Great job team BSS! You’ll get those dragons next year!
Team BSS smiling for the paparazzi Team BSS showing off their plaque
The flying dragons showing off their first-place plaque |
the flying dragons saying, "in your face" to team BSS
I can't seem to get the pictures larger. I've been trying to get this posted all morning. You'll have to excuse the errors.
Just a footnote: at the start of the 2 mile I overheard one of the officials tell the other, "I don't see any best self storage here". It was funny because team BSS dominated the 2 mile all season.
BSS for life man!! If we can round up a couple of more big point getters for next year, we will be champions finally. We have THREE 2nd place plaques hanging on the wall here at BSS!! Not cool. Great job to all those who participated!! Now get training for next year!