Sunday, October 29, 2023

College Football Picks Results Week 9

  1. Tammy -14 tiebreaker 65
  2. Clint -15 tiebreaker 49
  3. Lisa -16 tiebreaker 52
  4. Rex -18 tiebreaker 64
actual tiebreaker 39

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Uncle Gary's General Conference Talk

I hope you all enjoyed the excerpts from President Nelson's General Conference address and my commentary on it.  It is always a privilege to receive counsel from the Lord's living prophet.

Today I want to post Uncle Gary's talk that was given in the Saturday Evening Session.  For any who haven't had a chance to see it yet.  He did a great job.

I had a sneaking suspicion that it might be his turn to speak this Conference.  So it was a pleasant surprise when I heard him announced as a speaker in the Saturday Evening Session.

 It's only about 12 minutes and well worth your time.  Enjoy!

Monday, October 23, 2023

One of the Most Absurd Lies in the Universe

"I have learned that Heavenly Father’s plan for us is fabulous, that what we do in this life really matters, and that the Savior’s Atonement is what makes our Father’s plan possible."…

"Because of Jesus Christ’s infinite Atonement, our Heavenly Father’s plan is a perfect plan! An understanding of God’s fabulous plan takes the mystery out of life and the uncertainty out of our future. It allows each of us to choose how we will live here on earth and where we will live forever. The baseless notion that we should “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us” is one of the most absurd lies in the universe.

"Here is the great news of God’s plan: the very things that will make your mortal life the best it can be are exactly the same things that will make your life throughout all eternity the best it can be!"  – President Russell M. Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General Conference

I love this quote so much.  This is the longer version from a previous post.  Best quote in Conference. How people are offended by this is unfathomable.  But, many people are offended by truth.

Truth is, the "eat, drink, and be merry" philosophy is an absurd lie. A philosophy which, if lived, eventually leads to misery.  The happiness that living such life brings is fleeting and unsustainable.

I also love the truth taught that the things that will make mortal life best, will also make eternity the best.

To echo President Nelson, Heavenly Father's plan for us is fabulous. What we do in mortality really does matter.  And our Savior's atonement is what makes our Heavenly Father's plan possible.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

College Football Picks Week 8 Results

  1. Clint -15 tiebreaker 56
  2. Lisa -16 tiebreaker 67
  3. Tammy -16 tiebreaker 70
  4. Rex -20 tiebreaker 48
actual tiebreaker 66

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Never Take Counsel from Those Who Do Not Believe

"As you think celestial, you will view trials and opposition in a new light. When someone you love attacks truth, think celestial, and don’t question your testimony. The Apostle Paul prophesied that “in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”

"There is no end to the adversary’s deceptions. Please be prepared. Never take counsel from those who do not believe. Seek guidance from voices you can trust—from prophets, seers, and revelators and from the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, who “will show unto you all things what ye should do.”  Please do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation.

"As you think celestial, your faith will increase."

–President Russell M. Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General Conference

Apparently this is another quote from the Lord's current prophet, Russell M. Nelson, that people take issue with.  I really don't see the controversy in anything the Prophet said.  It is sound advice to not take counsel from those who do not believe.  Why would you take counsel from nonbelievers?  They will only lead you astray.  

Case in point – apparently there's a "Latter-day Saint influencer" named Julie Hanks, who is doing just that.  She's leading people astray by contradicting the prophet, President Nelson.

I had never heard of Julie Hanks before Lisa informed me of her.  But apparently a lot of members of the Church follow her on social media.

Here is what the Prophet said in General Conference that she took issue with:

"As you think celestial, you will find yourself avoiding anything that robs you of your agency.  Any addiction- be it gaming, gambling, debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, pornography, sex, or even food—offends God. Why? Because your obsession becomes your god." –President Russell M. Nelson, October 1, 2023

And here's what the false prophet, Julie Hanks, said two days later on social media:

"I believe that Heavenly Parents are too vast and too loving to be offended by our earthly struggles, including addictions and compulsions." -Dr. Julie Hanks, October 3, 2023

That is a direct and complete contradiction of prophetic counsel from our living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson.

This brings to mind the scripture in Second Nephi:

"… When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish."  –2 Nephi 9:28

Apparently this influencer, Julie Hanks, thinks she is smarter than God because she is learned and apparently has a PhD as a therapist.  But in reality, as the scripture says, her wisdom is foolishness.

Anyone who counsels against and contradicts the counsel and words of living prophets taught in General Conference are false prophets and should be avoided like the plague.

After seeing Julie Hanks contradict prophetic counsel, anyone following her should immediately unfollow and block her on social media.  But how many really did?

These are perilous times in which we live.  There is no time to allow evil influences in our lives.

Follow the prophet.  He will not lead us astray.  False prophets, like Julie Hanks, will lead you astray.

The counsel given by prophets, seers, and revelators in General Conference is doctrine.  It is what the Lord gives us to guide us over the next six months.  The scripture continues:

"But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God."  –2 Nephi 9:29

There are many who will attack truth, including many members of the Church.  As President Nelson said, quoting the Apostle Paul, “in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.”  We see this happening every day.  That's why it's so important to follow the Lord's true prophet and not hearken to false prophets.  That's why it's so important to listen to and heed the Holy Ghost.  That's why it's so important to be able to receive personal revelation.

Nothing the Prophet says in General Conference should offend.  Quite the contrary.  If you are offended by or "triggered" by prophetic counsel, then you need to take a hard look at your life and see what you need to fix before it's too late.

Never take counsel from those who do not believe.

That's my two cents.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Law of Chastity

 "Thinking celestial will also help you obey the law of chastity. Few things will complicate your life more quickly than violating this divine law. For those who have made covenants with God, immorality is one of the quickest ways to lose your testimony.

"Many of the adversary’s most relentless temptations involve violations of moral purity. The power to create life is the one privilege of godhood that Heavenly Father allows His mortal children to exercise. Thus, God set clear guidelines for the use of this living, divine power. Physical intimacy is only for a man and a woman who are married to each other.

"Much of the world does not believe this, but public opinion is not the arbiter of truth. The Lord has declared that no unchaste person will attain the celestial kingdom. So when you make decisions regarding morality, please think celestial. And if you have been unchaste, I plead with you to repent. Come unto Christ and receive His promise of complete forgiveness as you fully repent of your sins." 

"As you think celestial, your faith will increase.… Choosing to live a virtuous life in a sexualized, politicized world builds faith."  

– President Russell M. Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General Conference

It's fitting that President Nelson chose to remind us of the importance of the law of chastity in his talk.  We live in such a sexualized, amoral world that virtue is actually frowned upon rather than celebrated.

President Nelson said that few things will complicate life more than breaking the law of chastity.   The gravity of breaking the law of chastity is so diminished by society that is actually celebrated.  But remember, it is the sin second only to murder.   This is why Satan promotes unchastity as one of his greatest tools of misery.

Conversely, keeping the law of chastity, by living a virtuous life, simplifies life.  As President Nelson said, living a virtuous life builds faith.

I love the quote from President Nelson that said public opinion is not the arbiter of truth.

Despite what the world teaches in promoting promiscuity and perversions as bringing happiness and freedom, the opposite is true.  Breaking the law of chastity brings misery and bondage.

Truth is universal.  Changing laws and/or public opinion doesn't change truth.  Nor does it change God's laws which are true and unchanging.

I love President Nelson's gentle and loving invitation to repent and come unto Christ.  Repentance is a loving gift from our Savior.  

President Nelson said that procreation is the one privilege of godhood that Heavenly Father allows his mortal children to exercise.  Let us remember and cherish this sacred gift.  Not only will it simplify life, but living virtuously builds faith, increases self-esteem, brings happiness, and draws us closer to our Heavenly Father.

That's my two cents.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Together Forever

"The Lord has clearly taught that only men and women who are sealed as husband and wife in the temple, and who keep their covenants, will be together throughout the eternities. He said, “All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances, connections, associations, or expectations, that are not made and entered into and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise … have an end when men are dead.”

"Thus, if we unwisely choose to live telestial laws now, we are choosing to be resurrected with a telestial body. We are choosing not to live with our families forever.

"So, my dear brothers and sisters, how and where and with whom do you want to live forever? You get to choose." – President Russell M. Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General  Conference

Another truth taught by the Lord's living prophet during this past General Conference was that of eternal families.  Most people believe that if they live good lives they will be together forever with their families in heaven.  This is not true.  To be together forever as families there must be covenants made in the holy temple and kept.  This is basic doctrine.

Parents must be sealed together in the Lord's house, the holy temple.  Then they must live worthily and keep their covenants.  Only then can they be together forever as families in the Celestial Kingdom.

Sorry to disappoint anyone with this basic truth.  But those are the facts.  We get to choose which laws we will follow.  Thereby choosing our eternal destiny.

Will we choose to live celestial laws so that we may live with Heavenly Father and our families for eternity?  Or will we choose to follow terrestrial or telestial laws and choose not to live with our families forever? 

That's the beauty of agency in our Heavenly Father's plan.  We get to choose our eternal destiny.  I hope we will all follow President Nelson's counsel to "think celestial".

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Addictions Offend God

Addictions rob you of your agency.  Agency is central to God's plan of happiness.  Addictions become obsessions which replace God as their god.  This offends God.  It's quite simple.  President Nelson explained it well.

"As you think celestial, you will find yourself avoiding anything that robs you of your agency. Any addiction—be it gaming, gambling, debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, pornography, sex, or even food—offends God. Why? Because your obsession becomes your god. You look to it rather than to Him for solace. If you struggle with an addiction, seek the spiritual and professional help you need. Please do not let an obsession rob you of your freedom to follow God’s fabulous plan." – Russell M Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General Conference

Believe it or not this quote from God's living prophet has, surprisingly, turned out to be somewhat controversial.  Apparently the notion that God would be offended by His children's addictions offends people.  Apparently people think God is a pansy and blindly tolerates all sin.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  President Nelson explained it very succinctly in the above quote.

God is offended by people's addictions because the addictions replace Him as their God.  It's quite simple.  Has everyone forgotten the first of the Ten Commandments?

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."  – Exodus 20:3

It must be a fairly important concept for God since it is the first of the Ten Commandments that He gave the Israelites through His ancient prophet, Moses. 

Any obsession, whether it be an addiction or money, material possessions, other people such as celebrities and athletes, sports or anything that replaces God is considered an idol, or a god, and offends God.

But going back to President Nelson's original quote focusing on addiction.  Many people turn to a variety of addictions to find solace in our troubled world.  These addictions become obsessions which rob people of their agency and replace Him as their God.  Why wouldn't God be offended by this?

Far too many people are rationalizing their sins away by believing in a God who accepts their sins or by not believing in God at all.

Either way, many people are sorely mistaken.  Because God does exist and He will not tolerate sin.

Yes, God loves all of His children.  But He is offended by sin.  He is offended by addictions which replace Him as God.  There are consequences to breaking God's laws.  Because He loves us so much.

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Mortality Is a Master Class

God's living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, gave an excellent, timely talk at General Conference a couple of weeks ago.  I would advise you to watch and read the entire talk.  There's much wisdom and counsel to be gleaned from his talk.  But for now I'm going to post a few quotes over the next few days from this talk.

"Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import. Far too many people live as though this life is all there is. However, your choices today will determine three things: where you will live throughout all eternity, the kind of body with which you will be resurrected, and those with whom you will live forever. So, think celestial."  – President Russell M. Nelson, "Think Celestial!",  October 2023 General Conference

Mortality is our opportunity to make important choices that will determine our eternity.  Mortality is such a short time to learn and grow that each choice we make can affect our eternal destiny.  It is sad that so many people live as though this life is all there is.  They couldn't be more wrong.  And they may realize that too late.

This is why the eat drink and be merry philosophy is so absurd.

President Nelson reminds us that our choices in mortality will determine three things.

1 – Where you will live throughout all eternity.

2 – The kind of body with which you will be resurrected.

3 – Those with whom you will live forever.

Will our choices now lead us down the path towards Celestial glory with God and our families?  Or will we live Terrestrial or Telestial laws which lead to an eternity without our families?  It is our choice.

President Nelson said, "Thus, if we unwisely choose to live telestial laws now, we are choosing to be resurrected with a telestial body. We are choosing not to live with our families forever.

"So, my dear brothers and sisters, how and where and with whom do you want to live forever? You get to choose."

This is why it's so important to "Think Celestial" now.  Making the right choices now will lead to, not only, a life of happiness here in mortality, but most importantly eternal happiness and joy in the Celestial Kingdom with God and our families.

So I urge you all to aim high and "Think Celestial!".  Let us learn from this master class of mortality with an eternal perspective.  May our faith increase as we are obedient to God's laws.  May we all follow the prophet and always "Think Celestial!"

That's my two cents. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

College Football Picks Week 7 Results

  1. Rex -14 tiebreaker 73
  2. Clint -15 tiebreaker 56
  3. Lisa -19 tiebreaker 54
  4. Tammy -24 tiebreaker 59
actual tiebreaker 55

Sunday, October 8, 2023

College Football Picks Week 6 Results

  1. Rex -14 tiebreaker 52
  2. Tammy -15 tiebreaker 57
  3. Lisa -16 tiebreaker 57
  4. Clint -16 tiebreaker 62
Actual tiebreaker  43

Monday, October 2, 2023

Best Quote of the October 2023 General Conference

In the over nine hours of General Conference addresses this past weekend, this is the absolutely best quote.  It was given by the prophet, and I absolutely love it.  It was the fiercest thing said all weekend.  I was hoping Conference would be fiercer, like it was decades ago, but I'll take what I can get.

"The baseless notion that we should 'Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die - and it shall all be well with us' is one of the most absurd lies in the universe!"  – President Russell M. Nelson, October 2023 General Conference

It is absolutely, 100% true!  Lisa and I were just talking about this notion a few days ago.  So many people are buffaloed into believing the "eat, drink, and be merry" nonsense.

Now, God's living prophet has just reiterated how absurd that thinking is.  Wake up, people!  Start thinking celestial before it's too late.

That's my two cents. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

College Football Picks Week 5 Results

  1. Clint -11 tiebreaker 48
  2. Rex -12 tiebreaker 74 
  3. Tammy -15 tiebreaker 55
  4. Lisa -16 tiebreaker 52
actual tiebreaker 62

Happy General Conference everybody.  :-) I just love conference weekend.