Saturday, November 22, 2008
There is a song by George Jones entitled "Choices". This topic is what I want to blog about today. First of all I want to quote part of the song. "I've had choices since the day I was born, there were voices that told me right from wrong, if I had listened then I wouldn't be here today, living and dying by the choices I made". To me, this is a very profound statement in simple terms. Here is my interpretation. From the day we are born we are faced with many choices on a daily basis. We are taught by parents, teachers, and the Holy Ghost what is right and what is wrong. If we listen to what we've been taught, and to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, we will make right choices. If we don't hearken and obey we will most likely make the wrong choice. Once a choice is made, there are consequences to that choice. Whether good or bad. If we make a good choice, the consequence is good. For example, if I choose to read my scriptures in the morning, I will be blessed throughout the day. The Holy Ghost will be with me to help me make right decisions throughout the day. Likewise, if I make bad choices, I must also reap the consequences. For example, if I choose to steal from somebody, I will most likely go to jail. These are simple examples but you get the idea. We were sent down to earth to prove ourselves, through our choices, that we are willing to follow the commandments. Abraham 3:25 " And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them". In the war in Heaven it was Satan's plan to force us to do what is right so that everybody would return to Heavenly Father 's presence and he would receive all the glory. It was Jesus's plan that we would be given agency, or choice, and because nobody is perfect, we would all fall short, and sin, He would provide an atonement, where He would take upon Him all of our sins, and suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross, that we may once again return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. And He would give the glory to the Father. Two thirds of the hosts of heaven chose Jesus's plan. The one third that chose Satan's plan, will never be given physical bodies. Everybody who has ever lived on earth and received a physical body chose Jesus's plan. What I find so ironic about this, is Satan, in his cunning way, who wants all of us to be miserable like unto himself, has used choice as one of his greatest tools to drag us down to misery and endless wo. The term, pro-choice is used by the abortion rights people. This is a great misnomer. The term should be pro-abortion. When a woman chooses to commit the act necessary for procreation, her choice has been made. The consequence of that choice, is possible pregnancy. And yet, she still has a choice of whether to keep the baby, or give it up for adoption to be raised by a mother and a father who can provide a stable family life, and the necessities of life. So, I don't see where any choice is being taken away. Abortion is not a right, it is murder. Our choices don't just affect us. If someone decides to drink and drive, they are not only putting their own life at stake, but the lives of innocent people who they might kill. When a husband decides to commit adultery, his wife and children must also suffer the consequences. If we make good choices we also affect people in a positive way. For now, that's my two cents.
Once again your boldness is much appreciated and I appreciate how you make no apologies for what is right. Your blog will provide strength to all who read it!
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree with you more. As long as Satan is around and twisting and tainting everything, people will be blinded by his craftiness.
ReplyDeleteThe word usage Pro-CHOICE rather than Pro-ABORTION is one example. Like you said, the choice is theirs to make and the choice comes before an innocent baby is conceived. Their bad choice to conceive when they don't want to, does not give them a right to murder an innocent baby! It is so plain and obvious. I don't see how anyone can support pro-murder and say it's pro-choice. Ridiculous.
i love all your posts tam. you speak your mind and don't hold back like most people. you are absolutely right in everything you said!