Saturday, January 19, 2013

Head in the Sand

For the past 2 1/2 months I have deliberately kept my head in the sand, so to speak. Ever since the election on November 6, I have kept myself fairly uninformed about what's going on in the world. I don't watch the news. I do see headlines and glance at a few stories on the Deseret News online. I have been so distraught at the realization of what our nation has become and is becoming, that I don't want to deal with it. It's probably not the best way, but that's how I've been coping.

I have known since the election that Obama -- in line with his communistic/socialistic agenda -- wants our guns.

Now, I am fairly uninformed, as I mentioned, about the shooting that took place not too long ago. But it triggered or was the catalyst for Obama's call for strict gun control. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing wasn't an inside Job.

Gun control is an absurdly ridiculous solution to gun violence. It makes no sense whatsoever. Yet, a large part of the population, looking through their wool covered eyes, believes it will stop violence. I've already done a blog post about this so I will not elaborate.

The reason I wanted to do this blog today is to share an analogy I thought of this morning.

Now, I don't know the statistics -- and I'm not even sure they are available -- but it seems logical to me that if we want to prevent deaths, we should ban cell phones -- not guns.

I would venture to guess that there are more deaths and injuries as a result of cell phone usage while driving than there are from guns. And that doesn't even take into effect the potential carcinogenic factor of cell phones.

Yes, I am a cell phone hater. I have never owned one, and never will. I do see the potential benefit for emergency purposes, and convenience. But I feel that the detriment that cell phones cause outweighs the benefits. Not only the physical death and injuries that cell phones cause, but also the spiritual/emotional death. I wonder how many families/relationships have been killed (torn apart)/harmed by smartphones. People, especially teenagers, don’t even know how to interact socially anymore. All they know how to do is text message or communicate via the Internet, i.e. social media such as Facebook and twitter. Pretty sad.

Okay, I will get off my soapbox about cell phones for now.

Obviously there are many other things I could talk about that results in death and injury such as drugs and alcohol and driving while intoxicated, etc.

Many harmful drugs are illegal, it doesn't seem to stop people from using them. Alcohol, was illegal in this country for a certain time, during Prohibition. It didn't seem to stop people from obtaining and drinking alcohol.

Making guns illegal, will not prevent gun violence. It will just make it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves.

I have a solution to stopping violence. Or at least curtailing it.

It's a rather simple solution but it will never happen. Stop making and selling violent media. Violent movies, violent television shows, violent video games, violent music, etc. -- this is where it starts.

Unfortunately, Satan is very good at what he does. He knows how to influence people for evil. He knows how to make good seem evil and evil seem good--In the eyes of the world. He knows how to use rationalization as one of his main tools. And it works.

The world is becoming more and more desensitized to evil, including violence. That's the way Satan wants it.

This is why we are given commandments. To help us be in the world but not of the world. To be able to resist Satan's influence. To be able to recognize right from wrong. The Holy Ghost is there to help us. But we have to be willing to listen to and heed the still small voice.

I understand we are living in the last days. I understand things will only get worse. All we can do is try our best to live righteously and follow the commandments and listen to the Holy Ghost. I know our country is heading in a downward spiral towards communism/socialism. It is prophesied that the Constitution will hang by a thread.

I just can't stand to watch. So, for the time being, I will continue to keep my head in the sand as much as possible.

That's my two cents.


  1. Yes, violent entertainment (movies, video games, etc.) is where the thoughts and ideas stem from. I find it completely ridiculous that these people in Hollywood have the nerve to make statements about how gun violence needs to "stop now" and act like it is everyone else who has the problem when they are the biggest contributors and hypocrites on the planet- as they play violent roles in these trash movies. I wish I could have posted the video that was made showing these people in Hollywood making their statement, "End the violence now." and then they showed a movie clip of the person shooting up someone or something on screen.
    I would have posted the link to show the extreme hypocrisy- but it was way too violent.
    I have more to say- but I best get.

  2. I found it interesting when I heard that the Seattle Police were offering $200 gift cards for peoples expensive firearms. Boy, that will sure stop a home invader in their tracks when you bounce that gift card off their chests.
