Monday, December 7, 2020

The Steal Is Real

Saturday morning, during broad daylight, someone stole one of our Trump flags.  Lisa had it duct taped very well to our fence.  It took some work to take it down and steal it. Unfortunately, nobody (that we know of) witnessed the theft as it happened.

These are the kind of people who want Biden in office.  Lowlife common thieves.  I don't think it's an exaggeration to call all Democrats lowlife common thieves.  They think nothing of stealing other people's personal property.  They think nothing of stealing an election.  They are all basic lowlife common thieves.

In fact I have heard some of them say that they know the election was stolen, but it doesn't matter to them as long as they get President Trump out of office.  Democrats have no moral compass.  They don't care about other people.  All they care about is their selfish agenda.  And it doesn't matter what they have to do to accomplish it.  Including stealing an election through fraud. Unadulterated massive fraud. 

Yes, they will deny it.  They will try to sweep it under the rug.  They will say, "There's nothing to see here." The media arm of the Democrat party will not cover any of the mountains and mountains of evidence of massive fraud.  The media called the election for Joe Biden in the midst of a landslide victory for President Trump.

Why?  How could they do that?  Because they already knew that massive fraud was under way, and they would do whatever necessary to ensure a Biden "victory".  And they did.  Corrupt poll workers.  Mountains of ballots produced with only Biden marked-- no down ballot voting.  Dominion voting machines programmed to switch votes from Trump to Biden.  Boarding up windows and kicking out legal poll watchers.  Poll workers ripping up ballots marked for Trump.  USPS workers dumping ballots marked for Trump.  People being told they already voted and turned away from legitimately voting because thieves requested ballots in the names of legitimate registered voters and marked them for Biden.  Dead people voting.  Out-of-state people voting.  Mail-in ballots galore marked only for Biden.  Computer software programmed to heavily weight the votes for Biden.  For instance programming every Trump vote as half a vote or three quarters of a vote.  And programming every Biden vote as one and a half or two votes.  This is easy to discover using statistics and examining the computer programming. Suitcases full of ballots being pulled from underneath tables.  Truckloads full of ballots appearing in the middle of the night being offloaded onto vote counting stations.  Biden ballots being fed into computer counting machines multiple times.  And the list goes on and on.

All of those things that I listed happened.  They have all been proven.  There is mountainous evidence to prove massive voter fraud.  I have seen some of the statistical evidence.  It is statistically impossible for it not to be fraud.  The graphs show perfect computer algorithms inserted to change the outcome in favor of Biden. There are thousands of eyewitnesses who saw the fraud first-hand. 

This was a well designed concerted effort to steal the presidential election.  Thousands and thousands of people (lowlife common Democrat operative thieves) were involved in this massive voter fraud effort.

Anybody watching the election results on the evening of November 3 easily saw that President Trump was winning in a massive landslide -- despite the pre-programmed computer weighting against him and all the other fraud that occurred in real-time.  Apparently the Democrats weren't expecting such a massive landslide for President Trump.  That's why they had to stop counting at bedtime.  President Trump was winning despite their best efforts.  So they had to stop counting and roll in the trucks full of ballots.  They had to have their computer programmers alter the software yet again to make sure that Biden came out ahead.  They had to scan the ballots for Biden multiple times.  And so on.

Working their dark, evil schemes through the night, they were able to fraudulently get their candidate ahead by morning.  If this isn't an example of secret combinations, I don't know what it is.

Because it was such a landslide for President Trump, the blatant fraud is obvious.  Anyone with half a brain cell can see it.  The Democrats have crowned themselves winners.  Because heaven knows, no one else would.  Democrats are running around telling Trump supporters to "accept the loss", "it's time to unify", "let's all come together now" etc.

Well guess what, you lowlife common Democrat thieves, President Trump didn't lose.  Try to wrap your half a brain cell around that.  President Trump won in a landslide.  So what loss is there to accept?  You, my friends, are the losers. You are cheaters.  You are thieves.

"I have to say, if I lost, I’d be a very gracious loser. If I lost, I would say, “I lost,” and I’d go to Florida and I’d take it easy and I’d go around and I’d say I did a good job. But you can’t ever accept when they steal and rig and rob."  -- President Donald J. Trump

Democrats are such hypocrites.  When things are going the way they want.  When they are "winning", they call for unity.  They "extend olive branches" to Trump supporters.  They call for peace.  But when things don't go their way, what do they do?  They spew vitriol, they spew profanity, they pull temper tantrums, they riot, they loot, they commit all kinds of violence and they cannot accept truth.

Stealing is nothing to a Democrat.  Stealing our Trump flag.  Stealing an election.  Peanuts to a Democrat.  Democrats have no morals.  Democrats are evil.  Pure evil.  Democrats think nothing of killing newborn babies.  And babies in the womb.  In fact they celebrate it.  They partied in the New York legislature when they legalized killing babies after birth.  The governor of Virginia says it's okay to let an unwanted newborn baby die as long as it is "kept comfortable".  Do you think it's a coincidence that the coronavirus kills the old, sick, and decrepit, while sparing the young and healthy?  No, it was designed that way.  These people are sick and evil.

The steal is real.  And this is just the beginning of what Democrats are capable of.  They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

But remember, truth and righteousness will prevail in the end.  Evil may win some battles, but truth and right will win the fight!

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! Agree 1000%!! They are low life imbiciles! Trump won in a landslide!! Truth will prevail!!!
