Saturday, October 10, 2020

Good Versus Bad

Yesterday Rush Limbaugh had President Trump on his radio program for two hours.  I read most of the transcript and this exchange jumped out at me.  It is spot on and sums up this election. 

From Rush

 RUSH: Let me try to simplify this. You know, one of the things I’ve tried to do, learn to do over the course of the years is make the complex understandable. I think this election, Sir, is really simple to explain, particularly people who are the undecided, and I don’t know how many of those there are. I, frankly, don’t know how you can’t be decided by now.

THE PRESIDENT: (chuckles) Right.

RUSH: But this election really boils down to two propositions. One is it’s between a man, you, who believes America is good and decent and great, against people —

THE PRESIDENT: Right. It has great potential.

RUSH: — against people who are behind Joe Biden who think America isn’t good. They think America is unjust and immoral from the days of our founding, and they are trying to undermine and transform this country as founded. And that’s why you are undermined. And that’s why your successes are hidden. That’s why your successes are distorted and lied about. It’s no more complicated than that.

Folks, if you love this country, if you love America — the America you think exists — you don’t have a choice in this election. Your only choice is President Trump. If you don’t support President Trump here, you are gonna end up facilitating the transformation of America into a country it was never intended to be. You’re gonna have $13-a-gallon gasoline with the Green New Deal.

You’re gonna have so much disruption in your life that you can’t possibly imagine — and don’t doubt me. They’re not gonna be honest with you about this. But that’s really what this is about. You are good. You believe America is good. You believe America is great. You want to keep it that way, and you want to solidify it, and you want America’s greatness to be enshrined and empowered for decades beyond you.

Rush is exactly right.  This election is between good versus bad.  President Trump loves America, believes America is good, believes the American people are good, decent people who can think for themselves and make their own decisions, and President Trump can see the potential to make America better.

On the other hand, Joe Biden and the Democrats hate America.  They think America is bad.  They believe it's been bad from its founding.  They think the American people are stupid and need the government to tell them what to do. Joe and the Democrats don't care about you or the American people.  All they care about is power and control and destroying our great nation.

If you want the government to control you and make your decisions for you and destroy America -- vote for Joe Biden.

If you treasure your freedom and want to make your own choices and want America to be even better -- vote for Donald Trump.

Elect Joe Biden if you want to be controlled, oppressed, destitute, and miserable.

Elect Donald Trump if you enjoy freedom, prosperity, and happiness.

That's my two cents

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