Friday, March 14, 2014

Doughnuts and Oak Ridge Boys

A couple of weeks ago, when Juliet was here in the morning getting me ready, she was shaving my legs and out of the blue said, "It's cool that your legs are still sexier than most people's legs" or something to that effect. It was funny, and of course, I appreciated the compliment :-)

Then we started singing the old Oak Ridge Boys classic, "American Made".  If you've never heard Juliet and me sing together, you haven't lived!  It's quite a treat to hear our vocals blend together :-) we always say that we should record a song together. it would sound tight! :-) Maybe one day :-)

A little bit later, after she pulled me up, she mentioned how fatigued and weak she was from moving.  She mentioned how when you're moving, you don't eat well.  I told her she should eat a high calorie diet to gain her strength back.  And she said, nonchalantly, that she has been trying to eat lots of doughnuts. We were both very serious.  Maybe you had to be there, but it was quite funny.  And then of course we started talking about our favorite kinds of doughnuts :-) after just discussing how great we look :-) it was hilarious.

Then, after discussing eating doughnuts and big macs, the conversation turned back to how we share a body and how good we look :-).  we always have a great time in the mornings :-).  I tried to find a picture where we look the same.  The following is the best one I found on my computer.
This picture was taken in my San Francisco apartment.  I'm guessing it was around '98 or '99.  Did we go to The Saddle Rack that night?  I don't remember why we were dressed up like that. But we look great, don't we? :-)

Of course I had to include a YouTube video of The Oak Ridge Boys singing, "American Made".  The best part about this video is when William Lee Golden goes off key.  The look on his face is hilarious :-)

I think I might do a post with pictures from my Utah State University graduation.  So look for that in the next couple of days.:-)


  1. That video of the Oak Ridge Boys was some of the tightest filming I've ever seen done. Great way to start the morning with some smiles. Awesome.

  2. Ahhh, yeah, look at those sexy long legs!!!:)
