Sunday, December 27, 2009

Relief Society Lesson Temperance

Being Temperate in All Things -Elder Kent D. Watson of the Seventy
October 2009 General Conference

Temperance is:
A divine attribute of Jesus Christ
A spiritual gift available through the Holy Ghost

Being temperate is to use moderation in all things or to exercise self-control.

Being temperate means to carefully examine our expectations and desires, to be diligent and patient in seeking righteous goals.

A temperate soul is a person of increased spiritual strength.

Through temperance we:
Develop self-mastery
Live with moderation
Learn to control (temper) our anger, vanity, and pride
Can protect ourselves from dangerous excesses and destructive addictions.

This was my outline/visual aids for my Relief Society lesson today. It is rather short and concise but hopefully you will be able to get something out of it anyway. I did say quite a bit more during my lesson. :-)


  1. Very well done Tammy. You always do a great job.

  2. Another good lesson. You will be blessed for all your hard work and efforts in your calling. I know it isn't easy for you to talk for any length of time and you were wiped out Sunday after Church. I hope you are feeling okay today.
    Another good reminder--thanks.
