It's hard to believe that I'm this old. But 29 years ago today, on January 15, 1992, I embarked on my full-time mission and entered the MTC.
I was 21 years old and served for 18 months. I must say, it was the most rewarding thing I've ever done. And at the same time, the most challenging thing I've ever done. Well, medical school might give it a run for it's money but that was a different kind of challenge.
It's impossible for someone to understand what a mission is like, unless you've actually experienced it. It is an intense learning experience, with many ups and downs. Lots of fun times, but also lots of work.
I consider it a privilege to have been called to serve and I'm eternally grateful for the rare opportunity I had to serve. Not many people in this world qualify for full-time missionary service. I'm thankful that I was worthy and chose to take the opportunity to serve a full-time mission for the Lord.
Here are a few pictures from my MTC (Missionary Training Center) experience:
Pointing to my mission on the big map in the MTC. |
In our district's classroom -- where we spent most of our time. Sister Stone, Sister Paulson, Sister Parent (my MTC companionship)
Studying in our classroom
My MTC district. The lady in the blue shirt is one of our teachers. This picture was taken in the hallway right outside our classroom.
Sister Paulson and I cleaning. Seems like we did a lot of that. :-)
Writing letters on P-day (preparation day) in the MTC laundry room.
Yet another week of letter writing in the MTC laundry room on P-day.
I couldn't find a picture of me next to the sign. But I found this. Two random sisters from another district. :-)
This is in our bedroom doing our study time.
My district in our classroom waiting for the next class to begin. See my empty desk?
My MTC companionship practicing teaching discussions with two other sisters.
My vantage point from my desk in our classroom. In between classes again.
Mopping the MTC bathroom floor.
Modeling the excellent job I did cleaning. :-)
I was only in the MTC for three weeks. But it is an experience I will never forget. I was glad to finish and leave for the Florida Tampa Mission.
On the airplane heading to the Florida Tampa Mission!
It was quite the adventure for 18 months. I wouldn't change it for the world. I learned more in those 18 months than I did during my entire college career.
Looking back, it was hard -- but it was worth it. Anything worth doing that is going to help you grow is going to be difficult. A full-time mission certainly fits that category.
I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to serve a full-time mission. You will never regret it!
That's my two cents.
Talk about memories--seeing all those pictures at the MTC. Hard to believe it's been that long ago. I agree with all you said about serving a mission. Love the random picture of 2 unknown people standing by the sign. :) So much has changed since those days-- those old bulky cameras and cases we carried around. :)I noticed the can of Aqua Net in the bathroom--"those were the hair days." Ha!