Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Never Hillary!

I have heard people say that they will never vote for Trump.  They just can't in good conscience vote for him.  They are called Never Trumpers. Their logic is flawed.  I will explain why.

I live in reality.  Or as Rush Limbaugh would call it, "Realville".  Reality is, there are only two viable choices for our next president.  With 100% certainty I guarantee you that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will win the election next month.

Voting for a third-party candidate, writing in a name, or not voting at all is a vote for Hillary Clinton.

I personally am less than thrilled with our candidates.  I have never been a fan of Donald Trump precisely because of his immorality, egotism, and lack of respect for others.  But compared to Hillary Clinton with her leftist agenda of destroying the Constitution and our nation, the choice is obvious.

As I mentioned yesterday, Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar, murderer, defender of all things evil and destroyer of all things good and will do anything to gain power.  At the expense of everybody and everything around her.

The Obamas and The Clintons despise each other yet they pretend to be friends.  Why?  Why is it that Michelle Obama says that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person ever to be president?  Michelle claims that Hillary is more qualified than Barack, Bill, or even Abraham Lincoln.  Why does she lie through her teeth to try to get Hillary elected?  Because Hillary will continue the liberal left socialistic communism agenda.  She will preserve Barack Hussein's evil legacy.  Hillary will be Barack Hussein's puppet and give him another four or eight years to destroy the Constitution and this great country.  That is their ultimate goal.  Barack Hussein Obama has said he will stay in Washington DC after his reign of terror.  If Hillary wins, it will be much easier for him to continue his evil regime through her.  But even if Trump wins, Obama will still run the media and be able to work his evil through them.

It is imperative that Hillary Clinton be defeated. If not, the evil regime of Barack Hussein Obama and the liberal left will continue unabated.

Donald Trump is the only person with any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton in this election.  If you can't bring yourself to vote for Donald Trump, then don't think of it as voting for Donald Trump but instead, think of a vote for Donald Trump as a vote to defeat Hillary and the liberal agenda.

Every vote is vitally important and there are only two viable choices.  I've heard it said that a vote for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. While that is certainly true, when one of the two is certain to win, it is better to vote for the lesser evil. Reality is that doing nothing by not voting or voting for anyone other than Donald Trump, is a vote for Hillary and the greater evil.

Hillary Clinton is the epitome of hypocrisy and all things evil.  She wants nothing more than to destroy this great nation of ours and its Constitution.  She will do everything -- including murder -- to gain power and further her, and the liberal left's, evil agenda. Anyone who doesn't believe that is buffaloed, hoodwinked, and blinded by the craftiness of men -- i.e. Hillary Clinton and the mainstream media's liberal cunning lies.

Do the right thing and vote for Donald Trump! Never Hillary!

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately with the corruption, lies, and deceit happening--Hillary will most likely win due to a rigged election. It has been proven that elections have been rigged by the liberals before. There is A LOT of election fraud happening. I know someone who would love to read your post.
