Monday, February 22, 2010

Venting Frustration

Why do people feel compelled to comment on my blanket/how cozy I look? It’s becoming extremely annoying. Anytime I go out in public, I get comments about how warm/cozy I look, how they wish they were wrapped up in a blanket like me, one guy even said to his child, “don’t you wish you were that comfortable?”. Really? How is being quadriplegic and unable to regulate body temperature comfortable? Are people really that stupid or insensitive? I understand that people are trying to be friendly, and perhaps they don’t know how, but most of the comments I receive are insensitive and hurtful.

Just because I’m in a wheelchair people don’t need to feel compelled to try to be friendly to me. I would much prefer they ignored me. I would like to be treated the same as I was before my accident. People didn’t constantly make comments to me about my coat or jacket.

Another thing that annoys me when I go out in public, are the children who inevitably ask their parent, “what happened to her?” I even heard this question in Spanish the other day. Although I do not speak Spanish, I did take Spanish in junior high, and understood this simple question. I understand that children are curious, and don’t see freaks like me every day, but it still hurts.

Also, the constant stares from children and adults alike, are annoying. I used to get a few stares before my accident, but for much different reason. I could go on and on but, I think I’ve complained enough today. I’ve tried to keep my blog focused on moral and ethical issues. But I guess I just needed to vent my frustrations today.

That’s my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine how you feel being in your situation but I know it is harder than anyone realizes. Beyond comprehension.

    I don't know why people feel they have to change the way they interact with you just because you are in a wheelchair. So many misconceptions. It is frustrating and I am sorry you have to deal with ignorant people who are hurtful and don't think. It stinks!
