After Tiger died in 1991, Dad wanted to get an Australian Shepherd. I guess because we thought Tiger was part Australian Shepherd. I think Dad found some Australian Shepherd puppies in the Daily Herald classified ads for sale from a breeder up in Heber, Utah.
Dad, Mom, Lisa, and maybe Michael drove up to Heber to get one of the male puppies that was available. They ended up coming back with two puppies, a male and female from the same litter.
Duke was the shy puppy hiding in the corner. Panda was the happy-go-lucky friendly one. I think it was Mom who wanted Panda. They were such cute, fluffy, fur balls.
Duke and Panda were the only dogs in all of my packs who we got as puppies. All the others were strays or rescues.
Duke and Panda were still puppies when I left on my 18 month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints a few months later. I like to think they remembered me as they were super excited when I came home.
Even though I didn't live at home much after Duke and Panda joined the pack, we had a strong bond as pack members.
I love this picture. They liked to be together. Duke always had his head on Panda. So cute.
Sleeping in their cardboard box crate. Panda in the foreground. Duke on the cushion.
Duke eating -- a familiar sight. Duke loved food. Panda's name came from her markings resembling a panda.
Sleeping on the kitchen floor at 192. Panda, Duke
Notice how in all these pictures Duke's head is always on Panda's shoulders.
This picture brings a smile to my face. So cute!
Duke always looked happy. Just like in this picture.
Funny story -- One time when Dad was driving, Panda came up to Dad and put her nose in his ear. Dad said, "Get your ear out of my nose". We still laugh about that to this day.
In the living room at 192.
In the backyard at 192.
Still puppies but growing. Backyard 192. Orem, Utah.
Going running.
Can you spot them? Panda and Duke in front of 192.
I think Lisa took this black-and-white photo. Looks professional.
Peeking around the corner to the basement at 192.
Duke smiling again.
November 27, 1994. Backyard at 192.
Looks like Michael playing tug-of-war with Duke.
Duke trying to climb the ladder with Michael. 192. Panda looking on.
Mom scooping poop. Backyard 192.
Dad talking to Panda and Duke from the roof at 192.
Front yard at 192.
Panda in the foreground. Duke in the back. Sitting on the stairs to the basement at 192.
This picture cracks me up. :-) Looks like Duke's trying to talk.
"Tsch". Dad practicing Cesar's discipline technique. Before we ever heard of Cesar. 1991. Dad was a good pack leader. That's why we always had well-balanced dogs. For the most part.
Michael, Dad, Panda, and Duke. 192.
Duke was always the more vocal one. But in this photo, it looks like Panda is trying to talk.
Me with my pack while home for Christmas break from college. December 1994. Duke laying his head on my arm. So cute.
Playing in the backyard at 192.
Babies. Duke left, Panda right.
Duke doesn't look too pleased staring down Panda.
Duke looks like one of those dancing bears in this photo. Playing with a balloon in the living room at 192. 1996.
Arr arr arr. Duke talking.
Inseparable friends.
Going for a run with Dad.
Duke and Panda. Looking up from the kitchen floor at 192. Behind the baby gate.
I think that's Panda following Dad and Michael on a run up South Fork.
Duke following them back down.

I love how Panda and Duke are both looking up at me in this photo. Such well behaved dogs. Following their pack leader. :-)
Cropped photo. Me with my pack.
Also me with my pack. Front lawn at 192. I'm guessing this is 1991 before my mission. Because the dogs look like puppies still.
Duke and Panda followed Mom and Dad to Washington when they moved here in 2002. They are both buried at BSS.
RIP my friends.
Next post will be Duke separate then Panda separate.
I still remember the day we went and got them. Duke and Panda went on many runs with us--Provo River Trail, South Fork, LA Freeway, Smith Ranch Road, The Grizzly--They did them all. Good, good dogs!