Sunday, September 20, 2009


I was watching a replay of Elaine S. Dalton's CES fireside this morning on BYU TV. It originally aired last Sunday. Anyway, it's really great fireside and if you have the chance, I would suggest watching it. It was basically about being virtuous and returning to virtue.

What she said got me thinking about how the world's teaches us to be tolerant of sinful behavior. For example, proposition eight and the whole gay marriage idea. The world teaches that promiscuity is okay and even expected. For instance when a celebrity becomes pregnant out of wedlock it is celebrated. When in actuality, it is an extremely sad circumstance. The world teaches us to tolerate and even celebrate sin. Sister Dalton mentioned how the world is so concerned about environmental pollution. We have laws and agencies to protect the environment and the cleanliness of our air and food etc.. But our moral fiber is not protected and in fact is constantly being attacked.

Why is it that homosexuality, gay marriage, promiscuity, etc. should be tolerated and even embraced? Yet, people who try to defend what is right, such as marriage being between a man and a woman, virtue, moral cleanliness, etc. are looked down upon and even persecuted. If the world teaches tolerance, why isn't virtue tolerated? There seems to be a double standard here.

One thing that comes to mind even within the church, is movies. Why do church members think it's okay to watch movies, TV, etc. with questionable content? I've already done a blog posting about this, so I won't elaborate. But this is something that always baffles me.

That's my two cents.


  1. I saw the fireside last Sunday and it was really good.

  2. I forgot to say that I thought her running story was funny. When she slipped on black ice and broke her leg (that's not the funny part) and was in the road and a car came speeding up and slammed on the brakes and the guy jumped out and said, "I thought you were a bag of garbage" and she said she felt like one. =)
    I'm actually listening to the talk again right now. It is actually a sad story about the running accident because the guy in the car was a member of the church but wasn't able to give her a blessing when she asked for one because he wasn't worthy.
    I liked the part where she was talking about living the law of chastity and how those who broke the law of chastity used to be branded with a scarlet letter, they would be shunned and looked down upon by society for their sins but now it is almost the opposite where those who live chaste lives are looked down upon. Sad.
