Friday, February 24, 2017

A Banquet of Consequences

The following is an excerpt from a recent BYU devotional given by Elder Quentin L. Cook.  I was just going to put a few quotes but it was all so good I included a lot more than I intended.  Although it's still quite long, I did cut out quite a bit.  If you want to read the devotional in its entirety click on the link at the bottom.  Enjoy!

From a BYU devotional address given February 7, 2017 by Elder Quentin L. Cook:

"One of the most cunning aspects of the adversary’s efforts to thwart our Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness is his deceitful teaching that there is no evil influence or devil and his attempt to redefine evil as good and good as evil, darkness as light and light as darkness, bitter as sweet and sweet as bitter!

"This is sometimes called a paradigm shift—or “when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new or different way,” thus portraying things to be exactly the opposite of what they really are.

"...Lucifer’s only hope of success was to achieve a paradigm shift or values inversion—in other words, to characterize the Father's plan as resulting in grief and misery and Lucifer’s plan as resulting in joy and happiness.

"...The truth is, not only do the enemies of Father’s plan attempt to undermine the doctrine and principles of the plan, but they also attempt to mischaracterize the blessings that flow from the plan. Their basic effort is to make that which is good, righteous, and joyful seem utterly miserable.

"I will discuss some of the adversary’s efforts to mischaracterize and undermine the blessings of living according to the Father's plan.

Word of Wisdom

"My first example is the Word of Wisdom. ...over the course of a lifetime I have seen many of my friends’ lives blighted and sometimes destroyed by alcohol. An alcohol culture isn’t just about Church doctrine. It is about the health and happiness of everyone.

"In the Father’s plan, the Word of Wisdom—the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants given because of “evils and designs” of “conspiring men”—provides health principles. It is “adapted to the capacity of the weak and weakest of all saints.” It sets forth particulars, including that “wine or strong drink” (i.e., alcohol) is not good. “Tobacco and hot drinks” (i.e., tea and coffee) “are not for the body.” This revelation also advocates wholesome health practices with a promise. It promises those acting in obedience to the divine command great physical and spiritual rewards. They “shall receive health … and find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge.”

"The distortion—paradigm shift—that the adversary utilizes is clearly illustrated by his advocacy for tobacco and alcohol. ...

"The revelation was received in 1833. Then in 1921 President Heber J. Grant, inspired by the Lord, called on all Saints to more fully live the Word of Wisdom. At the time, mass marketing and glamorization in the movies made cigarette smoking appear fashionable, sophisticated, and fun. ...

"The statistics today with respect to cigarette smoking are not in dispute. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer. It is estimated to increase the risk of lung cancer by 25 times.

"So, what the adversary portrayed as fashionable, sophisticated, and fun has in fact resulted in misery and untimely death for millions of people.

"Alcohol is another example. ...

"Over many years I have followed a research project that commenced in the 1940s. Initially there were 268 men who were attending Harvard University and were periodically studied over their entire lives. Later others, including women, became part of the study. The goal of the original study was to find out about success and happiness. The study showed that college entrance scores and grade averages did not predict either success or happiness in later life.

"This study contains three significant insights for me. First, adult happiness had a high correlation with childhood family happiness, especially love and affection from their parents. Second is the importance of a healthy, stable marriage to lifelong happiness. Third is the negative effects of alcohol on marital and lifetime success and happiness.

"Alcohol abuse touches one-third of families and is involved in one-fourth of hospital admissions. It plays a major role in death, bad health, and diminished accomplishment.  

"In a recent front page article in the Washington Post, titled “Wine, Women and Danger,” based on U.S. federal health data, it was reported that “women in America are drinking far more, and far more frequently, than their mothers or grandmothers did, and alcohol consumption is killing them in record numbers.” The article concludes: “The current and emerging science does not support the purported benefits of moderate drinking.” And “the risk of death from cancer appears to go up with any level of alcohol consumption.”

"... The terrible impact of alcohol on many young brains is now medically established.

"...As if cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and an opiate epidemic were not harmful enough to society, we now see the forces of evil pushing legalization of recreational marijuana. ..."

Family choices

"In the Father’s plan the role of families is clearly set forth. In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” it reads, “The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity. Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

"It is fairly common in today's world, in another paradigm shift, to trumpet alternative choices in a positive way that are in direct conflict with this plan and are unfavorable to marriage and family.

"To mention a few:

"The choice for both women and men to put education and careers ahead of marriage and family.

"The choice to purposefully have no or few children or to terminate pregnancy when inconvenient.

"The choice to engage in immoral conduct as a substitute for the sacred institution of marriage.

"The adversary has targeted women and painted motherhood as a dead–end road of drudgery. He has targeted men and painted fatherhood as unimportant and fidelity as “old–school.” The alienation and objectification of pornography is an example of immoral conduct being substituted for the sacred institution of marriage. It underscores the horrific turning from truth and righteousness that the adversary seeks.

"Inappropriate alternative choices are painted as appropriate in helping to achieve the worldly goals of freedom and equality.

"... Lucifer has supported abortion and convinced many people in a horrific paradigm shift that children represent lost opportunity and misery, instead of joy and happiness.

"...The family proclamation could not be more clear about the consequences of choices inconsistent with the Father's plan. It unequivocally proclaims, “We warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.”

"This clearly sets forth the ultimate banquet of consequences and the cumulative impact of choices not in accordance with the Father's plan of happiness.

"In all marriages and in raising children there are challenges and sacrifices. But the rewards both in this life and in the eternities are breathtakingly beautiful. They emanate from a loving Father in Heaven."

Prospering in the Land

"...A familiar scripture found in Alma 36:30, and many other places in the Book of Mormon, has two parts; it reads, “Inasmuch as ye will keep the commandments of God ye shall prosper in the land.” The second part reads, “Inasmuch as ye will not keep the commandments of God ye shall be cut off from his presence.” It is clear that having the blessing of the Holy Spirit is a principal element of prospering in the land.

"Along with having the Spirit, sacred teachings of the Church establish “having sufficient for our needs” as the best measure of temporal prosperity. Lucifer’s paradigm shift here is to elevate the seeking of great wealth and the acquisition of highly visible luxury products. Some seem absolutely driven to achieve the “lifestyle of the rich and famous.” Excess wealth is not promised to faithful members, nor does it usually bring happiness.

"As a people, the Latter-day Saints have indeed prospered. Some achieve wealth as the result of very worthwhile and appropriate pursuits and use that wealth to bless mankind and further the Lord’s purposes.

"Wise financial principles include seeking the kingdom of God first, working, planning, and spending wisely, planning for the future, and using wealth to build up the kingdom of God.

"Many years ago, President N. Eldon Tanner gave a classic talk entitled “Constancy amid Change.” The principles he taught are as applicable today as when he taught them. First, pay an honest tithing. Second, live on less than you earn. Third, learn to distinguish between needs and wants. In doing so, remember that yesterday’s luxuries have in some cases become today's necessities. Fourth, develop and live within a budget, but plan on the unexpected. And fifth, be honest in all your financial affairs.

"President Tanner’s admonition to live on less than you earn is a fundamental principle." ...

Lucifer's Objective Is to Undermine the Father's Plan

"In addition to portraying blessings as misery, Lucifer’s objective is to undermine the Father’s plan and destroy faith in Jesus Christ and His doctrine. The assault on the Bible and the divinity of Jesus Christ has never been more pronounced in my lifetime than it is today. As the scriptures predicted, Lucifer is using many devices to accomplish this objective.

"It is one thing to be misled by the adversary. It is another to be one of his mercenaries. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, as usual, said it beautifully: “How tragic it is that so many mortals are mercenaries for the adversary [and are] bought off at such low prices. A little status, a little money, a little praise, a little fleeting fame, and they are willing to do the bidding of him who can offer all sorts of transitory ‘rewards,’ but who has no celestial currency.” This echoes the famous words of Alma speaking of Korihor, who had spread the old militant atheist lies and then discovered “the devil will not support his children at the last day.”

"...bad choices result in a banquet with bitter, rancid, nasty, and miserable results.

"Compare this to the glorious banquet of consequences that are promised to you who are faithful. You will be filled with the glory of the Lord, sanctified by the Spirit and the renewing of your body, and all that the Father hath will be given to you."

-- A Banquet of Consequences-- The Cumulative Result of All Choices, Elder Quentin L. Cook, Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, February 7, 2017

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent.
    If only people would wake up and realize this especially:
    It is one thing to be misled by the adversary. It is another to be one of his mercenaries. Elder Neal A. Maxwell, as usual, said it beautifully: “How tragic it is that so many mortals are mercenaries for the adversary [and are] bought off at such low prices. A little status, a little money, a little praise, a little fleeting fame, and they are willing to do the bidding of him who can offer all sorts of transitory ‘rewards,’ but who has no celestial currency.” This echoes the famous words of Alma speaking of Korihor, who had spread the old militant atheist lies and then discovered “the devil will not support his children at the last day.”

    Great post, Tam. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
