Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I saw a news headline yesterday that inspired this blog post. It said something to the effect of “Biden says we are better off than four years ago because bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.”

Really?  Is that all they’ve got? That’s pretty pathetic. First of all, bin Laden would be dead regardless of who the president was. So that’s pretty much a nonissue. And the whole Obama stimulus thing was a fiasco. Granted, it may have saved a few companies but cost way more than it helped.

A few months ago I saw a commercial where Obama was making his case for a second term. And basically his whole argument was that he has a better plan than Romney. It was also quite laughable. I mean really, can’t they come up with something better?

Four years later and all they can come up with is, “ I have a better plan” and “bin Laden is dead and GM is alive”?

Okay Obama, if you have such a great plan, why haven’t you used it in the past four years?

Obviously the Obama campaign is grasping at straws. The sad thing is that people are so stupid and ignorant that they will still vote for him. Pathetic.

That’s my two cents.


  1. Like you said, if Obama has such great "plans" why hasn't he put them into action the last 4 years?
    We all know it's because he's got nothing. The statistics speak for themselves. I sure hope Americans wise up and do all they can to elect Mitt Romney for President.

    I don't usually get this vocal with politics, but it is really ridiculous what has been happening to our country and the path Obama taking our nation down.
    Red flags everywhere folks!!!

    It's pathetic that Obama is also trying to talk smack about Romney for being a successful business man. He knows Romney would do a zillion times better at running this country than he would. Like Romney said in his speech the other night- he isn't going to apologize for his success, as Americans we celebrate success.

    Obama has not been successful as President and that is why he is not celebrating, but rather trying to belittle those who are successful.
    We don't need another 4 years of destruction.
