the reason I was able to go to Hawaii during two of my spring breaks at Utah State was because Juliet was enrolled at the University of Hawaii at the time and lived in Honolulu.
So this blog post will chronicle the pictures taken at the University of Hawaii.
I don't remember this but I'm guessing this is Juliet standing in front of her locker at UH.
Juliet was on a full ride cross-country scholarship at the University of Hawaii.
interestingly, UH didn't have a track program.
But they obviously had a nice track :-)
This must've been on Sunday, because Juliet is dressed up in her finest Sunday dress :-) and yes, once again that is my dress she's wearing. I guess it's not limited to missionary companions :-)
Since I was the one visiting, shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't I be borrowing Juliet's dresses?
UH locker room
me and Juliet taking a picture in the mirror in the UH locker room. Can you see us? Obviously the flash is reflecting off the mirror -- it actually looks kind of cool :-)
Juliet, was this in front of the student center or something? I think this was on campus.
one of the few pictures of me in Hawaii with my hair actually done :-)
Hey at least I'm wearing the belt, this time :-) this picture must have been taken inside Juliet's apartment.
okay, now I know where this picture belongs. I inadvertently put this picture on Sister Erickson's wedding. I think. But obviously this was taken in Hawaii.
proof of purchase that the picture was in Hawaii :-) this must've been the ward building there.
Braddah Dole! :-)
This is Juliet's good friend, Noel. Interestingly, he now lives here in Western Washington. He and Juliet have remained friends and still get together once in a while.
I think this was outside the dorm rooms at UH
Juliet doing the same pose. :-)
two ravishing beauties :-)
I think Juliet lived in these dorms her freshman year.
me doing the same pose. In the dorms at Ilima Hall.
okay, this was definitely the second year I was there. Because this is the road that Juliet lived on at the end of her UH career. I think her apartment building might be the two-story building to my left. Is that right, J?
Juliet walking to school
Juliet taking a test at UH. While I waited in the hallway for her :-). Not exactly the way I wanted to spend my Hawaiian vacation :-) but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Juliet leaving class after finishing a test.
Okay, now time for a story. And Juliet can thank me later :-). I'm not sure if it was this test or what but one day while we were on campus Juliet informed me that she needed to go check the score on one of her exams. She told me that if she didn't get above a certain percentage that she was going to drop out of school because she would not be able to graduate anyway.
So, of course, I went with her to go check her grade. Unfortunately, she did not do as well as she had hoped and began heading towards the student center to drop out of school. I knew I had to act fast because it wasn't that long of a walk to the student center :-). I told her that it would not be wise to drop out and that it was not the end of the world, there was still hope that she could graduate.
Well, thankfully, my skills of persuasion are top notch, and I was able to convince her not to drop her classes-- which she was dead set on doing. She was literally minutes from dropping out and if I hadn't been there to convince her otherwise, she would have dropped her classes and not graduated.
But thanks to her wonderful, loving, caring, wise, gorgeous oldest sister, Juliet stayed in school and ended up graduating with a degree in psychology.
And you can thank me later Juliet! :-)
don't be sad, but we are coming to the end of my Hawaii trip travelogue :-(
Tomorrow will be the last one -- more random pictures :-)
Yes, a huge thank you to my wonderful sister!! You saved my can!! You were right on all the pictures!! I remember taking them all!! I am sad tomorrow is the last post.