Friday, August 14, 2009

Nothing Is Free

Nothing is ever free. It may be free for some people but somebody always has to pay for it. This is what people don't understand about socialism. Take for example the CARS program a.k.a. cash for clunkers. It sounds like a great idea. You buy a new car, trade in your used car and get $4500 from the government. This may be good for the automakers and a few people who buy new cars. But, where is the $4500 coming from? Taxpayers like you and I. And who else suffers from this socialist program? The used car industry. And those who buy used cars. Because of the cash for clunkers program there are far fewer used cars on the market. Therefore the law of supply and demand says that when supply goes down and demand remains constant or goes up the price will go up. This is what is happening to the used car industry. The price of used cars is going up because there are not as many used cars on the market. So, in actuality, the cash for clunkers program is actually costing society instead of helping. This is what socialism does. It benefits a few at the expense of many.

It is the same thing with health-care reform or in other words socialized medicine. I posted a YouTube video of Ronald Reagan's response regarding socialized medicine. It is 10 minutes long but if you have the time is worth watching/listening to. What happened to the days when people actually paid for services they received? When I go to the doctor, or dentist, I pay cash. When I need medicine, I pay cash. There is a need for government-funded health care for those who can't afford it. But for the majority of citizens of the United States of America, the health insurance programs available through employers or self-pay is sufficient. Granted, health care is extremely overpriced. But that's another story.

My point is, that nothing is free. Someone always has to pay. We live in a society where debt is at an all-time high, people's sense of entitlement is at an all-time high, and it seems like nobody wants to work anymore. People use other people's money to buy things they don't need, they expect to get something for nothing. And then they don't want to work to pay it back. When the debt gets too high, they just go bankrupt and wipe clean the slate. It is not right. Especially when you are the debtor and are owed a lot of money. But, this is how society is now. And with Korihor in office, things are spiraling downward even faster.

That's my two cents.


  1. People need to get back to the days of the Old West. Back when honest and hardworking were honorable and the crooked and lazy were not tolerated!
