Monday, September 14, 2020

Symbol of Fear

Here is more evidence that the mask is just a symbol.  It symbolizes fear.  Rush Limbaugh was talking about the NFL and their anti-American antics. Ratings are way down from last year.  But the NFL head honchos don't care about that.  What are they concerned about?  Wearing masks.

Here is a quote from Rush Limbaugh today:
"Anyway, so while they’re demanding that everybody on the sidelines, from the coaches to the medical staff to the trainers to whoever, all wear masks and all maintain social distancing, right out there on the field you got 22 players not wearing masks who are not maintaining a social distancing of six feet. They’re out playing the game of football. They are exchanging bodily fluids in one of many different ways, including sweat and spit, and there are no steps being taken whatsoever to mitigate. And yet the league is insistent that over there on the sidelines everybody wear the masks. 
"Now, to me — look, I understand the league. They’ve got a bunch of local and state authorities that they have to keep happy here if they’re gonna get exemptions to have these games played eventually with fans in the stands. But just the hypocrisy of this is illustrative of the cockamamie aspects of all of it. If you can have 22 guys out there playing the game and not protected in any way, then you’re gonna get upset over people on the sidelines not wearing masks and so forth — is it okay for the 22 guys playing to get infected? Is it okay that they run the risk? Is it okay that they take no steps at mitigating? 
"Well, obviously it is because if they were to wear masks and if they were to maintain proper social distancing, guess what? There wouldn’t be any games. No way you can play football with a social distancing requirement of six feet. And there is no way you’re gonna get top athletic performance from skilled players wearing masks who need to be able to breathe unencumbered. 
"...National Football League players are tested every day. I don’t know — look. I think everybody is. I think the support staff, the coaches, the trainers, I think they’re all tested every day. You might say, well, then what does the mask mean? Why wear the mask? The mask is a symbol, folks. The mask means you are to be afraid." -- Rush, September 14, 2020 
The hypocrisy shows how crazy this is.  It's okay for 22 guys to play full contact tackle football, within inches of each other, breathing each other's air -- yet as soon as they go to the sidelines they have to wear a mask?  How ridiculous!

I actually noticed this watching a little college football this past week. The players coming off the field, remove their helmets and put their face masks on.  After they have just breathed on everyone on the field.  I saw a marching band socially distanced in the stands with masks on, blowing their trumpets and other instruments.  Thereby spewing viruses everywhere.  The mask will not stop a virus. Which, actually is not really a concern because they are outside, but it's the concept of wearing a mask while playing an instrument that is insane.

Wearing masks outside is unnecessary.  Ironically, the only people that might be spreading the virus outside are the 22 players on the field who are in close contact with each other.  Yet they are the only ones not wearing masks.  It's humorous.

Honestly, if healthy young athletes contract COVID-19 they will recover.  Most of them probably won't even know they have it or will have mild symptoms like a cold.  So why the big deal about masks and social distancing?  These are the exact people we need to get exposed to the virus to create herd immunity to protect the vulnerable.

It's all a political game. Democrats will do anything to try to regain power.  Including government mandates to wear face masks intended to instill fear and control people.

These nonsensical mask requirements for football certainly don't protect anyone from contracting the Chinese novel coronavirus.  But they do serve to control people by removing their agency and instilling excessive, unnecessary fear in people.

That's my two cents.

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