Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Black Widow Lives Matter!

Did the coronavirus pandemic disappear overnight?  Just a few days ago anyone who dared defy the government lockdown by trying to go to work, going to the beach, playing in an empty park with your kid, getting on a city bus without a mask, or -- heaven forbid -- going to outdoor church in your car and listening to services over the radio-- were all arrested and/or physically removed by police.

Yet, these same police -- when facing violent rioters and looters who are burning down buildings and destroying public and private property -- are not stopping them.  The same blue governors who arrest a mother for trying to make a living to feed her kids or arrest a lone beach goer or surfer minding their own business are telling the cops to let the rioters and looters have free reign.  By the way said rioters and looters are not social distancing (obviously) nor are they wearing masks.  But all of a sudden it's okay to ignore the governors' lockdown orders when it fits the governor's agenda.  Which is apparently to destroy their own cities and the one precious life that they locked down the state to preserve -- while destroying millions of people's lives -- is no longer so precious.  Certainly more people have been injured and killed during the riots over the past few days than the one life they are supposedly protesting having been murdered.

Not one person in this country is disputing the fact that George Floyd's murder was wrong.  Everybody agrees that the corrupt cop and his accomplices were wrong and deserve full justice. Which they are receiving, by the way.  The corrupt cop was charged with murder and is in jail.  So why the riots and looting and violence?  Because it isn't about a wrongful death.  It is about politics.  The Liberal Democrats are doing everything in their power to try to regain power.  They will stop at nothing.  The pandemic was fizzling out and didn't bring the results they wanted.  So now they are back to using racism to divide the country.  Liberal Democrats have always been the most racist people.  Yet they always try to project their racism onto conservatives.

These violent riots and looting are bought and paid for by the left.  The media is trying to incite more racism because they know that young black people are turning away from liberalism.  So they are trying to win them back.
"Is the virus the latest unsuccessful attempt to destroy the Trump presidency? Are the riots an attempt to gin up support for the joke of a candidate Joe Biden? The Washington Post answers that with this headline, “New data finds young black Americans aren’t as enthusiastic about Biden — or opposed to Trump — as their elders.” What better than a race war to rile up the Democrat base."  --, Brian C. Joondeph, June 3, 2020
It's obvious by the pallets of bricks that suddenly appeared in riot areas, that this is a coordinated movement.  It is not about angry people protesting a wrongful death.  It is completely politically motivated and coordinated by the left, liberals, Democrats, media.  Even one of the hoodlums caught looting in Los Angeles admitted that he was motivated by money, not political protesting of a wrongful death.
"Like I said yesterday, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, it’s all the same bunch of people. It’s all the same bunch of people from the militant environmental movement to the militant feminist movement. It’s all the same people, it’s all the same thinking, it’s all the same radical liberalism. And the bottom line is that its home is the Democrat Party. What we’re seeing is Democrat Party politics come home to roost." -- Rush, June 2, 2020
Not only is the Democrat party behind all of the violent looting and rioting, but it's obvious by their actions that they not only support the violent lawlessness, but actually encourage it.  All of a sudden, the viral pandemic -- that caused so much fear and panic that they shut the entire country down -- is no longer an issue. Obviously it was completely politically motivated from the get-go.
"The lack of action against the looters and rioters is taking place in blue states, and the blue state governors are in full-fledged support of the looters and the rioters."  -- Rush Limbaugh, June 2, 2020
"Earlier today, the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services secretary was asked a question, if she was worried about seeing COVID-19 spreading because of all the protesters out there in large groups. And the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services secretary said, “No. No. These people have a right to have their voices heard...
So if I understand this, it’s okay for people to protest in large groups. But for months we were told by this same kind of person, Health and Human Services secretaries, that it was too dangerous for small businesses and restaurants and churches to open up due to the high risk. “No, no, no, no, no! You can’t open your church. No, no, no, no, no! You cannot open your restaurant. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you cannot open your business!
“It’s too risky, too dangerous. You could inadvertently — or purposely — end up spreading a second wave of the virus!” But now? She’s not worried about COVID-19 spreading because of protesters, ’cause “those people have a right to have their voices heard.” They have — the protesters have — a right to be heard. You don’t have a right to open your church.
You don’t have a right to open your business. You don’t have a right to open your restaurant. Stop and think about that."  -- Rush, June 2, 2020
By the way, remember the epidemiologist who started all this panic?  Claiming that 2.2 million lives would be lost in the United States if we didn't lock down?  Well, he's changed his tune.
"So this epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, says essentially that these lockdowns didn’t do anything. (paraphrased) “Sweden shows that every country would have had the same outcome without the lockdowns and social distancing.”  -- Rush, June 3, 2020
The lockdowns actually did much more harm to the American people -- and did absolutely no good.  With idiotic blue governors like Cuomo  -- who deliberately sent infected COVID patients into nursing homes in New York (thereby issuing thousands of death sentences)-- more deaths were caused by government intervention than would have been, had the pandemic run its course naturally.

Now, back to the diversion of racism that the Left, Liberals, Democrats, Media have changed course to.  I read a really good article this morning by one of my favorite conservative authors, Lloyd Marcus.  Here's part of what he said:
"As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests are unnecessary and are totally politically motivated. The American people of all races including President Trump have expressed their outrage over the wrongful death of Mr. Floyd. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd has been charged with murder. The three officers who watched the abuse have been fired and investigated. So, where's the beef?  Why are opportunists looting stores, burning businesses, and beating up whites in the name of demanding justice? Who is opposing justice for Mr. Floyd? The answer is no one.
Therefore, what is the real purpose of the riots, hate, violence, and chaos in our streets? The answer is politics. Democrats and fake news media believe by generating racial hate, they can ensure that blacks will vote against Trump in November. (Emphasis added)
Like a magician uses misdirection, Democrats and fake news media hope to focus blacks' attention away from the fact that blacks have experienced unprecedented prosperity and record low unemployment since Trump has been in the Oval Office. 
Leftist political hacks say the killing of George Floyd reflects America's systemic racism, a country dominated by white supremacists. They say America was founded by racist white men for racist white men. Folks, such bogus and divisive rhetoric is nothing more than leftist intellectual-sounding gobbledygook. There are not enough white supremacists in America to elect anyone to any public office.
In the real-world America, blacks are not suffering persecution. I realize saying that will get me in trouble, but it is true. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. The perverted thinking of leftists has to make everyone a victim of someone or something. Democrats and fake news media brand blacks who do not harbor resentment for whites and America traitors to their race.
Blacks are only 13% of the population.  White America gifted its first black president two terms. And yet, far too many blacks absurdly believe Democrats' and fake news media’s lie that white America did not want a black man in the White House. If America is such a hellhole of racism, how did Oprah Winfrey, a dark-complexioned stout black woman, become one of the wealthiest and most influential persons on the planet? The myth of America's racism is evil, destructive, and must end.
Racism along with every other sin will exist until Jesus returns. However, there is not enough racism in America to stop anyone. This is why it is so offensive hearing wealthy black celebs filling young black minds with the lie that white America has stacked-the-deck against them. I wish blacks would ignore such crap and simply pursue their dreams.
Despite countless glaring examples of blacks thriving in America, Democrats and fake news media relentlessly sell the lie that blacks can't catch a break in this horrible country. This is why they persecute successful blacks who love their country and do not view themselves as victims.
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said, “If you don't vote for me, you ain't black.” Biden has also absurdly said, “Republicans want to put y'all back in chains.” Biden insultingly views blacks as brain-dead idiots eager to stay on Democrats' government dependency plantation.
In 2020 America, the tired old battered, tattered, and torn race card has been begging to retire for several years. Democrats refuse to retire it because they believe playing it wins them emotional, mindless black votes, trumping logic, facts, and commonsense.
All of the people who are protesting because cops routinely murder blacks and because America is racist are responding to lies. Cops do not murder blacks so much as blacks murder blacks. America is not racist. Why do you think people risk everything to get here? Trump is building a wall to keep illegals out, not to keep people in. We are extremely blessed to be Americans living in America." -- American, Lloyd Marcus, June 3, 2020
That's almost the entire article.  I was going to only do a couple paragraphs but he made so many good points that I didn't want to delete them.  Lloyd Marcus is a wise man who is not swayed by liberal propaganda. 

Like Rush Limbaugh pointed out, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, all of these various movements are all branches of the same radical liberal democrat entity.  The social media "blackout" yesterday was another variation of radical liberalism manifesting itself to cause racial division under the guise of unity.  Same concept as calling good evil and evil good.

How do we avoid falling into the liberal propaganda trap?  The answer is simple.  It's something I've been preaching for eight years.  Don't watch television news!  I have done so (not watched television news) since 2012.  And I stay plenty informed.  Rush Limbaugh even talked about it today while speaking to a despondent caller:
"And the first thing to do — and this will work — turn off all television news for a week. Just don’t watch anything. I don’t care what network. Don’t watch it. You may think, “That’s impossible. I gotta keep up with things.” No. If you want to keep up with the news, find the things that you trust and go to them via websites or what have you. But do not watch televised cable news. Just try it for a week, and I will guarantee you one thing will happen. Your attitude will change dramatically.
Once you’ve shut out the primary source of fear and negativism and pessimism, once you simply prevent that stuff from getting past your boundaries and into your system, you’ll have a remarkably different outlook on every day. I’m not telling you to be in denial. I’m not telling you to bury your head in the sand. I’m saying avoid the propaganda and the people lying to you who want you to feel exactly the way you feel.
That is their objective. And then realize President Trump has limitless energy. He is a fighter. He is not going to fall to these people. He’s not going to cave. He’s not gonna give up on you. He is not gonna give up on the country. And he’s going to find people continually to surround him who have the same point of view. ...
Your attitude on life is going to change rapidly when you do not subject yourself to the constant lies — and that’s what you’re being hit with. You’re being lied to. You’re being propagandized. You’re being depressed. They are purposely… The people that do news today are purposely trying to drive people like you away from your support of Trump.
They’re trying to drive you away from your support of America as it was founded. They’re doing their best to make you think that you have lost. They want you to believe that there’s no reason to resist anymore. They want you to think there’s no reason to fight, that Trump has blown it, that they are winning, and that they are going to win.
You simply have to stop subjecting yourself to this every day. That’s just the first step. It’s just the first thing. It’s an experiment. Try it and see if I’m not right. I’m not saying avoid the news. You can continue to listen to me every day. I guarantee you I will not depress you. I guarantee you I will not make you think all is lost.
And I guarantee you I will still keep you informed multiply, but you can also read some websites that you trust. But I would literally not watch television news." -- Rush, June 3, 2020
This blog post is much longer than I anticipated.  And kind of over the place.  But, I guess my point is this: The Left, Liberals, Democrats, media -- whatever you want to call them -- have one goal, and that is to regain power.  They will do anything and everything -- no holds barred -- to reach that goal.

Despite how they try to portray themselves -- They don't care about you, or me, or anybody.  They don't care one iota about destroying you financially, socially, spiritually, mentally, or physically.  This is evident in the bogus lockdown we are still experiencing.  That didn't work well enough to destroy Trump and his supporters so now it's on to the old standby -- racial division.  That's been successful for them in the past, so they are going back to what they know works.  Except -- it's not going to work.  People are wise to their sinister schemes.  Yes, they will get some people bamboozled but a lot of diehard liberals are starting to see the light.  They are realizing how evil and cunning the left, liberals, Democrats, media are.  Which just makes the left, liberals, Democrats, media even more angry.

The left, liberals, Democrats, media don't know how to tell the truth.  Everything they say, do, portray is nothing but lies.  Here are a few examples: most recently trending on social media is a dark picture of the White House.  Implying that President Trump is cowering in the basement. Hiding in fear from all the rioters.  Well, he proved them wrong when he walked from the White House to the burned-out cathedral across the street -- burned by rioters.  Any other president would have taken an armored car.  Not President Trump.  He showed no fear.  By the way the dark White House photograph -- taken in 2014 during the Obama administration.  The left, liberals, Democrats, media got even more livid when President Trump carried a Bible with him and held it up in front of the violently burned out cathedral.  The significance of good versus evil in this scenario is evident.

Second example: those photos of illegal immigrants in cages meant to portray how evil President Trump is in separating illegal immigrants from their children.  Also taken during the Obama administration.

Third example: the media showed a photograph of a hospital overrun with patients.  Claiming it was New York City during this coronavirus pandemic.  It was actually Italy.

Basically anything the media says or shows about Trump is false.  Do not believe anything the media portrays.  It's all lies.

This is why I haven't watched television news since 2012.  Not one minute of it.  I stay plenty informed reading conservative websites, Deseret News, and of course Rush  Anything that comes out of the Associated Press I take with a grain of salt.  There is absolutely no reason to watch television news.  It's completely fake.

Between now and the election in November, I'm sure there will be many more attempts by the left, liberals, Democrats, media to destroy President Trump, his supporters, and this great nation.  As they pull out all stops to regain power.  Don't fall for their ploys. Don't be bamboozled.  The Constitution may be hanging by a thread but will remain intact.  This is the promised land.  This is the greatest nation in the world.  One nation, under God, indivisible.  With liberty and justice for all.

The Book of Mormon has many parallels to what is happening right now.  It's uncanny really.  Learn from it.  It was preserved for our day for a reason.  Listen to and follow the Prophet.  Stay on the covenant path.  Stay in tune with the Holy Ghost.

If we do those things, we will not be deceived. We will not fear.  Yes, these are troubled times but the prophet has said there are many wonderful days ahead.  A righteous people are a happy people despite whatever circumstances they may be in. God bless America!

Always remember that black widow lives matter.  This arachnophobia must end.  Ha ha.  (Thanks Cov Cov).

That's my two cents.

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