Wednesday, September 30, 2020

My Take on the Debate

I'm sure you all are on pins and needles waiting to hear my take on the debate last night.  Well, here you go.  There wasn't really a debate.  Every time President Trump would start debating, Chris Wallace would stop it.  Biden did nothing but spew lies, call names, and laugh.

I know a lot of people may think that President Trump was interrupting too much.  But all he was doing was trying to tell the truth and correct the lies.  He had to interrupt because Wallace would not let him respond to the lies.  Wallace wouldn't let him respond at all.

Biden did not debate.  He just spewed lies, disrespected the president by calling him all kinds of different names, and would just smile and laugh condescendingly.  Very childish and unprofessional.  Biden even lied about stuff where there is evidence-- video evidence to prove President Trump right. 

One example was when Biden said he never called soldiers a certain vulgar name -- there is video evidence to prove that he did.  Yet he still denied it.  When Biden claimed that law enforcement endorsed him, President Trump asked Biden to name specific law enforcement that endorses him and he flat out refused to answer the question.  Because there are none.  It was a joke. I could go on with examples of Biden's lies and incompetence, but it should be fairly obvious if you watched the debate.

President Trump was right when he said that he was debating Chris Wallace and not Biden.  Wallace was the worst moderator I have ever witnessed.  Totally and completely biased towards helping Biden and thwarting President Trump.  Biden had his rehearsed lines.  It was really more of a press conference than debate.

President Trump tried to make it a debate, but Chris Wallace would have none of it.  Chris had to coddle his demented fellow leftist. Par for the course for the media.

It would have been nice to have an actual debate but obviously Joe Biden is incapable of anything close to an actual debate with a man as smart as President Trump.  Chris Wallace made sure there would be no actual debate with all of his interruptions and stopping President Trump from refuting the lies and stopping President Trump anytime he asked Joe Biden a good question or made a good point.

Still, I think the American people are smart enough to figure out that President Trump is a fighter and will always do what is best for America and the American people.  President Trump is sincere, unlike plastic two-faced Biden.  President Trump wants to make America great again and keep America great.  Unlike Biden and the left who only want to help themselves while destroying America.  President Trump was up against two people last night and still crushed it.

That's my two cents.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Wallace was the worst. It was not even a debate.
