The peacock's performances were heads and tails above the competition. It was like a race between a cheetah and a sloth, turtle, snail, or any other slow-moving land animal. The peacock (Donny) left them all in the dust! He is the only one who actually performed. Everyone else just sang. Even at 61, Donny's got some serious dance moves. And his voice has never been better. Not to mention, he had the best costume. I mean seriously, how can anyone top a 70s jumpsuit collar and cape?
Unfortunately there was obvious bias in the judging for whatever reason. And Donny came in second. :-( But America knows he won hands down. He didn't even come in second to Gladys Knight, T. pain won the trophy. Whoever he is. His performances were just average. In fact there were several who were kicked off before him who were better than him. I don't know what the show's obsession with the monster was but the bias was obvious.
The peacock was robbed.
That's my two cents.
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