Thursday, November 30, 2017

Rush Limbaugh Quote

"The culture war is largely over morality, the concepts of right and wrong and whether or not they’re universal or the result of individual choice. And the left has always believed that morality is an individual choice, that you don’t get to define it for anybody else, and neither does society. And that attitude is what I believe has led us to today. 
"There are consequences for all actions and inactions, and bad behavior, immoral behavior, incorrect behavior is always going to carry a price at some point. There will always be consequences for it.... 
"And of course the people who advocate for morality and attempt to instill and live by concepts of right and wrong are mocked and laughed at and made fun of. And they’re considered to be very dull and boring. And they’re usually religious, and that means we can really attack them.... 
"And the liberals just roll right over them with this idea that they are the oddballs, that they’re the kooks, that they pose the threat, because they are attempting to impose their morality on everybody....  
"But I really think this is the root of it here, folks. It’s taken a little while here, but the people who are being discovered to have engaged in this behavior — which is clearly reprehensible and perverted and whatever description you want to come up with — no doubt are of the belief that morality doesn’t apply to them and that it’s nobody’s business anyway." -- Rush Limbaugh, November 30, 2017
It sounds like Rush has been reading The Book of Mormon.  His quote describes exactly the philosophies of antichrists like Korihor, Sherem, and Nehor.  Satan has been preaching these philosophies for millennia.

The funny thing is, all of these liberals, antichrists, leftists -- whatever you want to call them, they are all the same -- think they are progressive.  When in reality they are spewing the same lies and philosophies that Satan has been teaching forever.

They think they are so much smarter than everyone else when they are just Satan's puppets.

That's my two cents.

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