Monday, January 21, 2019


I know I've done posts on the tragedy of the consequences of fame before.  Namely Michael Jackson and David Cassidy come to mind.  I may have done others I don't remember.

Fame is an interesting thing.  It is something so many people aspire to have.  Yet those who have it will most likely tell you they don't want it.  Most people can't handle fame.  Especially without being grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I consider fame to be a trial or hardship people who have it go through.  Fame has destroyed many people's lives.

I have never aspired to fame.  In fact, I don't even like the few people who know me to know me.  :-)

Fame is ironic.  Being known by and adored by the masses yet so many who have achieved fame are extremely lonely.  Fame is fleeting.  Fame can be very destructive.  Especially when your self-esteem is based on your fame.  One minute everybody loves you, the next minute you are the loneliest person on the planet. You don't even know if your friends are true friends or if they are just your friends because you're famous.

Most famous people become miserable.  I have a few theories as to why.  First of all, fame tends to persuade people to turn away from God.  Turning from God always leads to misery -- eventually.  Perhaps not at first but like the prophet Alma taught, "wickedness never was happiness" (Alma 41:10).  Living a life of sin, living the "eat drink and be merry" lifestyle leads to nothing but heartache and misery.

When people become miserable they tend to try to escape the reality of their life.  Thus leading to more destructive behavior -- drugs, alcohol, extreme risk-taking, promiscuity, etc.  It's a very sad road.

As I said in my previous post, I have been on a Donny and Marie kick.  I have even watched some concerts of the Osmond brothers from the early 1970s.  All of them are extremely talented.  Their dancing and harmonies are amazing!  And all of them became very famous at a very young age.  And Donny and Marie have stayed in the limelight pretty much their entire lives.  Going on six decades now.

Yet, from my perspective, they both have been able to stay grounded, stay true to their faith, and even defend their faith when it is mocked.  How is that possible?  I believe it comes from their roots, what their parents taught them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and having good family support.  And really, knowing what is most important in life.

I am impressed that Donny and Marie have been able to withstand the trial of fame that they've been dealt.  As far as I'm aware, Donny and Marie and perhaps their brothers are the only people to achieve such fame and not let it destroy their lives.

Kudos to the Osmond family.  Not only have Donny and Marie withstood the trial of fame.  But they are using it to teach and defend truth.  Marie does a weekly spiritually uplifting Instagram post on Sundays.  And Donny has a section on his website where he shares his beliefs and even answers fans questions about the Gospel.  So awesome!  They are actually using their fame to do good and to help their fellow man find true happiness through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Donny and Marie are both extremely talented entertainers.  Donny and Marie have both been famous their entire lives.  Yet both Donny and Marie have figured out how to navigate through their fame and not let it destroy them. I have gained even more respect for Donny and Marie not only as entertainers but as people of character, integrity, and faith.

That's my two cents.

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