Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My Comment

I normally don't comment on news articles.  But I read an article today in the Deseret News about how parents play a key role in preventing underage drinking. Basically the story was about how parents have a huge influence on whether their kids will drink alcohol or not.  Then I read the comments at the end of the article.

Most stupid comments I laugh at or ignore.  But for some reason I felt I had to defend a commentor who was being attacked by another commentor.

I will attach the first comment by Brent T. And then the comment by impartial7 which I felt the need to reply to.
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Brent T. Aurora CO
Aurora, CO
Disclaimers --I'm LDS, but a convert who didn't consume alcohol before I became LDS and wouldn't do so even if I weren't. It has no appeal to me. Any crackpot studies or justifications for its use are wrong. Alcohol use is a vice; its consumption a sign of weakness. There is great hypocrisy in seeing manufacturers sponsor it along with messages of moderation, designated driving and treatment centers for its dependency.

That said, two thoughts. First, yes, we're best served it seems by postponing behaviors in adolescents that have dire consequences. But second, if kids shouldn't be doing something, then adults shouldn't either. And I cringe every time some public service message or effort or study seeks to tout and justify the idea "wait until you're an adult" (to do something stupid).

But then, as a person who never saw any value (beyond the human urge, it seems, to follow the lemmings) in inebriation, and further only sees drinking as the pathway to being incapacitated to drive or protect oneself from predators, to addiction, misery, hangovers and embarrassing behavior, apparently I'm just an oddball with a strange opinion.
@Brent T;
"Alcohol use is a vice; its consumption a sign of weakness."
Really? Most world leaders drink. Most strong Pro athletes drink.
Many very intelligent people drink. In fact, Albert Einstein, arguably the smartest person ever, took a drink every once in a while. Here's what Einstein had to say about religion
“The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive, legends.”
    Here is my comment:

    If what Impartial7 said is true, then obviously Einstein wasn't as smart as everybody thinks he was.

    Alcohol is a known carcinogen in addition to its many other well-known deleterious effects. I agree with Brent T. when he claimed that alcohol is a vice and those consuming it are weak.

    I've never understood why anybody would want to deliberately impair themselves with alcohol or any other medically unnecessary drug.

    Just because--according to Impartial7 -- "Most world leaders drink. Most strong Pro athletes drink. Many very intelligent people drink." Doesn't change the scientific evidence that drinking alcohol is harmful.

    Here is just one paragraph from a recent study,"Our study suggests no overall benefit from alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption has been linked to more than 60 medical disorders and represents the third most important modifiable risk factor for death and disability." -- Medscape.com, Alcohol Ups Mortality and Cancer Risk; No Net Benefit, Veronica Hackethal, MD, September 24, 2015

    If you want to drink alcohol, that's your choice, but don't try to justify it.

    That's my two cents.
    • 1:39 p.m. April 12, 2016

    One thing I didn't mention in my comment-- Why do people always have to bring religion into everything? Especially when they're trying to justify bad choices. The article even mentioned that it wasn't about morality but scientific evidence. Obviously impartial7 is trying to justify his own bad choices. Albeit in a very bad attempt. These kind of attempted rebuttals are always disjointed and nonsensical.

    That's my two cents.

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