Saturday, March 1, 2025

I'm Proud to Be an American

I'm proud of President Trump and Vice President Vance.  I'm proud of the way they handled Zelenskyy yesterday.  They were both calm and assertive.  Very polite yet strong.  I loved it!  I haven't actually watched the whole meeting yet but I did see a couple of clips and it made me even more proud to be an American.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy is an entitled disrespectful brat with little man syndrome trying to dictate to the leader of the free world to continue to give him handouts with nothing in return.  When in reality, Zelenskyy is at the mercy of the United States of America.  Zelenskyy is a wimpy peon.  He has no chance whatsoever to win the war against Russia without our help.  So who does he think he is?  Trying to tell us what to do.  Expecting us to bow to his every wish and command.  Well, not anymore!  That may have worked with Biden.  But there's a new sheriff in town, and President Trump will always put America first.

Obviously Zelenskyy has no concern for his own people's lives.  Vice President Vance pointed out to him that Ukraine doesn't have the manpower to win the war and are already forcing their young men to fight.  I think it was mentioned that 2000 troops were lost just last week in the Russia Ukraine war. 

President Trump tried to mediate a cease-fire and Zelenskyy said he didn't want the cease-fire.  What?!  What an idiot.  He wants the United States to send troops so he can win the war.  That's not happening. Why should American lives be lost in a war between Russia and Ukraine?  That's ridiculous.  Like President Trump said, "We have a big beautiful ocean between us".  

Zelenskyy is like a two-year-old pulling a temper tantrum to get what he wants.  President Trump and Vice President Vance will not kowtow to him.  And I love it!  I'm so tired of the United States of America being a pansy and letting everyone walk all over us.

Zelenskyy needs to man up and do what President Trump is asking to make the necessary concessions to end the war. In the words of the great prophet Jacob, "O be wise; what can I say more?" (Jacob 6:12) 

President Trump wants peace.  President Trump is a dealmaker.  This war would be over if Zelenskyy actually wanted peace.  But instead he wants to have his cake and eat it too.  He wants things his way.  Well, it doesn't work that way when you are relying on the USA.  You don't come to our President and Vice President in the Oval Office and disrespect us, and expect us to help you.  Hopefully Zelenskyy will figure it out soon, before too many more lives are senselessly lost.

I'm so proud and happy to have President Trump and Vice President Vance and the whole Trump administration in the corner of the American people.  It's such a refreshing change. 

Thank you President Trump and Vice President Vance for having backbones and for standing up for us.  Thank you for putting America first!  Thank you for your sacrifice and timeless service for the American people and to the United States of America!

I've always been a very patriotic person who loves my country and I've always been a very proud American.  But I'm even more so now.  I just love President Trump and all he's doing to make America great again!

In the immortal words of Lee Greenwood's patriotic song, "God bless the USA", "… I'm proud to be an American…"

God bless President Trump and God bless America!

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

We Believe in Obeying the Law

What is with all of these liberal pansies bawling about illegal aliens being deported?  What don't they understand about law and order?  Countries have borders.  A country without a border is not a country.  Countries have laws regarding who is allowed to cross the border into their country.  The United States of America is a country with borders.  We have immigration laws.  If you breach our border and come into the United States of America illegally, you are a criminal.  You have broken the law.  By definition you are a criminal.  What is so hard to understand about that?

Now that we have a real leader in President Trump, who is actually enforcing our immigration laws, liberal pansies are losing their minds..  It makes absolutely no sense because all President Trump is doing is making life better for all Americans by deporting illegal aliens.  One thing these bawl baby liberal pansies keep saying is that it is not Christian to deport illegal aliens.  That's a big fat lie.  They are just virtue signaling, jumping on their high horse acting holier than thou.  The truth is, Christ's church teaches that we should obey the law.  The 12th Article of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reads, 

"We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law."  (Emphasis added)

It baffles me that so many members of the Church and fellow Christians boldly and defiantly advocate breaking the law.  Even to the point of protesting at the state capital.  It's insane.  These people are judging their fellow Christians who are actually following Christ's teachings in pointing the finger at them as being un-Christlike.  When they should actually be pointing the finger at themselves as being un-Christlike for advocating breaking the law.

If they were listening at church and actually read their scriptures they would certainly know that throughout the Scriptures different groups of people had their own lands and governments.  They had borders! Here is one example:

3 Nephi 6: 1, 4

1 And now it came to pass that the people of the Nephites did all return to their own lands in the twenty and sixth year, every man, with his family, his flocks and his herds, his horses and his cattle, and all things whatsoever did belong unto them.

4 And they began again to prosper and to wax great; and the twenty and sixth and seventh years passed away, and there was great order in the land; and they had formed their laws according to equity and justice.

So in this example, the Nephites returned to their own lands and there was order in the land because they had laws.  And because of this, they prospered.  That is exactly what President Trump wants for America.  He wants us to prosper.  Every great leader will put his country and his people first.  This is what President Trump is doing.  America first.  In order for America and its people to prosper, there must be laws, which are enforced, which create order in the land and allow prosperity.  President Trump understands this.

Bawl baby leftist liberal pansies who cry about President Trump enforcing our laws do not understand this.  If they think that allowing open borders is good for Americans and is the Christlike thing to do, they are sorely mistaken.  Open borders will destroy any nation, and it is certainly not Christlike to break the law of the land.

That's my two cents.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Happy Presidents' Day

Happy Presidents' Day to President Trump, the greatest president not only of my lifetime but in the history of the United States of America.  

It has only been four weeks since President Trump's inauguration and he has already done more good than most presidents do in four years.  I love President Trump even more now than I did during his first term.  He is an incredible leader.  President Trump is brave, courageous, a defender of truth and right, an amazing negotiator, and a tireless fighter!  He is fighting for us and our wonderful country.

Present Trump actually reminds me a lot of my dad.  He is exactly one month younger than my dad to the day.  They were contemporaries.  They share a lot of the same qualities. They are both real men and true patriots.

I am so thankful for President Trump, especially on this day that we celebrate our presidents.  I'm so grateful for a selfless leader who is not President for the power and glory, but out of genuine concern for his fellow citizens and his beloved country.  A true patriot who sacrifices his billionaire lifestyle to serve his country and its citizens to make America great again.

Thank you, President Trump!

Fight, fight, fight!

That's my two cents.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day

I love Groundhog Day.  Today Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and therefore predicts six more weeks of winter.  

We haven't had much of a winter here so I was kind of hoping Phil would see his shadow this morning.  

We actually got a few flakes of snow yesterday for the first time this winter.  But it was too warm to stick. After Phil saw his shadow, maybe we'll actually get some snow this season.  We, in fact, have snow in the forecast today.

Happy Groundhog Day everybody!

That's my two cents.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Winning Never Gets Old!

President Trump is a beast. He hasn't even been in office for two weeks yet and has already accomplished so much.  

He has effectively closed our southern border – the mass invasion of illegal aliens is over.  Deportations of the upwards of 15,000,000 illegal aliens who have invaded our country over the past four years has started off strong and is ramping up.  The president of Colombia foolishly refused to accept his own citizens back who were being deported and President Trump put the smack down and showed him who was boss.  It was awesome.  

President Trump dissolved all DEI nonsense in federal government – which is a huge moral win against discrimination.  He returned us to a merit based hiring system rather than hiring people based on prejudice.  People actually qualified to do the job will now be hired, thus increasing public safety.

President Trump signed an executive order stating that there are only two genders – male and female.  Which is crazy that he even had to do that, but this is a crazy world we live in.  President Trump is returning our nation to common sense.

President Trump withdrew us from the World Health Organization. President Trump cracked down on abortion – withdrawing Biden's order to pay for military women to cross state lines to get abortions in abortion friendly states. President Trump also cracked down on transgenders in the military and reinstated those who were kicked out of the military for refusing the Covid vaccine.

President Trump has done a lot more, but those are a few examples that come to mind.  If his accomplishments during his entire second administration were based off his first two weeks alone, he would be a very successful president.  But he's not done, there's a lot more for him to accomplish in these four short years.

President Trump is a man of his word, he will do what he said he will do. And he has a lot to do to undo all the damage done in the previous four years by the Biden administration.

It sure feels good to have a real leader who cares about our nation and wants to preserve our freedoms and actually defends, preserves, and protects the Constitution of the United States of America.

Winning never gets old!

That's my two cents.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Goodly Ancestors

The Book of Mormon starts out with the line, "I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents…" (1 Nephi 1:1).  I have been focused a lot on my ancestry lately.  A few weeks ago,I was on and happened upon my maternal grandfather's life history that my aunt added to his memory page. So I took a few days and I read my maternal grandfather's 240 page history.  It was quite interesting and a lot of the stories I had heard before, but it was fun to read the first-hand accounts in detail. It made me proud to be his granddaughter.  Then I was thinking of all my other goodly ancestors and family members and contemplating on how blessed I am to come from such great lineage.

This month, I have spent most of my time adding memories, mostly pictures, to several different people on family search.  It's a lot of work but it's also been a lot of fun to look at all the old photographs and reminisce or learn about my ancestors. It's like a snowball effect once you get started, and you start branching out to many different people on your family tree.  

At this point I've added hundreds of photos to my own family search page, my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and other family members memory pages on family search.  You can also add documents, of which I've added a few.  Talks given at funerals, etc.  Each photo added has four boxes to add details – title, description, date, and place.  So I've added as much information as I know to each photo.  I'm sure I have made some mistakes but I did the best I could.  I would encourage anyone reading my blog to go on family search and if you don't have an account, create one – it's free – and start browsing your family history and adding any additional information you may have.  And correct any mistakes I may have made on the photos I added.  :-)

Anyway, I am just so thankful for all of my goodly ancestors and family members who have blessed my life so much and have taught me directly or through example to help shape me into the woman I am today.  I just feel so blessed to come from such noble lineage.

I'm at the age now where most of the major influencers on my life are on the other side.  I am now the oldest surviving member of my direct lineage.  It's kind of a strange feeling.  But it also brings a sense of deep gratitude to those goodly ancestors who have gone before me.  Gratitude for their lives, their examples, their sacrifices, and their influence.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all my goodly ancestors and those who have influenced my life for good.  I would also like to thank all my living family members who have influenced my life for good, and continue to, and for their sacrifice and service.

Like the prophet Nephi, I have been born of goodly parents – and many goodly ancestors – and for that marvelous blessing, I am eternally grateful.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trump is Back!

I know I'm a couple days late but I wanted to acknowledge President Trump's inauguration.  What a glorious day it was!  It was a big relief to me, and I'm sure to many Americans, to have President Trump back in office.  I watched live as President Trump took the oath of office and assumed the heavy mantle of President of the United States of America.

 "I Donald John Trump do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God."

When I heard him conclude the oath of office with, "So help me God.",  my heart swelled.  I know it's part of the oath but you could sense the sincerity as he said those words.  It's nice to have a President who acknowledges God.  I know that God will be with President Trump to guide and protect him during these next four years.

After he concluded the oath, I was so happy that he was now our president again.  And that he has our best interests at heart, and fully intends to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Such a contrast from the previous President and administration – who did their best to destroy the Constitution and our nation.

Immediately after taking the oath of office and becoming our 47th President, President Trump addressed the American people and gave a magnificent speech.  It was direct and to the point and mentioned many of the promises he will accomplish – and already has in the first 36 hours.  President Trump has already done more for our country in his first 36 hours in office than any Democrat in my lifetime has done for our country as President of the United States of America.  In fact, President Trump has to undo many of the policies that Biden implemented to destroy our country.

President Trump acknowledged God's hand in preserving his life on that fateful day when an assassin's bullet ripped through his ear.  President Trump said that God preserved his life so that he could make America great again.  That was my favorite line of his speech.  And it is so true.

President Trump also said that he will put America first.  He talked about manifest destiny and mentioned a couple of ways that he will put America first.

It was awesome that President Trump didn't mince words in making clear how terrible the Biden Harris administration was.  Although he didn't mention them by name, it had to be awkward for them to sit there, just feet away, and listen to President Trump's speech.  I loved it.

When everyone else in the room applauded and gave a standing ovation to Trump's words – Biden and Harris just sat there grim faced.  Even when he talked about God preserving his life.  I thought that was rude of them.

But my favorite part of the whole inauguration ceremony was when President Trump and our lovely First Lady, Melania escorted Joe and Jill to the helicopter to take them away from the White House forever.  It was such a big relief to watch the helicopter fly off with Joe and Jill into the wild blue yonder.

Welcome back President Trump.  Thank you for your sacrifice and service as our 45th and 47th President of the United States of America.  We love you.  We appreciate you.  Thank you for putting America first and for protecting, preserving, and defending the Constitution of the United States.  God bless you and your family.

The most powerful country in the world once again has a powerful leader.  President Trump will make America great again – make no mistake about it.

God bless America!  And God bless President Trump!

That's my two cents.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

College Football Picks – 2024 Season Results

  1. Clint 31
  2. Tammy 37
  3. Rex 43
  4. Lisa 50
Congratulations to Clint!  2024 season winner!  Lisa was pretty fast at tallying the season results and Clint came out as the winner this year, which came as no surprise.  Although I am surprised that I came in second, but I'll take it!  :-) 

It was a fun, friendly competition.  Too bad the season's over but, on the bright side, it's only about seven months until the next college football season.  :-) Thanks to everyone who participated and made it fun. 

CFP Bowl Games Results

  1. Rex -16 tiebreaker 68    
  2. Michael -17 tiebreaker 53
  3. Clint -19 tiebreaker 64
  4. Tammy -25 tiebreaker 57
  5. Lisa -25 tiebreaker 72
actual tiebreaker 50

Sadly, another college football season has come to an end.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  It was fun.  Lisa will tally up the season winner and we'll let you know.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

33 Years

33 years ago today, on January 15, 1992, I entered the Missionary Training Center to start my 18 month full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I was assigned to labor in the Florida Tampa Mission.  

I don't have any pictures on my computer of my family dropping me off at the MTC – although I know we have some somewhere.  So I will just post a picture of my MTC district – whom I spent my waking hours with for three weeks.  I just did a post on my mission so I won't elaborate more here.  I can't believe it's been 33 years since I started my mission.  Crazy how fast time flies.

January 1992
Missionary Training Center

Sister Stone
MTC bedroom.  Studying at desk.
January 1992

I will always be proud of serving a full-time mission and extremely grateful for the opportunity.  It's a rare privilege that not many people on earth get.  I am so blessed in my life.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

January 12, 1992

On this day 33 years ago, Sunday, January 12, 1992, I had my mission farewell as I prepared to leave for my full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I served full-time for 18 months in the Florida Tampa Mission.  

I entered the Missionary Training Center on January 15, 1992 where I had three weeks of intense training on how to be a missionary.  Then I departed for Tampa Florida, I believe it was either February 5th or 6th, 1992.  

I served in four different areas in the Florida Tampa Mission – Dade City (Zephyrhills), Brooksville, Port Charlotte, Seminole (Largo).  I returned home from my mission on July 23, 1993.

My mission was a wonderful, life-changing experience which I'm eternally grateful for.  Best decision I ever made.  Though it wasn't easy – in fact it was very difficult at times – it was certainly worth the effort to serve a full-time mission for the Church.  It was an honor to represent my Savior for 18 months.  I enjoyed putting on the black name tag every morning.  It was an incredible honor but also a huge responsibility knowing that I was representing our Savior and His Church.  I did my best to represent Him well.  I hope I did Him justice.

I certainly learned a lot during those 18 months.  I went on a mission to serve others and to help bring them to Christ, but I think my mission did more for me than I did for others.  I grew in all aspects of life during those short 18 months.

Anyway back to my mission farewell.  I have a few pictures from that day that I will share here.  For some reason I don't have any pictures of me with my parents or siblings.  But I do have pictures of me with my maternal grandparents, Marvin and Sylvia Sabin.  I also have pictures with my great aunts and their husbands.  My grandpa Marvin's sisters, Evelyn and Leora.

Back in the day missionary farewells and homecomings were a bigger deal than they seem to be now.  I had great aunts and uncles come from far distances to attend my farewell.  Uncle Ken and Aunt Evelyn came from Blackfoot Idaho.  And Uncle Bruce and Aunt Leora came from the Salt Lake area.   Calvin and Elaine, and their boys, also came down from Clearfield Utah to Orem for my farewell.  It was nice to have so many family and friends come support me at my missionary farewell.

Grandpa Marvin Sabin, Tammy (Sister Stone), Grandma Sylvia Sabin
Sunday, January 12, 1992 – Orem Utah
Tammy's missionary farewell

Uncle Bruce, Tammy (Sister Stone), Aunt Leora
January 12, 1992 – Orem Utah
Tammy's missionary farewell
Aunt Evelyn, Tammy (Sister Stone), Uncle Ken
January 12, 1992  – Orem Utah

Grandma, Nathan Naluai, Tammy, Grandpa, Mom
January 12, 1992 – Orem Utah
Tammy's missionary farewell

Grandpa, Calvin and Danny Naluai, Grandma
January 12, 1992 – Orem Utah
 Tammy's farewell

friends and sisters at my farewell.  January 12, 1992  – Orem Utah

January 12, 1992 was a wonderful, memorable day filled with love and support.  I will always cherish that day, 33 years ago, and remember it fondly.  

I wish I had pictures of me with my parents and siblings but these will have to suffice.  Sadly, many of the people in these photos have died.  Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Ken & Aunt Evelyn, and Uncle Bruce, and even my mom and dad have all crossed over to the other side now.  Aunt Leora is still with us.  Mortality is fleeting.  Life passes quickly.  This is why it's so important to make the most of each day that God blesses us with.

That's my two cents.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  Today, as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, may we also remember the greatest gift ever given which is our Savior's Atonement and Resurrection.  His exemplary life, teachings, and especially His infinite Atonement including His Resurrection are the reason we celebrate His birth today.  This is the true meaning of Christmas.  This is why Christmas is joyous.

December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas everybody!  May you have a joyous day celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

That's my two cents.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

College Football Picks Weeks 15 & 16

  1. Tammy -3 tiebreaker 53    
  2. Lisa -4 tiebreaker 74
  3. Clint -5 tiebreaker 52
  4. Rex -6 tiebreaker 64
actual tiebreaker 82

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Believe and Defend Truth

"It is the easiest thing in the world to believe the truth. It is a great deal easier to believe truth than error. It is easier to defend truth than to defend error."  — Brigham Young

Monday, December 9, 2024

Happy Birthday to Me

Here I am still, another year older and hopefully another year wiser.  Happy birthday to me.

December 9, 2024
black forest brownie cake – yum

Thanks to Lisa for making the yummy brownie black forest cake and for making my day special.  Thanks to everyone who remembered me today.  You all brightened my day.

That's my two cents.