Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I know I sound like a broken record about this whole Wuhan coronavirus garbage.  The more data that's coming out -- the more it is evident that this tyrannical lockdown was and is unnecessary.

And the damage being done is far worse -- much much worse -- than any possible good that this ridiculous social distancing, stay at home, wear a mask nonsense is doing.  Let me give you a few examples.

I read an article a few days ago written by a cardiologist in New York.  Sorry I don't have the reference.  I'll paraphrase what I remember.  Basically, this cardiologist said he was worried because visits to the ER have dropped dramatically since this media induced panic started.  And it's not only in New York.  Many hospitals across the country are struggling for lack of patients.  Hospitals are businesses and patients are their clients.  One physician assistant said she was laid off because they are not doing any elective procedures -- or surgeries -- therefore her services are no longer needed right now.

People with heart attacks, angina, appendicitis, or any number of ailments for which you would normally go to the ER -- are choosing to stay home and tough it out.  The article stated it was because they are scared of catching the virus at the hospital.  But I think it has more to do with not being able to have family around to support you.  This is precisely why we didn't take my mom to the ER last week when normally we would have.  Because she would have been alone.  No one is allowed to visit hospital patients.  And we figured, if she's going to die, it's better to die at home with family around than in a hospital all alone.

So many people are not getting the medical care they need because it is not "essential".  And who decides what is essential and not?  A tyrant!  My mom had a procedure scheduled for March 24 for which she had already taken a course of expensive antibiotics in preparation for the procedure.  It was canceled two days before the scheduled appointment.  They told her to finish the antibiotics and she'll have to start a new (expensive) course of antibiotics when they reschedule the procedure.  I personally don't think this is an elective procedure.  It is a very important procedure needed to improve her quality of life.  And even save her life.  Now she has to go once a week to the cancer center to receive treatment until she can receive the procedure she needs.  Which is ridiculous because now she's being exposed every week to dreaded illnesses that are floating around cancer stricken immunocompromised patients.  Makes no sense at all.  Yet this is going on everywhere in the country!  Even I had a referral from a specialist for a procedure to be done in the hospital.  That was pushed back until June tentatively and may be pushed back again.

This is absolute insanity.  So many people are suffering from lack of medical care of because of some stupid politically induced panic.

Stanford University did a study of people in Santa Clara County, California (where the 49ers play).  They actually tested antibodies to the Wuhan virus (COVID-19).  They are reporting slightly under 1000 cases.  But according to Stanford University research, the prevalence rate for those carrying the antibodies to the Wuhan Coronavirus are 50 to 85 times higher than is being reported.  48,000 to 81,000 people-- Instead of under 1000.

Therefore the mortality rate is much lower than the reported 1% - 4%.  The mortality rate is now estimated to be 0.1% (which is on par with seasonal flu) down to 0.02%.  Of course you won't see mainstream media reporting this because the higher the mortality rate and more deaths that occur, the better for them and their sick, deranged power trip.

Our country and world have shut down.  Economies are plummeting.  Individuals and families are in economic ruin from being forced to stay home and not work.  People can't get necessary regular medical treatments.  People aren't seeking medical treatment because of fear -- either media induced or fear of being/dying alone.  As if that wasn't bad enough, our lives or been turned upside down by not being able to go to church, not being able to go shopping for "nonessentials", not being able to go to school, not being able to get closer than 6 feet to anybody.  Having to wear a mask everywhere you go.  And heaven forbid if you don't follow all of the communistic tyrannical "rules" that have just been imposed upon us -- then you are shunned and given the evil eye at the very least. Yelled at, cursed at, called selfish, fined, and even jailed at the worst. A poor elderly man was ripped off (physically removed from) a city bus by two cops for not wearing a mask! Everybody has turned into judgmental coronavirus police who are quick to point out what other people are doing wrong.

Well, guess what?  If you don't like it, stay home!  Self quarantine.  Aren't you being the selfish one for going out in public?  Yet you are judging others for doing the same thing. Well, guess what judgmental hypocrite, if you stay home and self quarantine, then you don't have to worry about being exposed to the deadly coronavirus, by all the "bad people" not following the rules.  Why don't you look at the beam in your own eye before ye go pointing out the mote in everyone else's eyes?   You live your life the way you see fit.  And let everyone else live their life the way they choose. And quit being judgmental hypocrites.

You would think we are living in Communist China or the Soviet Union.  This is how bad it's gotten.

The entire world has turned to communism/dictatorship.  I read that in the UK the police are checking shopping bags as you leave the grocery store.  If they deem what you bought as nonessential, snacks?,  they will issue you a hefty fine.

How stupid is that?  If you are already in the store -- you are exposed to microbes anyway -- what does it matter which items you purchase?  It's purely a power trip.  Communism at its best.

This lockdown, stay at home, malarkey does not reduce the spread of the virus when you allow people to go grocery shopping and go shopping at Wal-Mart, Target, Lowes, Etc.  Seriously, what's the point of quarantine when you don't actually quarantine anybody?  It's ridiculous. 

People can't even get a haircut for good thunder.  A hairdresser in Florida, I believe, had her license revoked for doing someone's hair.  Yet the mayor of Chicago can get her hair done because she has to look good because she is in the public eye.  Well guess what, all of you politician hypocrites?  You are no better than your constituents.  They want to look nice too.  As a matter of fact, you politicians are nothing but hypocritical swamp scum. And you still don't look good even after your illicit hairdressing appointment.

People can't get necessary medical treatment and dental care because it is "nonessential".  Yet women can still get abortions because apparently murdering innocent babies is essential.  They claim that women's health is so important, yet a needed gynecological procedure is postponed for months?  But if it was an abortion that was requested, they will get you right in.  That's a bunch of nonsense.  What kind of sick and depraved world do we live in?

I'm happy to see that many Americans are not taking it anymore and are protesting.  We are used to our freedoms, and cherish them.  Many people have fought for (including my dad) and died protecting our freedoms.  They are precious to us.  We live in the promised land.  The greatest country in the world. It is very sad to me how quickly everyone has given up their freedoms (by being bamboozled by the media).  Thankfully, Americans are starting to wake up and realize they've been hoodwinked. And now are beginning to demand their freedoms back.

By invitation from our Prophet, many of us fasted and prayed for life to return to normal.  It will happen.  The Lord will hear and listen to and bless His people.  This much I know.

I just hope it happens sooner rather than later.  Because many people are suffering tremendously because of this nonsense.

That's my two cents.

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