Saturday, December 21, 2019

Transgender Comment

Yesterday I read an article in the Deseret News about a scientist who was fired for claiming that you can't change your sex.  I guess the author JK Rowling tweeted something about supporting her.  The transgender community got all up in arms.  So I spent a while composing a comment and tried to post it.  But I received a message that I used a word they didn't like and they wouldn't post it.  This ticked me off because I didn't say anything bad.  It was mostly a biology lesson.  Apparently the Deseret News doesn't like biology lessons.

Then I was mad at myself for not copying my comment because I lost it. This is very similar to what I said:

I hate to break it to the transgender community but every cell in your body (except red blood cells and platelets) contains a nucleus containing DNA which codes for your sex.  Every cell nucleus contains 23 pairs of chromosomes -- one pair of which are sex chromosomes.  XX (female) and XY (male).  You can do whatever you want to try to change your phenotype. But you cannot change the DNA in every cell in your body.  You cannot change your genotype.  This is just basic biology.  So, sorry transgenders, but you cannot change your sex.

That's pretty close to what I said.  But the Deseret news didn't like it. They wouldn't publish it.

I spoke nothing but the truth.  It's unbelievable that people are so deranged now that they want to argue with basic biological science.

A zebra can try to change his stripes, humans can take hormones and undergo mutilating surgery but the truth remains in the DNA in every cell of their bodies.

It's ridiculously silly that someone would get fired from their job for speaking the truth.  Especially an expert in the area of which they are speaking.

People who are wrong -- yet pretend they are right, and want to be right -- are the most angry deranged lunatics living in Lala land.

If you are male and want to pretend to be female, be my guest.  But no matter what you do, you'll never actually become female. Or vice versa.  It's impossible.  It's a scientific fact.  So quit arguing about it and face reality. And quit being so angry and ruining people's careers because you can't have what you want.

That's my two cents.

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