Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Correspondence with Senator Murray

Back on January 9, as those of you who follow my blog will recall, I sent a short letter to my Senators and Congresswoman. I got ridiculous responses from all of them. Which I ignored. None of which addressed the issues in my e-mail about border security and building a wall on our southern border. Instead they just badmouthed President Trump and blamed him for government shutdown.  Idiots!

But today I had just read that Senator Murray was the one Senator who blocked a bill that would require infants who survive abortions to receive medical treatment and care.  Instead of letting them just die on the table or killing them as the State of New York and Governor of Virginia would like to do.  So I got super ticked when I received her stupid response which did not even address the issues in my e-mail.

So I sent her another e-mail today.  Here is the original letter sent on January 9, 2019.  Followed by her response then my response.
Dear Senator Murray,
Since you represent me, I would like to ask you to please support our president in his efforts to secure our southern border.  This is a very important matter.  I am all for legal immigration.  There is a right way to do it.  Follow the law.  Our country is being invaded by illegal aliens by the thousands every day.  Bringing drugs, gangs, and sex trafficking to name a few of the threats to our nation.  This is unacceptable.
Please support President Trump in building a wall to secure our southern border.  And also please vote to fund border security.
Thank you,
Dr. Tammy Stone
This is the response I received today by e-mail:
Dear Dr. Stone,
Thank you for writing to me to share your thoughts regarding both the partial government shutdown and border security. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on these important topics.

On December 22, 2018, a significant portion of the federal government shut down and remained closed for 35 days, preventing millions of Americans from utilizing important federal programs and leaving more than 800,000 federal workers and their families without pay for weeks. On January 25, 2018, after hearing from so many people about the pointlessness of the shutdown and seeing the real damage being done to our workers, communities, and the economy, President Trump and Senate Republicans reversed course and allowed Congress to reopen the government for three weeks. 

The 35-day shutdown caused tremendous damage in Washington state and across the country—uncertainty for workers and families, unpaid household bills, the threat of homelessness to those needing housing assistance, farmers and growers unable to prepare for planting, backlogs and delays at airports and critical federal agencies, trash piling up at our national parks, and so much more. Furthermore, it was a terribly irresponsible precedent to set: the president should never hold the American people hostage on a political whim or force government into chaos and dysfunction over a tantrum. Democrats have made it clear that we are willing to continue working with Republicans on responsible, effective border security now that this reckless shutdown is over. I’m going to be keeping the pressure on President Trump and Senate Republicans to make sure we don’t slide into another completely unnecessary shutdown in just a few short weeks. 

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me, and please know that I will keep them in mind. If you would like to learn more about my work in the Senate, please feel free to sign up for my updates through the subscribe button below.

Patty Murray
United States Senator            
My response: 
Dear Senator Murray,
Your rote response to my e-mail to you did not address what I asked of you.  I mentioned nothing about government shutdown.  I merely asked for you to support the president in securing our southern border.  Your response is basically a spit in my face.  It's obvious that you and your Democrat cohorts care more about politics than people.  Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad recently met with President Trump regarding the need to build a wall on the southern border to help prevent sex trafficking.  This is a big problem affecting many children and adults.  Please put politics aside and support the efforts to build a wall along our southern border to help prevent the disgusting and abhorrent practice of human trafficking for sex slavery. 
It also came to my attention that you, Patty Murray, D-Wash., rejected the motion to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, authored by Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Nebraska.  Why in the world would you block a bill to provide medical support for babies who survive abortion?  They are human beings who deserve a chance at life.  I'm disgusted that you would not support that bill.  Along same lines, why won't any Democrat stand up in support of life?  Regarding the new law passed by the New York Senate allowing full-term abortions.  Ask any OB/GYN and they will tell you that there is absolutely no reason to abort in the third trimester.  Yes, emergency delivery is sometimes necessary, but never abortion.  Third trimester babies are viable human beings.  Even outside the womb with medical care.  Let God decide if the baby is to survive. There are plenty of people willing to adopt unwanted infants.  The New York  State Senate disgusts me in cheering for legalizing infanticide.  And Governor Northam of Virginia also disgusts me. Pushing a bill to legalize infanticide in Virginia.  
Senator Murray, why don't you grow a backbone and stand up for innocent infants?  Why don't you stand up for victims of sex slavery?  Stop thinking of your political career and stand up to your fellow Democrats for human decency.  You represent me, Senator Murray.  I'm embarrassed to be a resident of the State of Washington because of your actions. 
Dr. Tammy Stone
Graham, Washington
I am so sick of idiotic politicians with no common sense nor human decency.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! It blows my mind that people can be that STUPID. And EVIL.
