Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I get daily updates in my e-mail from LDS news. This is one that I received today and I felt it was worth posting. As probably most of you know, my sister Juliet recently adopted a baby boy. My nephew, Kingston, is such a sweet, happy, smiley baby. I am so happy he is part of our family. I would like to commend Juliet and Aaron for choosing to adopt. "In honor of National Adoption Month, the Church's First Presidency has released the following statement:The President of the United States of America, George W. Bush, has proclaimed the month of November as National Adoption Month. We endorse this proclamation and express our support of unwed parents who place their children for adoption in stable homes with a mother and a father. We also express our support of the married mothers and fathers who adopt these children.Children are entitled to the blessing of being reared in a stable family environment where father and mother honor marital vows. Having a secure, nurturing, and consistent relationship with both a father and a mother is essential to a child's well-being. When choosing adoption, unwed parents grant their children this most important blessing. Adoption is an unselfish, loving decision that blesses the child, birth parents, and adoptive parents in this life and throughout the eternities. We commend all those who strengthen children and families by promoting adoption."
thank you tammy! we just love our little kingston and glad he came to our family!
ReplyDeleteWe both posted about adoption, so all I can say is great minds think a like. =)