Sunday, April 16, 2017

Called to Serve!

My heart is so full of joy right now for my niece, Mercedes.  Yesterday she received her mission call!  We had an impromptu "opening party" where she opened her mission call.  Everybody was on pins and needles waiting for everyone to arrive.

She has been called to serve in the Utah Ogden Mission!  She will enter the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on May 31.  She is so excited!  I have never seen anybody more excited about receiving a mission call.  She has worked so hard on preparing to serve a mission.  It truly is an extraordinary blessing to be able to qualify to serve and be called to serve a full-time mission for the Lord.  I am so proud of Mercedes for the hard work she has put into preparing for a mission and for the good choices she is making in her life. I know she will make an excellent missionary!

Opening her call
Reading her call. 

Proof of purchase!  :-)

Pointing to where she will be serving on the map.

Rex, Lisa, Mercedes, Chanelle, Richie

Grandpa, Mercedes, Grandma

Juliet, Kingston, Mercedes

Called to Serve 

1. Called to serve Him, heav'nly King of glory,
Chosen e'er to witness for his name,
Far and wide we tell the Father's story,
Far and wide his love proclaim.

Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Forward, pressing forward, as a triumph song we sing.
God our strength will be; press forward ever,
Called to serve our King.

2. Called to know the richness of his blessing--
Sons and daughters, children of a King--
Glad of heart, his holy name confessing,
Praises unto him we bring.

Text: Grace Gordon, alt.

Music: Adam Geibel, 1855-1933

Congratulations Mercedes!  Your Aunt Tammy is so proud of you! You will do extraordinary things in the Utah Ogden Mission! I love you!  :-)

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