Monday, May 4, 2020


Rush Limbaugh is a great teacher and explains things simply.  I really like how he explained Chinese communism today.  Well, Communism in general but relating to China and why they lied about the Wuhan coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).

This is directly from Rush Limbaugh's website:
I find a lot of people are really — “ignorant” may be too hard a word, but it works here — a lot of people in day-to-day life are literally ignorant about how the Chinese look at us. The Chinese look at us as an enemy the same way Hitler did, the same way that the Soviets of Brezhnev and Gorbachev did. They clearly see us as an enemy. “Come on, Rush, there aren’t any enemies. The world is too interlinked.” No. No. See, that’s the trick of globalism.

The trick, one of the many tricks of globalism is to lull nations into thinking that all of these old wartime structures are gone and that now everything is interdependent and interlinked and we’re all just one happy family on our way to no nation states, no borders. That’s not what it is at all. Globalism is designed specifically to disembowel the United States. Globalism is designed to destroy the American economy, destroy America as a superpower, not destroy us. They can’t destroy us, they need the market. But they want to eliminate the United States as the sole superpower of the world. And globalism was one of the ways to do this. And American leaders went along with it for reasons I don’t have time or the inclination to get into now.

But the Chinese do indeed see us as a threat. They see us as an economic threat. They see us as a military threat. They are communists. And because communism is so woefully mistaught in this country, there aren’t enough people who understand the threat that it poses. There aren’t enough people who understand the dangers that communist people pose, communist leaders in communist governments, that communist radical activists say in the green movement, the dangers they pose people simply haven’t been educated.

But the United States and capitalism is indeed considered an enemy that needs to be destroyed. Now, the ChiComs have made a good act out of making it look like all they want to do is get along with everybody, that they don’t threaten anybody. But I’ll ...guarantee you that they want to be the world’s superpower economically, they want to be the world’s currency, they want to be the world’s number one military. This is an objective that they have. The Soviets had the same objective. The Chinese have it as well.

Now, to people that have never been educated properly or improperly about communism, saying something like that sounds radically insane to them. It sounds crazy. “Chinese want to be the superpower of the world? Come on, Rush.” Don’t doubt me on this. It explains much of the way the Chinese go — you wouldn’t believe the spying, the hackery, the attempted undermining of the United States on a daily basis by the ChiComs. And it’s not just them. We are a great nation at risk in a dangerous world, and everybody is gunning for us in one way.

They’re gunning for us economically. They’re gunning for us militarily. And people say, “Rush, nobody can beat us militarily. Why would they -” because they don’t — it’s they’re afraid of the power. The ability we have to project power around the world is unlike any nation has ever had the ability to project power. Now, we don’t use it to conquer. We don’t use it for offensive purposes. But they don’t trust that we won’t because they judge everything by the way they look at themselves and they would if they had the power that we’ve got, they would be using it to conquer, to subjugate others. They have.

So the Chinese — make no mistake about it — they might see us as a market they need access to, but I’ll guarantee you they look at this relationship as they are killing us, they are winning, they are beating us back. They don’t have to buy a single product we make and yet everything we need comes from them. Antibiotics, our cell phones, so much of our daily life, even the masks to protect us from the virus are coming from them. They love this. They love that this circumstance is — they don’t need anything from us. They don’t have to buy anything. That’s what Trump has been trying to change.

So, anyway, I think that when this virus hit — and I’m being very charitable here — I think when it hit and they saw how deadly this thing is, their objective was to make sure that they were not the only country or economy harmed by it. So I think they did whatever they had to do to make sure that virus spread. “Rush, that would make ’em a bunch of killers.” Exactly, folks. They are communists. What do you think communists do to people? Communism kills. It has to kill people to keep ’em in order. It has to kill people to keep ’em in the country. People eventually want out of communist countries, communist governments. And they don’t let you.
They were lying through their teeth about this virus from the very first days of it, including when it finally got out of the lab and when it started infecting people.
They’re not gonna lose any competitive ground over a virus even if it is theirs, even if it originated in their country. These are ruthless, brutal people. Communists anywhere are ruthless and brutal and particularly when they are arrayed against people like us who they believe to be major competitors.--, "The ChiComs View Us as an Enemy That Must Be Destroyed", May 4, 2020
 As I explained before, the Communist Chinese government (Chinese Communist Party) are bad dudes.  All they are interested in is "winning".  They do not care about people.  They won't bat an eye at killing millions of people.  They will do anything to "win".  They cannot be trusted.  All communist governments are bad dudes.  But China is by far the biggest and most dangerous.

That's my two cents.

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