Abinadi chose us. Back in March of 2013 we were eating breakfast one day and I saw a dog in our yard. He was very skinny and you could see his ribs. If memory serves me correctly, Dad took him out some food and water.
He kept coming back. We took him to the pet store to see if he was microchipped. He wasn't.
It was love at first sight for me. I fell in love with him. He was such an affectionate, sweet, loving dog. When he was younger he would jump up on me and hug me. He was friendly and would do that to everybody.
Anyway we found his rightful owner through a flyer posted in the neighborhood. So we called and gave him back. Despite my sorrows at losing him.
Come to find out they were backyard breeders I guess. He wasn't treated well, was super skinny because of parasites, and was quite skittish at first. Abinadi never was a well dog.
Two or three weeks later he was back. For good. He chose us as his family. And we chose him.
We took him to the vet and they treated him for a parasite which they said would have killed him if he wasn't given proper treatment. So, we saved his life.
According to the flyer, Abinadi was nine months old when we found him. He was a full-grown bloodhound, albeit under weight. We fattened him up right away.
I named Abinadi after a wise Book of Mormon prophet. I think the name suited him. Although others may disagree. Unfortunately no one ever pronounced his name right. Unless of course they were familiar with the Book of Mormon. They always pronounced it AH-buh-nah-dee. It is actually pronounced Uh-BIN-uh-die. (Not sure if I wrote that out correctly phonetically, but hopefully you'll get it.)
Abinadi and Samson were good friends for the remainder of Samson's life. Almost 3 more years.
Abinadi was never the same after Samson died. He seemed to lose a little bit of sparkle in his eye.
Abinadi was not doing very well when Dad died. But I think Dad's loss was more than Abinadi could take. Less than two months later Abinadi graduated from mortality and went to see Dad and his good friend, Samson.
I'm sure it was a joyous reunion. Abinadi no longer has to suffer the pains of mortality. He is no longer blind nor has any of the health problems he suffered here.
Abinadi had quite the personality. Every time the phone rang, he would howl the bloodhound howl. I always told him I didn't like people calling here either. :-) I thought it was so cute and encouraged the behavior. Also, if anybody started howling, Abinadi would join the chorus.
Abinadi was a great watchdog. He always let us know when people were here. Even up until the very end, when his voice was so weak.
Abinadi and I would always go down to the garden or dog tree. I would just have to say, "let's go, to the tree." Or "let's go, to the garden." And he would get up and follow me. Then he would lay down by me until I decided to leave.
When Abinadi was a puppy and new to us, he liked to crawl his big bloodhound frame under the fence (he knew where the wide spots were) and go visit neighbors. He usually brought back a treasure. One time he was carrying a big empty cardboard berry box. He looked so proud as he was prancing up the driveway with his treasure.
Yes, Abinadi was quite the character. I miss my big, furry friend.
RIP Abinadi. I love and miss you so much.
God be with you till we meet again, my friend.

June 2012 - September 18, 2019
Hey! I made the cut!!! Ha ha. RIP Abinadi!!