For my lesson this month I didn't make as many visual aids as I usually do. So this will be a short entry. I would suggest reading the article in the May 2010 Ensign. It is a great conference talk. I told several stories of personal experiences and mom also told some. I think the lesson went well. Anyway, here are my notes.
Developing Good Judgment and Not Judging Others
Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer
April 2010 General Conference
JST Matt. 7: 1-2
Now these are the words which Jesus taught his disciples that they should say unto the people. Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged: but judge righteous judgment.
1- put your own personal standards in alignment with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2- listen to the messages of the living prophet.
3- cultivate with the Holy Spirit a relationship of listening.
4- keep the commandments
I was hoping to hear some of the personal experiences and stories you shared. Those always bring in the Spirit strongly. I know it was a wonderful lesson.