Saturday, July 25, 2020

Myron Hampton Stone Memorial Two Mile Run -- Results

Today we held our first annual Myron Hampton Stone Memorial Two Mile Run.  We were able to have it at the Eatonville track.  The weather couldn't have been more beautiful.  Everyone did a great job and looked awesome in their shirts.  Here is my design:

I chose green for the color scheme because that was Dad's favorite color. I Photoshopped each image of Dad and put them on the track.  Very time-consuming.  Especially using only voice control.

From left to right: Dad running at Santa Rosa Junior College, Dad running later in life (probably mid 40s), and Dad working out with the BYU track team.  Two of the images were very poor resolution so I did the best I could.

I worked really hard on it and I think it turned out awesome.  If I do say so myself.  :-)

Special thanks to Lisa for all her hard work in pressing the T-shirts and mailing them to our out-of-state family. She also ran the errands and set up the race and registration and awards. Lisa put a lot of work into helping put this race together.  I really appreciate it.

Also special thanks to Rex for being our timer and statistician.  He did a great job as our race official.

And thanks to Juliet for providing the hoagies and drinks.  Everything was delicious.

Thank you to all who participated in any way.  I'm sure Dad is very pleased with how it all came together and how much support he had today.

By the way, for perspective, Dad ran his personal best of 8:50 in the two-mile at Stockholm Sweden while touring Europe with the BYU track team in 1968.

Here are the overall results:
  1. Aaron 14:23.58
  2. Dallas 14:31.59
  3. Cody 15:10.57
  4. Richie 15:19.09
  5. Juliet 16:08.81
  6. Elijah 16:36.86
  7. Michael 16:36.86
  8. Kylee 35.01.45
  9. Derrinda 37.32.60
  10. Lisa 37:33.68
  11. Brandon 42:03.19
  12. Kingston 42:43.18

  1. Aaron 14:23.58 Gold
  2. Dallas 14:31.59 Silver
  3. Cody 15:10.57 Bronze
  4. Richie 15:19.09
  5. Elijah 16:36.86
  6. Michael 16:36.86
  7. Brandon 42:03.19
  8. Kingston 42:43.18
  1. Juliet 16:08.81 Gold
  2. Kylee 35.01.45 Silver
  3. Derrinda 37.32.60 Bronze
  4. Lisa 37:33.68

Lisa did a great job organizing the racing shirts for easy distribution.

Richie and Rex carrying the cooler with the drinks.

These are the prizes for the drawing.  Two posters in frames with a replica vintage BYU track T-shirt.

Lisa and Richie before the race sporting their awesome shirts.

Checking out the prizes.

All attendees after the race.  A good-looking group all wearing their nice race shirts.

Female medal winners: Juliet Gold, Kylee Silver, Derrinda Bronze

Male medal winners: Aaron Gold, Dallas Silver, Cody Bronze

All medal winners

All participants after the race with their medals and ribbons.

During the race.

All participants before the race.

Dallas.  (Rude lady in gray)

Coming around the turn.

First male and female finishers.  Aaron and Juliet.

Elijah and Michael running tough.

Cooling off after the race.

Race official Rex

Prize drawing winners.  Cody with his large framed poster, Lisa with her replica vintage BYU track T-shirt, and Kingston with his smaller framed poster.
 Lisa was the first name drawn.  She chose the vintage BYU track shirt.  I chose the font and printed out the lettering.  Lisa painstakingly cut each letter out separately and pressed it in five different areas.  She did a great job on the layout and was hoping to win the shirt after all of her hard work.  And she did!  I think it turned out great and looks exactly like the shirt Dad is wearing in the photo.  I actually remember him wearing that when I was a kid.  That's how I knew it was a light blue T-shirt.

Kingston was the next name chosen in the drawing.  He chose the smaller 12 x 16 poster in the frame.

Cody was the third name drawn and received the 24 x 36 giant poster in the frame.  I think they were all pleased with their winnings.

Jason, Miley, Mercedes sporting their race shirts in honor of Grandpa.
All in all, I think everybody had a good time and enjoyed the race.  I hope so.

For those of you out of state, I hope you all received your shirts by now.  They were all mailed out on Tuesday with a few on Wednesday.  The post office is claiming slower delivery times due to COVID, so if you didn't get it by now, hopefully early next week.

I will update this blog with the photos, names and times of those who are participating out of state.

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