Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Evil Muppets

Satan is becoming more brazen. He is pulling out all stops.  We all know it's happening, in fact we were recently warned about it again in general conference a few days ago.  The world and its standards are getting farther and farther from the Lord's standards.

As the Lord hastens His work, so does Satan.  Case in point -- I just read an article in the newspaper about the ABC Family television station changing its name because they are no longer family-friendly.  There was a link at the bottom to another article about the new Muppet show.  This was what pushed me o'er the brink to write this post.

Everybody knows the Muppets from their childhood and even recent movies -- from what I'm told -- as kid friendly and geared towards children.  That was certainly the case of the Muppets I have seen.  Although not a Muppets fan myself, growing up in the 70s and 80s I certainly knew of the Muppets and probably watched a few episodes.

Now there is a new Muppets show on TV using the same characters -- or most of the same characters anyway -- that are familiar to all adults.  Except, according to the article I read, it is certainly not kid friendly anymore.  I have seen a few of the commercials for it and it is obviously quite raunchy.  The article states that it is not your mother's or grandmother's Muppets.  It is geared towards adults -- which to me indicates that it is full of a bunch of garbage that nobody should be watching.  I have never understood why it is okay for adults to expose themselves to filth but not okay to expose children to it.  Filth is filth.  Nobody should be exposed to it, regardless of age.

But Satan's cunning, evil designs have now implemented children's puppets into exposing children to filth.  I'm sure some parents will let their children watch the new Muppets show thinking that it is like it was when they were growing up.  And many unsuspecting parents and children will be shocked at what they see.

It disgusts me. Satan is blatantly targeting innocent children and the sad thing is that most people don't care.  It used to be that parents tried to protect their children from blatant filth -- and there are many who still do -- yet many parents will and do allow more and more filth into their homes via "cute" television shows, etc.

I was going to add a scripture here but I can only get to come up in Spanish.  And I'm not bilingual.  :-( Weird.  :-)

Anyway, all I have to say is beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.  That is one of Satan's specialties.  He makes things look very enticing and good when in fact they are very evil and destructive.  Don't fall for Satan's evil cunning schemes.

"O that cunning plan of the evil one!  -- 2 Nephi 9:28

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the evil is blantant and disgusting. Glad I haven't seen those ads. It sounds like when the Transformers movie came out- everyone who grew up with the Transformers cartoon was excited to share that with their kids-- only to find out it wasn't a kid friendly movie. Disappointing that people don't demand better quality movies and TV shows. "Weird" is right. :)
