Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Writing Is on the Wall

Today is election day. The writing is on the wall. I predicted a Romney landslide. We will see if I’m right when the results come in tonight. But if demeanor of the candidates is any indication, I am dead on.

Last night, Obama was in Iowa and only half filled the arena where he was. That’s dragging along Bruce Springsteen with him. He had a tear in his eye and a sad countenance. He said nothing to energize the crowd. All he can say is that he wants four more years.

Contrast that with Romney. Last night at 11:15 PM he arrived in New Hampshire to a crowd of 30,000 people. Granted, he had Kid Rock with him. But those people were not there to see Kid Rock, they were there to see Mitt Romney. Romney is upbeat and excited and confident that he will win.

While Obama talks about voting for revenge. Romney talks about voting for love of country. The Romney’s have smiles on their faces and talk about election day as an exciting day and are very optimistic. Whereas Obama and his team are looking defeat in the face and as a last ditch effort to get voters out his advisor is telling people not to listen to early exit polls. Because they are anticipating that the early exit polls will show Romney winning.

Today, on election day, Obama is playing basketball. While, in contrast, Romney is still out campaigning.

The writing is on the wall. Romney will win this election.

That’s my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Go Romney!
    I sure hope it is a landslide in Romney's favor. I am getting sick from the anticipation.
