Anyway, during his funeral one of the speakers mentioned that he was a covenant keeper. That struck me because I had just given a Relief Society lesson on covenants. And one of the quotes that I remember from Elder Nelson’s talk was that the best compliment you could ever receive is to be called a covenant keeper.
I thought it was cool that Brother Robinson was called a
covenant keeper at his funeral. That is
a goal I will strive to attain. To hope
to receive that compliment at my funeral.
Yesterday I was watching a DVR of 20/20. It was a Barbara Walters special about heaven. Interestingly, they had Marilyn Manson as a guest. One thing he said that also struck me was that he wouldn’t want to be in heaven because he wouldn’t be comfortable there. He said no one he knows will be there. He said he wants to be in a place where he would be comfortable.
I found it interesting that Marilyn Manson was teaching
Gospel doctrine. Since he is about as
far away from the church as one can get.
Then I got to thinking about how Brother Robinson and
Marilyn Manson are polar opposites yet they will both end up in places where
they will be most comfortable. Isn’t the plan of salvation wonderful?
That’s my two cents.
Brother Robinson was one of the finest men I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was a spiritual powerhouse who set a stellar example.