I did something on Sunday that I've never done before in my life. I voluntarily piped up in a church class. I couldn't even believe that I did it myself. Still can't actually. This may be hard for some people to believe, since I've been going to church for 53 years, but I've never voluntarily spoken in any class by raising my hand and being called on. The only time I've ever spoken in church is when I've been asked to pray, give a talk, or I've taught a lesson. I am just shy and I guess old habits die hard because I just figure that there are other people who always pipe up so I don't need to. But, lately, things are getting crazy at church. False doctrines and philosophies of men are being taught. People are cussing in their comments during class. And everybody thinks it's just fine. Not me! I don't know what happened but when she started talking about my truth and your truth, I just couldn't take it anymore and piped up. I guess, from past experience, I figured that no one else would correct her, so I had to.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
My Outburst
This was my first time going to the missionary Sunday school class with Lisa (she has to go to the missionary class because she's a Ward missionary). I think there were about 20 people in there. Anyway, the ward mission leader was leading a discussion about truth before the actual lesson started. I don't remember the exact question he asked but it was something about truth. Several people raised their hand to comment and everything was going fine. Until one lady raised her hand and started commenting. She said that there are different truths. My truth might be different than your truth, etc. Well, that triggered something in me and I burst out. I said something to the effect of "That's not true. There's no such thing as my truth and your truth. Truth is truth. There is only one source of all truth, and that's God." I may have said a few other things but that was the gist of it.
I was a little surprised that no one else corrected her – Bishop was in the class as were several returned missionaries and four current missionaries – but honestly, I didn't give them much of a chance. :-) I doubt anybody would have said anything to correct her anyway. That's why I piped up. Then, of course, after my outburst, the teacher and sister missionaries made some comments to try to not make the lady feel bad that I just corrected. But the comments didn't really make sense. Regardless, I defended truth. And, I don't know why everybody is so worried about offending people at church. Or anywhere for that matter. Truth needs to be defended everywhere. And if people are offended by truth, then that's their problem.
It's a crazy world we live in where the philosophies of men are increasingly being taught at church. My patriarchal blessing tells me to teach and defend truth wherever my lot is cast – and that's exactly what I did. Even if I piped up without being called on and even if people were offended. Truth must needs be defended at all times, and in all places. So many people, including members of the Church, subscribe to the philosophies of men as being truth. This is why we have always been taught to be in the world but not of the world. So many members are now of the world and confused. I wish more people would defend truth instead of worrying about offending people.
I'm not good at speaking off the cuff. So I hope I got my point across about truth. This is what I wanted to convey in my outburst: Truth is eternal and unchanging. God is the source of all truth. There is no such thing as MY truth and YOUR truth, just THE truth. I also wanted to mention (but failed to) that we can know the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Lisa actually made this point during class. Which I was so glad she did.) "All things" covers everything, not just spiritual matters. For instance, if you are in a school class or anywhere, you can know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, whether what is being taught or said is true or not.
I wish I was better at public speaking, but I tried. Hopefully I won't have to pipe up again in future church classes. But, as I learned on Sunday, I will if I have to defend truth.
That's my two cents.
Someone has to speak and teach truth. I'm glad you spoke up. This whole "my truth is different than your truth" is RIDICULOUS. What she was stating (the differences in preference of apples or oranges) is OPINION, not a TRUTH. Truth is eternal. Truth cannot be changed based off of someone's opinion or what they feel something should be. Truth is Truth. Always and forever. I guarantee there will be plenty more opportunities to speak up and defend truth in future classes. Guarantee.
ReplyDeleteGood job Tam!