carry their loads.  By praying for them and encouraging them in their journey towards God and covenant keeping.  In so doing, we are promised faith and strength to resist the evils of our day.

That's my two cents.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Dad's Poem

Lisa found a poem Dad had written on a postcard dated July 24, 1971 while on a Pan Am 747 en route from Hong Kong to Tokyo. Presumably flying back to the states from Vietnam.

This is the front of the postcard:

Back of the postcard (Roma Hotel Excelsior):

Here's what it says:

"Angels cry, as my soul is weak–

With tear filled eyes I walk the street–

In pursuit of a dream that I will never find.

This is the fact that holds the binds.

The realm is there, and reality far off,

But when will it be that I am no longer lost?

Time is endless, yet eternity seems near.

My prayers have been answered so no more tears.

Now I am baptized, a Mormon no less.

And now not only me, but my family is blessed.

Children of God, please hear me out–

I'm a Latter-day Saint and I'm mighty proud –

July 24, 1971

Written by Mike Stone aboard 747 Pan Am enroute to Tokyo from Hong Kong."

This poem really touched me.  I wish I would've had it when I wrote Dad's talk for his funeral, I would have included it.  It goes along perfectly with what I wrote in my talk.

Out of curiosity, I looked up Dad's baptismal date.  He was baptized July 16, 1971 – just eight days before he wrote this poem.

I know that Dad was a much more spiritual/religious man than most people realize.  But I didn't know that he was so proud to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after he was baptized.  This makes me so happy.

I know that Dad is now busy doing missionary work, among other things, in the Spirit World.  Helping to gather Israel on the other side of the veil.

Dad always had a knack for writing poetry since he was a child.  This gem may be his finest work.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Beware of False Prophets

Lisa shared with me a quote by Elder M. Russell Ballard yesterday and I was curious to read the talk that it came from.  It was such a good talk that I want to share part of it with you.  Even though the talk is nearly 24 years old, the counsel is still as valid now as it was then, if not more so.

I will add my two cents between Elder Ballard's quotes but I highly encourage you to read the entire talk.  Just click on the link on the title.

From a talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard Of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles at the October 1999 General Conference entitled, "Beware of False Prophets and False Teachers". 

"Jesus cautioned several times that prior to His Second Coming, “many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many” (Matt. 24:11)."

…"Today we warn you that there are false prophets and false teachers arising; and if we are not careful, even those who are among the faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will fall victim to their deception."

…"However, I reiterate: there are false prophets and false teachers who have or at least claim to have membership in the Church. There are those who, without authority, claim Church endorsement to their products and practices. Beware of such."

It used to be that church was a sanctuary from the world.  It used to be that fellow members of the Church shared the same ideology and felt some camaraderie in sharing the truth.  And for the most part, that is still true.  But, the closer and closer we get to the Second Coming of our Savior, the more I see false prophets and false teachers inside the Church.  False doctrines being taught.  Comments opposing doctrine, even opposing Christ's own words in Scripture.  Profanities being uttered in church classes.  I can certainly see why Elder Ballard warned of false prophets and false teachers among the membership in the Church. 

…"President Spencer W. Kimball reminded us that the prophets “constantly cry out against that which is intolerable in the sight of the Lord; against pollution of mind, body, and our surroundings; against vulgarity, stealing, lying, pride, and blasphemy; against fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and all other abuses of the sacred power to create; against murder and all that is like unto it; against all manner of desecration.” He continued: “That such things should be found even among the Saints to some degree is scarcely believable. … Sadly, however, we find that to be shown the way is not necessarily to walk in it” (“The False Gods We Worship,” Ensign, June 1976, 4)."

Even in 1976 President Kimball reminded us that even though members of The Church have been taught truth and have been shown the way, that doesn't mean they necessarily walk in truth.  47 years later President Kimball could not be more right.  Just go to church and see how many members speak against doctrine and truth.  In the words of President Kimball, it is scarcely believable.

Elder Ballard goes on to list a bunch of things that False prophets and false teachers declare which are not true, then he says the following:

… "Perhaps most damningly, they deny Christ’s Resurrection and Atonement, arguing that no God can save us. They reject the need for a Savior. In short, these detractors attempt to reinterpret the doctrines of the Church to fit their own preconceived views, and in the process deny Christ and His messianic role.

It's so sad to see how many once faithful covenant makers and keepers have now not only turned from the faith they once embraced and cherished, but also even deny Christ.  It breaks my heart.  

… "False prophets and false teachers are also those who attempt to change the God-given and scripturally based doctrines that protect the sanctity of marriage, the divine nature of the family, and the essential doctrine of personal morality. They advocate a redefinition of morality to justify fornication, adultery, and homosexual relationships. Some openly champion the legalization of so-called same-gender marriages. To justify their rejection of God’s immutable laws that protect the family, these false prophets and false teachers even attack the inspired proclamation on the family issued to the world in 1995 by the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles.

This is exactly what's going on now.  Satan is focused on destroying the family.  And unfortunately, many members of the Church are echoing the world's call to change God's laws.  In doing so, they become the very false prophets and false teachers that they have been warned against many times. 

"Regardless of which particular false doctrines they teach, false prophets and false teachers are an inevitable part of the last days. “False prophets,” according to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “always arise to oppose the true prophets” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 365).

"However, in the Lord’s Church there is no such thing as a “loyal opposition.” One is either for the kingdom of God and stands in defense of God’s prophets and apostles, or one stands opposed."

Many people think they can have one foot in Babylon and one foot in Zion.  You cannot.  You either defend the truth or you oppose it.  You either follow God or Satan.  You can't do both. If you let Satan deceive you, and you choose to follow him, then you are no longer following God.

… "Let us remember that it is our duty to be faithful to the restored truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It takes faith—real faith, total and unreserved—to accept and strive to live prophetic counsel. Lucifer, the adversary of truth, does not want us to feel or exhibit that kind of faith. He encourages disobedience, planting defiance in the hearts of the unwary. If he is successful, they will turn away from the light into the darkness of the world. Our safety, our peace, lies in working as hard as we can to live as the Father and Son would have us live, in fleeing from false prophets and false teachers, and in being anxiously engaged in good causes."

I love this last quote by Elder Ballard.  It is our duty to be faithful, he said.  It takes total faith to live prophetic counsel.  Our safety and peace come from working hard to live as Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to live.

Beware of false prophets and false teachers who deceive.  Stay faithful and stay in tune with the Holy Ghost to be able to discern truth.  Spread light and goodness in a dark world.

That's my two cents. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Death Is the Gateway to Eternal Life

Sister Patricia T Holland, wife of Elder Jeffrey R Holland of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, died on July 20, 2023.  At her funeral the living Prophet, President Russell M Nelson, spoke about death.  I like this quote enough to want to share it with you.  From an article in the Deseret News: 

"President Nelson detailed three steps necessary to qualify for eternal life:

“At our birth, our spirits were clothed with a mortal body,” he said. “That miraculous gift is the first step toward our gaining an immortal body and qualifying for eternal life.”

The second step “is receiving sacred ordinances that allow us to make covenants with God, and keeping those covenants.

The third step, he continued, is death. 

“Death is a gateway along the path of eternal progress,” President Nelson explained. “Though hard for those of us left behind, we know that Sister Holland’s resurrection is certain and eternal life lies ahead. Death is both a necessity and a blessing. God’s great plan of happiness requires that each of us pass through that gateway. Sister Holland’s righteous spirit is now born again into the paradise of God. She continues on her path to eternal life.”" – Deseret News, July 28, 2023

I think most people think of the path to eternal life as coming to earth to gain a physical body and being tested, i.e. making and keeping covenants and keeping God's commandments.  But President Nelson reminds us that death is also a necessary step in the path to eternal life.

Most people in the world think of death as a bad thing.  And, I suppose for some, it may be if they are not prepared to meet God.  Also, death is hard for the loved ones left behind.  But as President Nelson said, death is a necessity and a blessing.

I, for one, am looking forward to the day when I get to graduate from mortality and be born again into the paradise of God.  I'm looking forward to being reunited with loved ones who will be there to greet me.  Including my dogs.

Since I spent so much of my life in school, I like to use school as an analogy for life.  I look at death as completing my final exam.  I have completed many final exams in my educational experience.  It is always such a relief to walk to the front of the room with my completed final exam and turn it into the professor.  Walking out of the room having just turned in my final exam, having done my best on it, was always a huge relief and sense of accomplishment.

I look at death the same way.  Having tried my best to keep my covenants and keep the commandments of God, hopefully I will feel a sense of relief and accomplishment upon completing my mortal journey here on earth.

That's my two cents. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Extended Family Collages

 Sadly, this will be the last post of the photo collages that I made.  Hope you enjoyed the journey.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Three Sisters Collages

Sorry this one is a little out of order.  I should've put it before siblings.