Monday, January 29, 2024

Family Photo

My brother and nephews graced us with their presence on Saturday.  We had a nice visit.  It's always fun to get together with family.  Here's a photo of the good looking bunch.  :-)

Back row: Richie, Cody, Brandon, Michael, Elijah
Front row: Lisa, Tammy
January 27, 2024

Almost felt like old times.  :-)

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

Today in Sacrament Meeting we had a bunch of youth, their leaders, and a couple of bishopric members (including the Bishop) speak about what it means to them to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I heard a lot of "we need to love people", but never once did I hear anyone say that we need to keep the commandments to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I'm not the most observant person in the world, actually I'm probably the least observant person in the world.  But even I noticed the glaring omission of anyone stating the need to keep the commandments to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I was sorely disappointed.  Now, it's entirely possible that someone did mention it and I didn't notice.  But even so, it came across as everyone expressing how important it is to love everyone and a few mentioned serving and not judging others – but most, if not all, omitted mentioning the importance of keeping the commandments and serving God.

Now, don't get me wrong, the second great commandment – loving our neighbors as ourselves – is vitally important in being a disciple of Jesus Christ.  But what about the first great commandment?  I believe there's a reason that loving God is the first great commandment.  There's a reason why the scriptures emphasize loving God first, then loving our neighbor second – in that order.

Just to remind everybody what the actual scripture says here it is:

Matthew 22:37-39

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” 

If we keep the first great commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind – then the second great commandment comes naturally.  But, loving God with everything we have includes keeping His commandments.

It just seems to me that nowadays everyone emphasizes loving everybody as the definition of true discipleship or Christianity – which by worldly definition includes tolerating everybody's sins.  And that is not true.  Yes, loving everybody is important but it is secondary to loving God and keeping His commandments.  And being a disciple of Jesus Christ certainly doesn't include tolerating sin.

I just feel like there needs to be more emphasis in the Church on keeping the first great commandment and less emphasis on just loving everybody.  As I said before, loving our neighbors comes naturally when we first love God and keep His commandments.

That's my two cents.

Friday, January 26, 2024

True Latter-day Saints

I posted this quote back in a 2012 post I did.  But I feel it's worth posting again because it is more pertinent now than it was even in 2012, and certainly more pertinent now than it was in 1961.

“No true Latter-day Saint and no true American can be a socialist or a communist or support programs leading in that direction. These evil philosophies are incompatible with Mormonism, the true gospel of Jesus Christ.” – Secret Combinations by Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve Apostles. General Conference, October 1961

It's unfathomable to me how many Latter-day Saints ascribe to the evils of communism and socialism.  Even those Latter-day Saints who are very active in the Church and even those in high leadership positions.

It was made clear, 63 years ago, by one of the Lord's prophets, seers, and revelators – Ezra Taft Benson – that communism and socialism are evil.  And that being a member of the Lord's true church and being a socialist/communist are incompatible.  You cannot be a true Latter-day Saint and be a socialist/communist at the same time.  You're either one or the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24).

If you are a Latter-day Saint and support the evil philosophies of socialism and communism you are a Latter-day Saint in name only and do not follow the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  President Benson clarified that even if you support programs leading in the direction of socialism/communism you are not true Latter-day Saint, nor a true American.

It truly baffles me how many so-called Latter-day Saints support the evils of socialism/communism and the programs that destroy not only America but individuals' lives.

It's really not that hard to see through Satan's lies if you live in the world but are not of the world.  If you are trying every day to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, it's easy to see the truth.

But, these are the last days before Christ's Second Coming.  And as Matthew warned, even the very elect will be deceived in the last days (Matthew 24:24).

There are rocky, steep, treacherous roads ahead as we prepare the world for the Second Coming of our Savior.  We must hold fast to the iron rod and stay on the strait and narrow path or we will be lost like so many of our fellow Saints.

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

My Outburst

I did something on Sunday that I've never done before in my life.  I voluntarily piped up in a church class.  I couldn't even believe that I did it myself.  Still can't actually.  This may be hard for some people to believe, since I've been going to church for 53 years, but I've never voluntarily spoken in any class by raising my hand and being called on.  The only time I've ever spoken in church is when I've been asked to pray, give a talk, or I've taught a lesson.  I am just shy and I guess old habits die hard because I just figure that there are other people who always pipe up so I don't need to.  But, lately, things are getting crazy at church.  False doctrines and philosophies of men are being taught.  People are cussing in their comments during class.  And everybody thinks it's just fine.  Not me!  I don't know what happened but when she started talking about my truth and your truth, I just couldn't take it anymore and piped up.  I guess, from past experience, I figured that no one else would correct her, so I had to.

This was my first time going to the missionary Sunday school class with Lisa (she has to go to the missionary class because she's a Ward missionary).  I think there were about 20 people in there.  Anyway, the ward mission leader was leading a discussion about truth before the actual lesson started.  I don't remember the exact question he asked but it was something about truth.  Several people raised their hand to comment and everything was going fine.  Until one lady raised her hand and started commenting.  She said that there are different truths.  My truth might be different than your truth, etc. Well, that triggered something in me and I burst out.  I said something to the effect of "That's not true.  There's no such thing as my truth and your truth.  Truth is truth.  There is only one source of all truth, and that's God."  I may have said a few other things but that was the gist of it.

I was a little surprised that no one else corrected her – Bishop was in the class as were several returned missionaries and four current missionaries – but honestly, I didn't give them much of a chance.  :-) I doubt anybody would have said anything to correct her anyway.  That's why I piped up.  Then, of course, after my outburst, the teacher and sister missionaries made some comments to try to not make the lady feel bad that I just corrected.  But the comments didn't really make sense.  Regardless, I defended truth.  And, I don't know why everybody is so worried about offending people at church.  Or anywhere for that matter.  Truth needs to be defended everywhere.  And if people are offended by truth, then that's their problem.

It's a crazy world we live in where the philosophies of men are increasingly being taught at church.  My patriarchal blessing tells me to teach and defend truth wherever my lot is cast – and that's exactly what I did.  Even if I piped up without being called on and even if people were offended.  Truth must needs be defended at all times, and in all places.  So many people, including members of the Church, subscribe to the philosophies of men as being truth.  This is why we have always been taught to be in the world but not of the world.  So many members are now of the world and confused.  I wish more people would defend truth instead of worrying about offending people.

I'm not good at speaking off the cuff.  So I hope I got my point across about truth.  This is what I wanted to convey in my outburst: Truth is eternal and unchanging.  God is the source of all truth.  There is no such thing as MY truth and YOUR truth, just THE truth.  I also wanted to mention (but failed to) that we can know the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost.  (Lisa actually made this point during class.  Which I was so glad she did.)  "All things" covers everything, not just spiritual matters.  For instance, if you are in a school class or anywhere, you can know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, whether what is being taught or said is true or not.

I wish I was better at public speaking, but I tried.  Hopefully I won't have to pipe up again in future church classes.  But, as I learned on Sunday, I will if I have to defend truth.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Marshmallow Men

I came across a talk – a BYU Devotional – by Elder Neal A. Maxwell, who at the time was an Assistant to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  It was from 1974 – 50 years ago!  But, I would argue, more pertinent today than then.  Anyway, it was a 45 minute talk but I just took my very favorite excerpts from it to share with you. 

"I believe with all my heart that because God loves us there are some particularized challenges that he will deliver to each of us. He will customize the curriculum for each of us in order to teach us the things we most need to know. He will set before us in life what we need, not always what we like." – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

 I love this quote because it teaches that the reason we have challenges in life is precisely because God loves us, not despite it.  Most people complain that because they have trials, God must not love them.  But the complete opposite is true.  Because God loves us so much, He allows us to face trials because we need them to grow.

"But, for the sake of righteousness, to endure, to be patient in the midst of affliction, in the midst of being misunderstood, and in the midst of suffering—that is sainthood!" – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

To endure affliction and suffering with patience is sainthood.  I love this definition of sainthood by Elder Maxwell. 

"… we may at times assume that the plan of salvation requires merely that we endure and survive when, in fact, as is always the case with the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is required of us, not only that we endure, but also that we endure well…" – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 

It's true that we always hear the phrase, "endure to the end".  I've been taught that my whole life.  But, as Elder Maxwell points out, it's not enough to merely endure our pains, afflictions, trials, and temptations, etc. Everybody eventually gets through their trials.  It's how we survive and make it through.  Do we endure life's challenges with patience, grace, and trusting the Lord?  Do we endure it well? 

"We must be Christ-centered individually. We must have his and God’s power to do our work, and we must take seriously the challenge of becoming more Christlike. You’re soon going to go out into a world full of marshmallow men. Like the act of putting a finger into a marshmallow, there is no core in these men, there is no center, and when one removes his finger, the marshmallow resumes its former shape. We are in a world of people who want to yield to everything—to every fad and to every fashion. It is incredibly important that we be committed to the core—committed to those things that matter, about which our Father in heaven has leveled with us through his Son, Jesus Christ, and his prophets." – Neal A. Maxwell,  BYU Devotional, "But for a Small Moment", September 1, 1974 
Elder Maxwell was talking to BYU students 50 years ago but the marshmallow men of today are even more prominent.  The fads and fashions of the world are more sinister, evil, degrading, and dangerous now, than they were 50 years ago.  Yet, people are still eager to yield to every fad and fashion of the world.  That's why it's so much more important now to be Christ centered individuals.  As Elder Maxwell stated, "it is incredibly important that we be committed to the core".  If we are not committed to Christ and His gospel, we will become the very marshmallow men of which Elder Maxwell warns.

Don't be a squishy marshmallow man.  Be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ and endure it well.

That's my two cents.

Monday, January 15, 2024

32 Years

You may wonder why, every year, I post the anniversary of my starting and finishing my mission.  A couple of reasons.  First of all, my mission had a significant impact on my life.  It taught me so much because it was a lot of work and often difficult.  Yet I consider it one of the greatest blessings of my life.  The opportunity to serve a full-time mission for my Savior and His church was a huge privilege.

Secondly, not only was it a huge blessing and privilege to be able to serve a mission, but it was arguably my greatest accomplishment in life.  Therefore I consider it worthy of a blog post twice a year.

It was 32 years ago today that I entered the Provo Missionary Training Center and began my mission.  I spent three weeks in the MTC – from January 15, 1992 to February 5, 1992.  Then I hopped on a plane to Tampa Florida, where I spent the next 18 months serving the Lord full-time.  I returned home on July 23, 1993.

Fun fact: It's been longer since I embarked on my mission than I was alive before I was paralyzed.  It's been 32 years since I started my mission.  I was 31 when I was paralyzed.  Isn't that crazy?  

Another fun fact:  I've been paralyzed longer than I was old when I left on my mission.  I was 21 years and one month old when I left on my mission.  It's been 21 years and almost 4 months since I was paralyzed.  Insane.

Here are a few photographic highlights from my mission:

If any of you have the opportunity and privilege to serve a full-time mission for the Lord, I would highly recommend it.

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

College Football Picks Season Results

  1. Rex 32 points
  2. Clint 34 points
  3. Tammy 42 points
  4. Lisa 43 points
  5. Savannah 74 points
*Michael only participated one week so was not included.

Just a reminder as to how points are tallied.  The number of your place each week is how many points are added together.  Lowest point total wins.  Since Savannah missed most of the season she was given five points (equal to fifth-place) for each game she did not participate in.

Congrats to Rex on his win this season.  Clint was right on his heels.  In fact, the bowl games results changed the outcome of the season.  Before the bowl games, Lisa tells me, that Clint (29) was ahead of Rex (30) and Lisa (40) was ahead of me (41).  So the bowls were good to me and Rex but not to Lisa and Clint.  But it was pretty close between Rex and Clint all season and between Lisa and me all season.

Thanks to all who participated.  It was a lot of fun each week.

Now, sadly, there's no more college football for about eight months.  But here's looking forward to next season!  :-)

Congrats again to this year's winner, Rex!

Good job everybody.

College Football Picks Bowl Game Results

1. Tammy -14 tie breaker 67

2. Rex -16 tiebreaker 71

3. Lisa -17 tiebreaker 74

3. Savannah -17 tiebreaker 60

5. Clint -22 tiebreaker 64

Actual tiebreaker 67

Lisa and Savannah tied for third place as they were both seven points off the actual tiebreaker score.  Kudos to me for getting the tiebreaker score spot on, and for coming in first.  :-) 

Lisa will tally the season results and I will post them later. It was a fun season.  Thanks to everyone who participated.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

My Testimony

My Testimony

By Tammy Stone

January 3, 2024


I have written many religious posts on my blog over the years.  But I've never actually written my testimony out and posted it.  Until now.  This is my testimony and witness as of January 3, 2024.


God, our Heavenly Father, lives and loves us all.  We are His children. We are created in His image. He loves us so much that He created a plan that would allow us to become more like Him, and be able to return to live with Him again for eternity.  Part of that plan included the need for a Savior.


Our eldest brother, Jesus Christ, volunteered to fulfill that role of Savior and Redeemer.  Jesus atoned for us by suffering on the cross and in the Garden of Gethsemane.  He was resurrected, that someday, all of us will be resurrected and receive our perfected bodies for eternity.


Having lived over 21 years in a broken body that doesn't work, I am truly, eternally grateful for my Savior's resurrection that makes it possible for me to be resurrected with a perfect body someday.  I am eagerly looking forward to my own resurrection with a body that is no longer broken, but perfected.  What a glorious day that will be for all of us.


Our Savior, Jesus Christ, overcame sin and death that, through Him, we may also overcome sin and death through repentance and resurrection.  I'm eternally grateful and forever indebted to my Savior for His sacrifice for me.


Another part of Heavenly Father's plan is that we got to choose to come to Earth to gain a body and experience mortality.  We were given agency to make our own choices as to which path we will follow.  Moral agency is key to Heavenly Father's plan for us.  We decide our eternal destiny.


When life gets really hard, sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I chose to experience mortality.  But I know that these hard times are for my experience and for my good.  The hard times are like the refiners fire in purifying us and honing, in us, the qualities and characteristics that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have.  This is how we become more like Them.  So, even though our mortal experience here on Earth is hard, and sometimes unbearable, I am still eternally grateful for the opportunity to come to Earth to experience mortality, so that I can progress to becoming more like my Heavenly Father, and my Savior, Jesus Christ.  And remember, though seemingly long, our life in mortality here on Earth is merely a nanosecond compared to eternity.


I am so grateful for our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.  I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I'm so thankful for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Without which I would be lost.  My knowledge of the gospel plan is what keeps me going, especially in hard times.


I'm so thankful for the prophet, Joseph Smith.  Who, as a young 14-year-old boy, prayed in a grove of trees seeking for truth.  Despite all the fierce persecution he faced, he persevered and through him, the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored to the Earth, including God’s priesthood power.  Because of Joseph Smith, the ancient Church of Jesus Christ was restored on April 6, 1830, in Fayette, New York, as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Through the prophet Joseph Smith, we were also given The Book of Mormon which is another Testament of Jesus Christ. 


The ancient record was translated by the prophet, Joseph Smith, from golden plates buried in the Hill Cumorah.  The Book of Mormon, a record of ancient prophets covering a thousand years of ancient American history (from 600 B.C.-421 A.D.), is a book of scripture similar to the Bible, the ancient Jewish record.


I have been listening to the Book of Mormon every morning, now, for over 21 years.  And I must say, it really sets a positive tone with which to start the day.  I really do notice a difference in days when I don't listen to the Book of Mormon.  My day just seems off, and doesn’t go as well. 


I had always heard that The Book of Mormon was written for our day.  I never really thought much of it, until recently.  Every day, as the world becomes more and more wicked, it gets increasingly apparent how much The Book of Mormon was written for us in these last days.  It's uncanny how everything written in The Book of Mormon is so similar and pertinent to what's presently going on in our world.  It truly was written specifically for us in these last days before the Second Coming of our Savior, to help us navigate the difficulties we face in these trying times.


I'm so thankful to Joseph Smith for sacrificing so much to bring us The Book of Mormon and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  Both of which have been a tremendous blessing in my life.


I am also grateful for the institution of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and for modern prophets and continuing revelation.  I'm thankful for our current prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, for his guidance and revelations from the Lord.  I’m filled with gratitude for all of the latter-day prophets who have helped further the work of the Lord.  I'm so blessed to be a member of the Lord's true church, restored in its fullness.  I'm so thankful for the happiness, peace, and joy that it brings me.


I'm sure many people look at me with sorrow and pity, seeing my broken body in a wheelchair.  But, little do they know, that I am probably a lot happier than they are, because I know the truth and have the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life.  Joy can be found in any circumstance in life if we are striving to follow Christ.  Pure peace and joy can only be found in living the gospel of Jesus Christ.


I feel extremely blessed to have been born into a family where gospel truths were taught.  I'm so grateful for goodly parents who raised me in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and for the truths I was taught.


I'm eternally grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and for His atoning sacrifice for me, and for all of us.  I'm thankful for the doctrine of repentance, that I may be cleansed from unrighteousness, through our Savior’s atonement.  Words cannot express my gratitude for my Savior for taking upon Himself my sins, and for His redeeming power, made possible through His atoning sacrifice for me, and for all of us.  


The doctrine of repentance is real, and available to everyone.  Regardless of how far you think you've fallen, or how far off the covenant path you think you've gone.  No one is beyond the Savior's redeeming power.  There is always hope. 


I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save me through grace.  I'm full of gratitude for His redemptive power of repentance, that all may overcome sin.  I'm thankful for His resurrection, that all will overcome death.


I'm thankful for the guidance and comfort of the third member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost.  I'm so blessed to have been given The Gift of the Holy Ghost, after my baptism.  The constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, throughout my entire life, is my most treasured gift.  My life has been blessed immeasurably by the gift of the Holy Ghost.  The companionship of the Holy Ghost– his comfort, guidance, and warnings– is an unspeakable gift for which I am eternally grateful.


I'm so excited to once again, be in the presence of my Heavenly Father, and my Savior, and be reunited with Them, soon.  I can't wait for that glorious day.  I am also so looking forward to being reunited with all my love ones on the other side of the veil. I've graduated many times in my life, but graduation from mortality will be an unfathomably glorious experience.


I know that God lives.  I know that my Redeemer lives.  I know that there is peace in following Them.


It is my hope and prayer that we will all strive to live as Jesus lived.  Also, that we may remember the first and second great commandments – to love God and to love our neighbor.  I know that as we strive to follow our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and to keep Their commandments, that we will find much joy, happiness, and peace in this life and in the eternities.


Of these truths I testify and bear my solemn witness.


In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year

As 2023 comes to a close, and we embark on 2024, I hope we remember the lessons we learned last year as we hopefully become another year wiser.  I hope we will all strive, in this new year, to draw closer to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  I hope we will strive to become more like Them as we make New Year's resolutions and set goals to improve our lives.

May 2024 be a year of learning, growth, joy, and happiness.  May we all become another year wiser and more like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  May we all remember to do unto others as we would have them do unto us and to focus more on service rather than selfishness.  In doing so, we will progress in our mortal journey and find the happiness, peace, and joy that is found in living the truth.

Happy New Year everybody!  May we all have a blessed and joyous 2024.

That's my two cents.