Saturday, November 7, 2009
I've blogged about this before but came across this video so I thought I would post it. I hate politics. Obama is such a liar. Politics is turning into a moral agenda rather than political. This health care reform stuff is a joke. But nobody's laughing. It is just another step in Korihor's scheming plot toward socialism. And the destruction of this country. In a free world, taxpayer dollars do not go towards funding abortions, homosexuals and their sinful lifestyle, or any other immoral practice. Nor are we forced into purchasing health insurance, if we choose not to. This cursed state in which I live passed the "everything but marriage" law, referendum 71. Which I encouraged everyone to vote against. At least I did all I could do, in voting to reject it. I am fed up with all the scumbags leading this country. Elected by scumbags, who outnumber people with morals trying to do what is right.
That's my two cents.
I'm pretty sure that not all of the 51% who voted Ref. 71 in are queers, gays, homos, fags, whatever you want to call them. So I just don't understand why someone who is straight would vote to give queers the same rights that married couples have. Homosexuals should be sent to a deserted island and left there to die off. I think it is currently trendy to accept gays/lesbians, and even within the Church there are many who defend the lifestyles of the queer community. To these people I say ... "Grow some backbones pansies"!! I am happy to say that I voted against the referendum, but not surprised that it passed. This state is a queer loving state. At least I can take comfort in knowing that Pierce county rejected it!!
ReplyDeleteI did my part to vote against it too. It didn't pass by much from what I saw on the news. It really is pathetic.