Saturday, March 15, 2014

Utah State University Graduation 1996

I decided to share one more memory with you on my blog for the time being.  And that is my graduation from Utah State University in 1996.  I actually walked in June with all of the other graduates, but I had to complete one more course during the summer.  So I didn't really graduate until August.

I know there are more pictures than this, but this is all I have scanned on my computer.  These are just pictures taken in my apartment before the actual graduation.  Or maybe after?  I don't remember.

This was almost 18 years ago, and everybody looks so much younger!  :-) It's amazing what a few years and some life experiences will do :-)

Me, in the middle of course, with my awesome parents!

My brother Michael, me, my sister Lisa
Goofing off!  :-)

I'm ready for my close up :-)

I'm not sure about that red lipstick that I chose to wear :-)

With the cap but without the gown
Me and Dad :-)

This must've been after graduation because my hair is flatter and my lipstick is worn off :-)

I think it actually might be a better look :-)

Me with Mom :-)

Another close-up.

Looks like another self portrait

Taking self-portraits was a favorite pastime of mine :-) I think I probably have about 29 million self-portraits taken between 1993 -- after my mission and 2002.  :-) Don't worry I won't post them all :-)
They all look the same anyway.  :-)

Unfortunately this is the only picture I have with everybody in it.  I don't know why it turned out so dark.  This was back in the day of real film so unfortunately I didn't take another one.  It looks like the flash might not have gone off.  :-(

Me with my two brothers!
My real brother Michael, on the left and my plastic brother, Jason, on the right :-)

Me with my maternal grandparents.

Back row: Dad, Mom, Grandpa, and Me.
Front Row: Grandma

I don't really remember much about my graduation except standing on the quad with a bunch of other graduates from the College of Science,  waiting to walk to the spectrum. I seem to remember Michael waving his hat as we walked in to the spectrum.  I don't know where Juliet was except maybe still in Hawaii. 

   I received my Bachelor of Science Degree in biology with a minor in psychology.  :-)

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. This might be all for a while.  Until I come up with another plan :-)


  1. That seems like only a few years ago. It's hard to believe that life experiences can age and change a persons appearance so much- but now I see why the lady I went to church with 12 years ago didn't even recognize me when she saw me a few months ago.

    There were a lot of memories made at USU. Good times.
    Aggies for life!

  2. I love seeing all of your pictures from your mission and now, these. I cannot believe just how much Mike's kids look like him. And Richie looks so much like Lisa. You look so happy and, despite they physical changes that have come your way, your smile is still the same! Bright and lipstick and all! You are a tremendous example, and I am so glad that you have been able to share your stories online.
