Monday, September 30, 2019

Headstone Set

We got a call this morning from the cemetery saying that the headstone was set over the weekend.  I was actually going to call them first thing in the morning but didn't get around to it and they beat me to it.

I was so excited to go see the final result.

Lisa and I put together a beautiful bouquet of flowers and we headed over to the cemetery.

Mom and I headed into the cemetery
Notice the bouquet on Mom's cart.

We didn't think to bring cleaning supplies, but the headstone was pretty dirty.
Lisa did her best to clean it off with what we had.

We are very pleased with the result.  It is beautiful!  Even more stunning in person than pictures can portray.

I love this picture.
The camera seems to wash the flowers out.  They are more colorful than portrayed.

The diamond etched portraits turned out really nice.  You really have to see it in person to appreciate it.

Looking back at the flowers (Between picnic table and tree).  They look white in this photograph but they really are multicolored.  It is a beautiful bouquet.  Lisa did a good job putting it together.

It was a beautiful day to go to the cemetery.  I'm so happy we were able to go see the headstone and take the flowers to Dad's grave.

  If you get a chance, drop by the cemetery.  Take some cleaner with you and some paper towels.  :-)

College Football Picks Week Five

  1. Clint -9 tie breaker 77
  2. Rex -9 TB 79
  3. Juliet -11 tiebreaker 53
  4. Lisa -11 TB 63
  5. Tammy - 11 TB 70
  6. Michael -13 tie breaker 73
  7. Kingston -15 tie breaker 50
  8. Mom -18 TB 38
Actual Tiebreaker 51

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dad and the Plum Tree

As I was going through pictures of Abinadi the other day, something about the following three pictures struck me. Immediately what jumped out at me was how small the plum tree is.  It is the tree in the grass that the dogs are walking by in the background. (Not the coral bark maple in the foreground).

Samson and Abinadi walking by the plum tree.

This picture was taken March 25, 2013.  6 1/2 years ago.  It's kind of hard to see how big the plum tree is, because it's in the spring before leafing out.  But as a comparison I had Lisa take a picture of it today.  The following two pictures are what it looks like today.
Chief laying under the plum tree.  Notice the coral bark maple in the background that was in the foreground.  Also notice the water spigot on the very left-hand side of the photograph.

It has grown a lot in six years.  Let me to you why.

Every time Dad would change out the dogs' water bowl by the garage to give them fresh water, instead of just dumping the water onto the driveway, he would make the extra effort to pour the water on the plum tree.

Those few extra steps and little extra time did wonders for the plum tree.  The plum tree is the only tree on our property that has matured so fast.  The correlation between the plum tree's rapid growth and receiving all that extra water throughout the years is not lost on me.  I attributed the maturation to the extra water a couple of years ago.  I think I may have even mentioned it to Dad.

Every time Dad took a few extra steps and few extra seconds to water the tree, there was no noticeable difference in its growth.  Yet, Dad continued to walk the few extra steps and take the few extra seconds to water the tree.  Every time he changed out the dogs' water.

It took years to see any results of his efforts.  But, the reward did eventually come.  The plum tree is now a beautiful shade tree which we all have been able to enjoy the past few years.  Last year, we put one of our swings under the plum tree and Mom and Dad were able to spend time on the swing every day last summer and fall.  And I know the dogs enjoyed the shade for years.  It's one of the few places that provides ample shade in our yard.

Yes, it would have been easier for Dad to just dump the bowl of water onto the driveway right under the spigot. But, instead, he chose to put forth a little extra effort to water the tree.  I'm sure if he hadn't watered it through the years that it would not be nearly as big as it is now.  And we wouldn't be reaping the benefits of a big beautiful shade tree.  But Dad did put forth the extra effort -- and not only did he receive the benefits of his efforts, but we all now enjoy the benefits of his efforts.

Are we like Dad and put forth a little extra effort to water a tree knowing that we won't see immediate results or rewards? Or do we just dump the bowl of water where it sits under the spigot and let the water run down the driveway?

Do we put forth a little extra effort to say our prayers every day? Do we put forth a little extra effort to read or listen to our scriptures every day?  Do we put forth a little extra effort to go to church every week? Do we put forth a little extra effort to serve someone in need?  Do we put forth a little extra effort to make righteous choices -- when it's easier to follow the crowd?

Making the extra efforts mentioned above will not bring immediate results.  Just like watering the plum tree regularly didn't bring immediate results.  But results will come, slowly but surely.

Trudging through life doing the bare minimum to get by will bring mediocre results in the eternities.  Putting forth a little extra effort every day to follow the Savior and keep His commandments will bring magnificent results in the eternities.

Will we end up with a scrawny little tree or will we have a beautiful full, majestic shade tree?  The choice is ours.

That's my two cents.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Weep for Them That Die

Today is the two month mark of Dad's death.  Because of that, and with Abinadi dying last week, I've been sad today.  I found a comforting talk about death by our prophet, back when he was a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. I was actually on my mission in Florida when this talk was given.

I love this quote from his talk.
"Irrespective of age, we mourn for those loved and lost. Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love. It is a natural response in complete accord with divine commandment: “Thou shalt live together in love, insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die.” (D&C 42:45.)
"Moreover, we can’t fully appreciate joyful reunions later without tearful separations now. The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life."
-- Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Doors of Death", April 1992 General Conference
I love the line that says, "Mourning is one of the deepest expressions of pure love."   I never thought of mourning as an expression of love.  But President Nelson said it beautifully.

I also like the line that says, "The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life." Sorrow for the loss of loved ones is a natural consequence of our love for them.

It brings comfort to know that weeping for the loss of loved ones is a natural response in accordance with divine commandment.

That's my two cents.

College Football Picks Week 4

  1. Rex -11 tiebreaker 51
  2. Clint -13 tiebreaker 32
  3. Michael -13 tiebreaker 63
  4. Juliet -15 tie breaker 53
  5. Lisa -17 tie breaker 52
  6. Mom -19 tiebreaker 67
  7. Tammy -21 tiebreaker 55
  8. Kingston -26 tiebreaker 49
Actual Tiebreaker 40

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My Sacrament Meeting Talk

Bishop called me on Wednesday after Abinadi died and asked me to speak this Sunday.  So I only had a few days to prepare.  This is the best I could do on short notice.

Tammy’s Sacrament Meeting Talk 

September 22, 2019 

In my nearly 5 decades on this earth, I have witnessed the decay of society. Just a few decades ago what would have been considered unthinkable and absurd is now considered normal. Isaiah taught that in the latter days good will be called evil and evil will be called good.¹ This prophecy is being fulfilled.

Not only does society demand that we tolerate sin and perversion, but the world now also requires us to embrace sin, perversion and evil as normal behaviors. If we don’t, we are labeled as judgmental, hateful and yes, even evil. The world will not tolerate opposition. The irony is that the world’s views claim to be all-inclusive and loving. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Society and the world now teach that evil is good and good is evil.

Unfortunately, many who were on the covenant path, with strong testimonies, have fallen to the enticings of the world, which is Satan’s philosophy, and have veered off the covenant path into darkness and apostasy.

I share a good portion of my DNA with several individuals who have fallen. As I’m sure each of you are also acquainted with those who have chosen to leave the covenant path.

Our agency is so vital to Heavenly Father’s Plan, that we cannot make other people’s choices for them. Despite our pleas, Heavenly Father will never take someone’s agency away. So, what can we do to help those loved ones who have strayed?

Elder Ulisses Soares, of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, in April 2019 General Conference said, ““Elder Soares…unfortunately, some of my friends or dear ones have distanced themselves from the Lord. What should I do?” For those of you who are right now experiencing these feelings of sadness, agony, and maybe regret, please know that they are not totally lost because the Lord knows where they are and is watching over them. Remember, they are His children too!

“It is hard to understand all the reasons why some people take another path. The best we can do in these circumstances is just to love and embrace them, pray for their well-being, and seek for the Lord’s help to know what to do and say. Sincerely rejoice with them in their successes; be their friends and look for the good in them. We should never give up on them but preserve our relationships. Never reject or misjudge them. Just love them!”²

It is hard to see those you love making bad choices and leaving the covenant path. I have personally shed many tears mourning loved ones who have left the happiness of the Gospel. One thing we need to remember is to never give up hope. One of Satan’s biggest lies is to convince people that they are beyond hope. No one is beyond the Savior’s redeeming power.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, “However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's atonement shines."³

Besides continuing to love and pray for loved ones who have left the covenant path, the best thing we can do is to stay on the covenant path ourselves, and be good examples of striving to live a Christlike life on the covenant path.

Elder Soares said, “Ultimately, keep living a worthy life, be a good example to them of what you believe, and draw closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. He knows and understands our deep sorrows and pains, and He will bless your efforts and dedication to your dear ones if not in this life, in the next life. Remember, brothers and sisters, always that hope is an important part of the gospel plan.”2

Our loved ones will see our example and the happiness the Gospel brings, and hopefully have desires to return to the covenant path someday.

Sister Becky Craven said in the April 2019 General Conference, “As I reflect upon obtaining lasting happiness, I realize that sometimes we do find ourselves in the gray. Mists of darkness are inevitable as we journey along the covenant path. Temptation and casualness can cause us to subtly divert our course into the darkness of the world and away from the covenant path. For the times when this might happen, our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has urged us to get back on the covenant path and to do so quickly. How grateful I am for the gift of repentance and for the power of our Savior’s Atonement.” 4

Staying on the covenant path requires daily effort. Our spirits, like our bodies, require daily nourishment to stay strong. Our mortal journey is full of temptations and trials.

This has been a rough summer for me. A couple of months ago my dad died. Not only did I lose my father but he was also one of my primary caregivers and my buddy that I did stuff with. So I’ve been dealing with a lot of change in my life. And to top it off, my dog died a couple of days ago. I could write a really good country song about my life.

Scripture says, "There hath no temptation (footnotes add tested, tried, proven) taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 5

I think the part of that Scripture we tend to overlook is the line that says, “but will with the temptation (testing, trying, proving) also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” So it seems that we sometimes do face more than we can bear on our own. This is when the Savior steps in and strengthens us, if we rely on His Infinite Atonement. Through that added strength from on high we become able to bear, and even escape the trials and temptations we must face.

Some people choose not to turn to God for help, but instead, try to bear their burdens alone. When they find their burdens too much to bear, some mistakenly turn to alcohol, drugs, and other vices to escape their pain and trials. Which, unfortunately, just adds to their misery. True happiness and relief from trials, temptations, and the burdens of life can only be found in turning to God and relying on Him for strength and comfort.

I have certainly turned to my Heavenly Father and Savior many times recently to ask for strength and comfort to get through the trials I’ve faced this summer. I testify that I have received the strength and comfort needed from the Godhead.

There have been several times when I have prayed for strength and comfort – when my burdens seemed too much to bear – that I have felt immediate comfort from the Holy Ghost. And I knew everything was going to be okay. Granted, my burdens had not miraculously changed or been lifted from me, but I received strength and comfort from on high to make my burdens seem lighter and bearable.

When I see people turning from God and leaving the Church, I wonder how I can stay strong and not fall like them. The answer is in my favorite Scripture, “"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." 6

In the last General Conference, the Prophet said, “Satan knows who you are and who you were premortally, and he understands the work that must be done before the Savior returns. And after millennia of practicing his cunning arts, the adversary is experienced and incorrigible.” He added, “The adversary is quadrupling his efforts to disrupt testimonies and impede the work of the Lord.” 7

We are living in the final minutes of the last hour before the Second Coming of our Savior. If Satan is quadrupling his efforts, then we must quadruple our efforts just to make it a fair fight.

We are each in a boxing match with Satan. He’s throwing four times as many punches at us as he once did. If we don’t throw more punches back, he will knock us out in no time. I’ve seen it happen to some once strong, very elect people. People are dropping like flies all around us. How do we prevent this from becoming our fate?

We must consciously, everyday, nourish our spirits by keeping the commandments and following the prophet so that we will have the spiritual strength to keep throwing punches at Satan and win our bout with him.

Every time we read our scriptures, pray, go to church, serve someone, or make a righteous choice – we throw another punch at Satan.

Parents need to increase their efforts in teaching their children the truths of the Gospel because Satan is working four times as hard on their children as he did on them.

Elder Soares said, “God’s prophets have consistently instructed that we need to raise our families “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” and “in light and truth.” President Nelson recently said, “In this day of rampant immorality and addictive pornography, parents have a sacred responsibility to teach their children the importance of God [and Jesus Christ] in their lives.”

“Brothers and sisters, the warning of our beloved prophet is a further reminder of our individual responsibility to seek to learn and to teach our families that there is a Father in Heaven who loves us and who has developed a divine plan of happiness for His children; that Jesus Christ, His Son, is the Redeemer of the world; and that salvation comes from faith in His name. Our lives need to be rooted upon the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, which might help us individually and as families to have our own spiritual impressions engraved in our hearts, helping us to endure in our faith.” ²

As we prepare for the Second Coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we must put forth effort every day to stay on the covenant path. Our foundation must be built on the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, if we are to have any chance of winning our personal bout against Satan. In doing so, we also serve as an example to others that may help them stay on or return to the covenant path, where true happiness is found. Don’t give up, brothers and sisters. We must continue to give Satan uppercuts, by living the Gospel, and continue fighting until the end. Relying on our Heavenly Father, His son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost to strengthen us, when we are too weak to continue fighting on our own. If we do, the eternal rewards will be beyond our comprehension. Of this I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


1 – Isaiah 5:20

2 – Elder Ulisses Soares, “How Can I Understand?”, April 2019 General Conference

3 -- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “It is Never Too Late” , April 2012 General conference

4 – Sister Becky Craven, “Careful Versus Casual”, April 2019 General Conference

5 -- 1 Corinthians 10:13

6 – Helaman 5:12

7 – President Russell M. Nelson, “We Can Do Better and Be Better”, April 2019 General Conference

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mom and Dad's Headstone Completed

Seems like all I do is design and order headstones.  I'm single-handedly keeping the headstone people in business.

Anyway, I got word on Tuesday that Mom and Dad's headstone was complete.  They sent pictures of the completed headstone.

I think it looks really nice.  They did a great job.  It is scheduled to be delivered to the cemetery on Tuesday, September 24.  And will hopefully be installed shortly thereafter.

Here are the pictures of the completed headstone that they sent me.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Abinadi's Headstone

This is the headstone I designed and ordered for Abinadi.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Abinadi's Eulogy

Abinadi chose us.  Back in March of 2013 we were eating breakfast one day and I saw a dog in our yard.  He was very skinny and you could see his ribs. If memory serves me correctly, Dad took him out some food and water.

He kept coming back.  We took him to the pet store to see if he was microchipped.  He wasn't.

It was love at first sight for me.  I fell in love with him.  He was such an affectionate, sweet, loving dog.  When he was younger he would jump up on me and hug me.  He was friendly and would do that to everybody.

Anyway we found his rightful owner through a flyer posted in the neighborhood.  So we called and gave him back.  Despite my sorrows at losing him.

Come to find out they were backyard breeders I guess.  He wasn't treated well, was super skinny because of parasites, and was quite skittish at first.  Abinadi never was a well dog.

Two or three weeks later he was back.  For good.  He chose us as his family.  And we chose him.

We took him to the vet and they treated him for a parasite which they said would have killed him if he wasn't given proper treatment.  So, we saved his life.

According to the flyer, Abinadi was nine months old when we found him.  He was a full-grown bloodhound, albeit under weight.  We fattened him up right away.

I named Abinadi after a wise Book of Mormon prophet.  I think the name suited him.  Although others may disagree.  Unfortunately no one ever pronounced his name right.  Unless of course they were familiar with the Book of Mormon.  They always pronounced it AH-buh-nah-dee.  It is actually pronounced Uh-BIN-uh-die. (Not sure if I wrote that out correctly phonetically, but hopefully you'll get it.)

Abinadi and Samson were good friends for the remainder of Samson's life.  Almost 3 more years.

Abinadi was never the same after Samson died. He seemed to lose a little bit of sparkle in his eye.

Abinadi was not doing very well when Dad died.  But I think Dad's loss was more than Abinadi could take.  Less than two months later Abinadi graduated from mortality and went to see Dad and his good friend, Samson.

I'm sure it was a joyous reunion.  Abinadi no longer has to suffer the pains of mortality.  He is no longer blind nor has any of the health problems he suffered here.

Abinadi had quite the personality.  Every time the phone rang, he would howl the bloodhound howl.  I always told him I didn't like people calling here either.  :-) I thought it was so cute and encouraged the behavior.  Also, if anybody started howling, Abinadi would join the chorus.

Abinadi was a great watchdog.  He always let us know when people were here.  Even up until the very end, when his voice was so weak.

Abinadi and I would always go down to the garden or dog tree.  I would just have to say, "let's go, to the tree."  Or "let's go, to the garden."  And he would get up and follow me.  Then he would lay down by me until I decided to leave.

When Abinadi was a puppy and new to us, he liked to crawl his big bloodhound frame under the fence (he knew where the wide spots were) and go visit neighbors.  He usually brought back a treasure.  One time he was carrying a big empty cardboard berry box.  He looked so proud as he was prancing up the driveway with his treasure.

Yes, Abinadi was quite the character.  I miss my big, furry friend.

RIP Abinadi.  I love and miss you so much.  

God be with you till we meet again, my friend.

June 2012 - September 18, 2019